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Teen Titans #11 - Five Minutes to Midnight

Teen Titans

In Discord
Issue Eleven: Five Minutes to Midnight
Originally posted April 2018
Part 8 of the Minutes to Midnight event
With the sudden meteor crash in Hub City, the world had turned to chaos. A rock-like, nine-foot behemoth, Doomsday, had torn his way through the United States and showed no signs of stopping, with even the collective efforts of Earth’s heroes providing little to no resistance. And so, as Doomsday’s rampage shook the very foundations of New York City, pushing into Blüdhaven, Slade Wilson was forced to act prematurely.
Even with his enhanced mental and physical aptitude, Slade knew he’d provide little value to the effort against the creature. No, that wasn’t Slade’s plan at all. While heroes tossed Doomsday back and forth on street level, surging crowds of civilians pushed and clamoured, desperately trying to escape the teetering skyscrapers that lined the streets. Hospitals were no exception. But while others clawed and shoved and trampled to make their way out of the hospital, Slade Wilson charged in, his short white hair under a beige fedora, a small rucksack slung over his shoulder.
Slade reached the fifth floor, having launched up the back stairwell, to find the level almost desolate, save for the various patients abandoned by the staff, left to die in their respective wards. It was tragic, but - again - not why Slade was here. Barrelling past, Slade came to a door. Locked. Unlocked following one well-placed shot from his handgun. Pushing the door open, he came face-to-face once more with Rose, his teenage daughter.
“Dad!?” she exclaimed. Struggling as she lay helplessly in her isolated bed, her visage lit up in terror.
“Sweetie, we need to run.” Slade coughed, pulling a baseball cap over his head from inside of his rucksack and moving over to lift Rose from the bed.
Rose scurried back best she could, as her legs remained limp. She straightened her back. During Slade’s encounter with Superman, Rose had suffered injuries leaving her with gruesome nerve damage. She couldn’t just get up and run away, no matter how frustrated she grew. She furrowed her brow, “How can I trust you?”
“I’m your father, Rose,” Slade explained, “I’m the only family you have left.”
“And I also have a solution to your injuries. Your nerve damage.”
Rose looked at her father in disbelief. What could he possibly be talking about.
“Pumping through my veins is the sole remains of the Veritas serum, the long-forgotten science that granted me my enhanced capabilities.” Slade explained, “We can isolate the serum from my blood plasma and infuse it into you. Then your neurons will regenerate a such a rate you’ll be able to bounce and spring and run all you like.”
Rose swallowed. Her mother was dead. Slade was all she had. Without this serum she might never walk again.
The room began once more to rumble and shake.
But none of that would matter if she died trapped in the hospital.
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
Atop the New York County Supreme Court, the Dark Knight and his former-apprentice watched as their plan fell to pieces. The experimental teleporter Batman had employed to attempt to shift Doomsday outside of Earth’s atmosphere had failed. While it had succeeded in leeching all the power from the surrounding few city blocks, the teleport could simply not muster enough force to drag the stubborn giant into its bounds, instead releasing the masses of energy it had accumulated with a rapid, vicious shockwave.
It wasn’t hard, even from so high up, to make out the dancing colours of their allies’ outfits as they fought and struggled and failed to contain the frenzying monster, Doomsday. He had the strength of Wonder Woman, the durability of Superman and the reaction speed of The Flash. He was everything it would take to destroy the Justice League, and from above it was clear that it was becoming increasingly likely that Doomsday would accomplish that and much more.
As Batman grimaced at his unsuccessful trap, Dick picked out his friends - the Teen Titans - from the mayhem. Donna and her counterpart Wonder Woman continually risked damage and moved in close, Donna carving into Doomsday with her enchanted blade, while Diana brought precision blows to potential pressure points. Shifting and leaping back and forth in synchrony, the two pulled off ludicrous manoeuvres they had long since forgotten they know how to do, as if from muscle memory.
Doomsday clawed out at the two Amazons, leaving a gap for Cyborg’s lasers to scorch the granite hide of the towering monster. Vic barely left a mark but caused Doomsday to cry out in pain. This left enough of an opening for Supergirl - the honorary Titan - to rocket in. Kara Zor-El had just returned from dropping Batman’s newest acolyte, Robin, somewhere safe after he was almost obliterated by Doomsday’s retaliation. Wasting no time, she delivered a stern right hook to the side of Doomsday’s face, causing him to stagger and Kara to unwittingly slash her knuckles against the sharp, bony, beard-like projections that emerged from his jawline.
The hulking Doomsday stumbled, struggling to right his own incredible weight, before digging his heels into the asphalt below. The creature was forced to a stop, and quakes rang out for miles because of it. With a roar, Doomsday swung back around, lifting the remains of a burnt out SUV from the ground and launching it toward Supergirl at full pelt.
Kara smiled, illuminating her eyes in red and unleashing a narrow beam of heat vision to dissect the airborne vehicle, leaving both halves to fall limply either side of her. This seemed to infuriate Doomsday even more. He thrashed out, plucking Donna Troy out of the air, mid-downward slash. Electing not to play with his food, Doomsday used Donna as a weapon (quite literally), tossing her to collide with Vic’s metal legs, leaving them both in a pile on the ground.
During all of this, in his fear, Beast Boy played it smart. Using his various avian forms, Gar soared through the Blüdhaven streets, locating injured civilians before cautiously guiding them to safety in the form of a gentle gorilla. Yet despite falling into their roles naturally, the Teen Titans - along with their allies from the Justice League - continued to sustain injuries. Their pain cried out to Dick, who itched to jump into the fray. His eyes followed Vic especially, his heart growing heavy. What he’d learned from the Hub City meteor crash, Dick couldn’t share with him. Not in the middle of such a crisis.
“He’s smart,” spoke Batman, breaking the duo’s broody silence.
“Excuse me?” Dick asked.
“Beast Boy. He understands he can’t cut it against a brute that can, and continues to gore Superman. He applies himself elsewhere.”
“What are you saying?”
“I understand your dynamic with your team better than anyone,” Batman explained, the carnage still unfolding below, “You’re leagues ahead of them in experience, but in lacking the gifts your allies boast, you feel like you have more to prove.”
“Look, you must have something else prepared!” Dick exclaimed, “Something to even out the playing field?”
“Like what? Some Bat-mech-suit powered by glowing gemstones?” Batman retorted, “Don’t be ridiculous.”
Bruce grabbed Dick and pulled him to face his way, forcing his gaze away from the conflict. “Guile and gadgetry won’t save you against a creature like Doomsday.”
“Bruce, I’m not useless—”
“We use our guile to pick our battles,” Bruce didn’t break eye contact for a moment, “Not running away from a threat, but running toward another problem requiring a solution.”
“Like what?”
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
In a formation that was most definitely rehearsed, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter swooped into view from behind the bank building. First went the Martian, who forced Doomsday’s attention onto himself with physic manipulation. While Diana applied all her might in heaving the golden lasso that encircled the beast, Doomsday lurched forward to choke the not-so-little green man out of the air, only for his brutish fist to fall right through him, the Martian shifting his density in order to phase. Then, in Doomsday’s confusion, the Lantern Hal Jordan drove a construct the form of a metal rod through the shoulder of the arm still extended from his last attack.
Doomsday recoiled violently, inadvertently pulling free from Wonder Woman’s lasso, and reached to extract the sharp implement, only to find the green rod had already dematerialised. Not that he had the intelligence to understand what that meant.
“Damn,” Vic groaned pulling himself up and out from under Donna, “We can’t even make a dent in this guy!”
“No,” someone replied. Vic looked up to find Superman helping Donna to her feet, “We’ve made plenty of dents. He’s just tough enough to shrug ‘em off..”
Then with a burst of air, Superman jetted up, up and towards Doomsday, ready to try another punch that would almost certainly prove useless. But his words resonated with Vic.
Just like Superman.” Vic came to a sudden realisation. Across the desolated street, he hollered the nearest hero, who just happened to be a hovering Girl of Steel. “You and Supes got super listening, right?”
“Well it’s more like super hearing but—”
“Well you won’t wanna hear this.” Vic fired another scorching beam at Doomsday, demanding his attention, “You listening?!”
Raising his right arm, Cyborg shifted his laser blaster into a larger, more concave instrument. Charging in recklessly, he aimed his sonic cannon directly for Doomsday’s head and let loose a monstrously powerful sonic pulse. The attack rocked the unprepared Superman to the ground as he just escaped the full blast, but with him fell Doomsday.
The grey beast crawled along the asphalt, pounding at his own head in attempt to block out the rupturing sound waves Cyborg concentrated his way. Heroes looked on in awe, as someone finally brought Doomsday to his knees.
“That’s right, bitch,” Vic spat, his sonic cannon still blaring. But it didn’t last. Almost as if a switch flipped, Doomsday’s cries stopped. With a single, high-speed shift, Doomsday collided with Vic, sending him hurtling off, crashing through the walls of the nearby apartments - emptied by his teammates - before continuing on through the walls of the multi-storey casino a block behind.
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
A rumble permeated through the air as Cyborg’s Prometheum frame was dashed through the foot of Blüd’s hottest haunt, the Whaler’s Supercasino. The workmanship was shoddy, likely performed by cheap cowboys, so it only took Vic taking out a single pillar for the entire building to destabilise.
From their perch the Dynamic Duo watched the dust begin the rise and the debris begin to fall. Within seconds, they bounced into action. Batman retrieved his grapnel gun - Barbara’s design - and fired, launching himself into the air alongside a somersaulting Nightwing.
“Manhunter, tell me the evacuation effort’s reached Whaler’s casino.”
“Of course, Batman,” J’onzz responded, “Team Flash swept through. They’re already blocks away from the current battleground.”
“But, Batman?” a different, more hurried voice interrupted. Watchtower, the League’s resident hacker. “You need to get down there fast. Flash and co. got everyone out of the casino, but the parademics and the SCU? They’re still down there.”
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
On the ground, Superman wrenched a steel telephone booth from the ground and lifted it overhead. They were an artefact quite common in the neon-vintage Blüdhaven, an anachronism stew of a town, and one would do fine enough as a projectile. Or so thought Superman as he crashed the steel cage down on the giant grey gladiator. As predicted, the phone booth crunched and deformed against his mighty skin, but the force applied by the Kryptonian, so quickly, was more than enough to begin to drive Doomsday down into the road, cracking it slightly.
Yet before Doomsday could retaliate, he was already caught in the heroes’ next attack. A celadon railroad laying itself towards and beneath him, Doomsday was blinded by the scorching lights that gave way to an emerald freight train on a collision course. Atop the train stood a rider. Fierce. Determined. Diana of Themyscira.
With a green flash, the locomotive exploded against the creature, with Wonder Woman defying gravity as she leapt from atop, slamming her bracelets together while still airborne to dig the bloodied and bruised Doomsday deeping into the ground.
While Diana touched down effortlessly, the dust cleared to reveal the monster considerably worse for wear. Yet he didn’t seem any less determined in spite of it.
“Now!” cried Donna Troy, revealing herself soaring overhead, with the assistance of Supergirl, cape billowing in the wind. That same moment, Kara released Donna, leaving her to fall several feet, preparing for her attack.
Yet Doomsday remained entirely disinterested in the black-clad warrior as he reached for the debris from fallen buildings he found at his feet. As Donna raked her blade across the behemoth’s spiked back, Doomsday leapt into the air with incredible height. Then at the height of his jump, Doomsday threw both arms downward, raining rock and brick down from above.
Donna growled to herself. This was getting needlessly messy, and they were seemingly getting nowhere.
As if a meteor had hit the earth once more, Doomsday collided with the ground several metres away. But the Justice League wouldn’t give him a second’s leeway, with Donna and Kara close behind them.
His momentum still carrying him, Doomsday padded along the ground on all fours, raking up the road as he ground to a stop. A rapidfire laser assault from Green Lantern nicked uselessly again his hide, making him snarl. He crashed his fists against the ground simultaneously, letting forth something of a seismic wave, plenty to knock both of the grounded Amazon’s off their feet.
“Wow! He really is ugly!” a voice heckled from behind. While Doomsday tried to keep pace with the rapidly phase-shifting Manhunter, and while the Kryptonian cousins continued to lay on heavy blows, Donna peered around the mayhem to the source of the cry. A squad of mostly-average-looking rogues walking right to their deaths.
Towards the disaster area walked a greasy man in a long blue coat; a small, fierce-looking woman in a white and red mask; and a wide, beastly, topless man, covered head-to-toe in green scales. Leading them? Some definitely-average-looking soldier, brandishing a definitely-not-average RPG launcher.
“Boomerang, see if you can find and fish out our cyborg friend. Croc, ready for manoeuvre.” Colonel Rick Flagg readied the rocket launcher on his shoulder, relaying his order to his unflinching subordinates, “And Katana? Stay sharp.”
Flagg pulled the trigger, unleashing what he thought was hell upon Doomsday and his metahuman entourage. Superman grimaced on impact, unharmed - much like Doomsday - but sour at the foolish soldier’s attempt at heroism.
“Welp,” Flagg looked to Katana, prompting her so unsheath her singing, ornate sword, “That’s why we have you.”
“Rick Flagg?!” Hal Jordan called, “You need to get out of here. You’re no match!”
But Katana had her orders, already sprinting towards the stony foe. Just as rehearsed, Killer Croc scooped Katana up, swinging her violently around like a hammer thrower before letting go, hurtling the fearless samurai forward.
In her hands, Tatsu Yamashiro clutched the Soultaker, an ancient weapon forged by Muramasa in the 14th Century. Said to collect the souls of those it felled, this weapon could have turned the tides of the battle. It could have, if Doomsday hadn’t swatted her out of the air.
Katana came to rest beside Donna, broken and writhing. Donna moved to help, or perhaps take up the legendary blade herself. But before she could, the injured samurai was whisked away by the red blur of a conveniently-timed speedster.
Flagg blinked twice, while Croc showed no such hesitation. Yet Doomsday dwarfed even Waylon Jones, human-crocodile genetic hybrid, snatching him off of his feet and using his heavy body as a weapon.
Practising his shot put, Doomsday dashed forward and released Killer Croc.
Sweat poured off of Donna, her red blood drying and turning to pewter clay. She could feel her body begin to give way under the weight of her immensely heavy battle armour. All this, she processed in bullet time, watching the reptilian man soar through the air on a collision course towards the equally wary but ultimately superior Amazon warrior. Donna braced herself and dashed, trading fates with her older sister and allowing the airborne Croc to clobber her against a wall.
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
A woman in a hi-vis jacket struggled in attempt to drag an injured man to safety. Rubble fell from above towards the stationary ambulances and the brave souls that poured in and out of them, narrowly missing the civilians as if they were navigating a minefield. But before falling debris could strike the daring paramedic, Batman leapt in, tackling her to safety, with Nightwing scooping up the wounded man mid-pounce. A stone gargoyle smashed to dust on the sidewalk as the crusaders pulled both civilians out of harm’s way.
“Where’s everyone els—” Dick was cut off by the cries of a man along the street, caught beneath a steel beam, among other debris. Making knowing eye contact with his mentor, Dick took off towards the man, leaving the paramedic and her friend in the loving care of the Dark Knight.
Dick looked upon the distressed businessman, steel weighing heavy across his midsection. His eyes were wide and wild, his face gaunt as he flinched at the sight of the masked vigilante.
“Thank God!” he squealed, “I thought you were the Bat. Please just get me outta here.”
Nightwing nodded and reached down for the beam, wasting no time. Wrapping his gloved hands around the cold metal, Dick surprised himself as his adrenaline-enhanced strength was more than enough to heave and lift the two-hundred kilo mass enough to begin to pull the man free. But in doing so, Dick had unwittingly dislodged some stone partway up the building, the entire mass highly unstable. Stuck pulling the man out from under the beam, Nightwing was at the mercy of the gods, until - in a flash - both Dick and the man found themselves back beside Batman, the once-trapped businessman jumping at the sight of him.
Dick took a deep breath and looked upon his saviour. In what looked like improved outfit consisting of red and yellow coloured military armour, a young red-haired speedster stood, looking exasperated. “Hey… name’s… Kid Flash... You know, you should really be more aware of your surroundings.” Kid Flash grinned, before catching eyes with the Batman. Bolting upright, he took a gulp of air and smiled, “Well… Gotta motor!”
And a second later he was gone.
“That was reckless,” Batman said.
“I know,” Dick conceded, “But you would have done the same thing.”
Batman nodded, with a knowing smirk.
Taking another deep breath of his own, Dick activated his communicator. “Watchtower, is the area clear?”
“Yes, Nightwing. You’re clear to—”
In Dick’s ear, Chloe Sullivan’s voice was cut off suddenly by a harsh siren, blaring back and forth between C sharp and D. Knowing what the personalised alarm meant instantly, Dick’s eyes shot open and the surrounding world began to grow quiet.
“What is it?” Batman barked, not hearing the alarm in his own ear piece.
Dick looked Bruce dead in the eye, as if his world was falling apart. It was urgent.
“It’s a distress message,” Dick replied, his heart heavy, “From Babs.”
‘It’s Jason. Come Alone.’
“Go.” Bruce didn’t entertain keeping him for another moment.
“But what about you?”
“I’ll help.” A third voice interjected, demanding both men’s attention. Dick looked to the source, and immediately began to grind his teeth. There was the face of the man that had put Barbara Gordon in a wheelchair many months ago. Floyd Lawton. Deadshot.
But as Dick finally came face-to-face with the man who had blown his life open, driving a rift between not only him and Babs, but him and Jason, a strange serenity overtook him. He looked at Lawton with new eyes, and instead saw the face of a man who carried the guilt of what he’d done with him as his ball and chain. He saw a man willing to lend a hand so that Dick could save the woman he loved.
And so Dick Grayson, leader of the Teen Titans, took off, abandoning the battlefield.
Doomsday’s rampage continues today in Steel #9
And follow Nightwing in Oracle #2
submitted by AdamantAce to AdamantAce [link] [comments]

Are there any rules against buying pokemon?

Like would I be allowed to buy a Dragonite at the casino?
submitted by Isaac_ODoran to nuzlocke [link] [comments]

Some thoughts from someone who's only played Gen 1 and 2 and just finished Gen 6 X/Y for the first time.

As the title says, I got Blue right when it came out in North America, then Yellow, then Silver. I lost interest in favor of other games and hobbies and when I saw a sale for a 3DS over a decade later, I decided it would be fun to pick up Pokemon Y as well since I could get it for a good price.
Not knowing anything about the game or the games in between, I was (for the most part) completely and utterly blown away at how far this series has come. (After beating it, I watched speedruns of the games in between so I know the general gist of all of them now.)
Some things I loved:
1) The 3D battles and how they managed not to add as much time on the battles as I thought they would when doing it in 3D. This is everything 8 year old me imagined in my head when I was playing out the battles in RBY.
2) The sheer scope of the world. Celadon City was supposed to be biggest city in RBY with a megamall and a casino. You got what they were going for, but you could bike through the city in about 2 seconds. But man, Lumoise City is something else. I actually got lost multiple times in there.
3) Oh my god, so many Pokemon - I don't have to kill 8,000 Koffings, the trainers don't have 4 of the same Pokemon, and there aren't only one evolution line of Dragons and Ghosts anymore. If I want a Ghost Pokemon, not only do I have a ton to pick from, but I can get them early in the game.
4) The Gyms - RBY and GSC played a bit with the Gym concept matching the gym you were in where Sabrina's gym was a warp maze, Pryce's gym was an ice puzzle, but these are just on another level and some are absolutely breathtaking. The Elite 4 rooms are awesome as well.
5) The entire trading and event system is *so good*. Whoever invented Wonder Trade deserves a damn medal and the GTS is even better. The Event Pokemon are a little weird. In the game I was just some no name scrub trainer with 2 badges, who also happened to own a Level 100 Celebi. Not a complaint, just kind of funny that it happens that way when you haven't beaten the game.
Okay, now for stuff I don't like.
1) The game is ridiculously easy - no this isn't just that I'm not a kid anymore. It really is too easy. Every time I'm in some semblance of a dungeon area, there's always someone who will randomly just heal my Pokemon like it's nothing.
I was in Reflection Cave for 10 minutes and there's someone to heal me. Power Plant? Healer. Victory Road? Healer. Team Flare's secret base? They have beds guarded by their own team members and you can just sleep in them and get healed.
The NPCs and my multiple rivals just hand out potions and revives and Pokeballs like nothing.
The prize money you get, especially with Amulet coin is too much. By the end of the game, I was running on a surplus of $750,000? What am I even supposed to do with it? (I assume it's for costume changes or something).
2) I don't like Team Flare or the general story. I actually was happy to see, when I watched the other games, that this was mostly a Gen 6 problem for me. The story of Gen 3 seemed good (and ORAS seems even better) and I think the Gen 5 story is the best they've ever done. Gen 5 showed that a kid game can still offer a ton for adult gamers since they basically had PETA for Pokemon and really brought up the ethics of the whole thing.
But while playing X/Y and encountering Team Flare I couldn't help but think how...not evil this organization was. I mean everyone's just talking about how they're dressed, how stylish Team Flare is and the whole thing just seemed so...goofy.
Lysandre was a good villain at least, but I wish he'd run his organization a bit more seriously.
3) All of your rivals suck and I wish I didn't have to see one of them every time I walk somewhere I've never been before. I can't believe one of them actually wants to make a Pokemon dancing team.
One of my favorite things about the original 2 gens is the rugged individualism of the game. That you'd go out on your own, against all odds find your way through the world, take on a criminal organization, etc. and come out on the other side as the sole victor.
To me there's something almost romantic about solitary travel and struggling on your own to make it.
In Gen 1, your Rival was a complete jerk. Every time I heard his music, I knew it was about to go down. In Gen 2, your Rival was boderline evil, and the same deal really. They were your rivals, the people you always wanted to beat. But it seems as time went on, not only did your rivals become friends that you just had these buddy-buddy Pokemon fights with, but in Gen 6, it almost became a group quest.
Everyone moves together, everyone sees each other all the time, and the Professor shows up way too often. It's not so much you going out on your quest as much as it's become a guided tour of Kalos. Oh also, I wish they'd stop calling me that stupid nickname. If only I had known I'd hear it every 2 minutes I would have just put my own name again...
Anyway, thanks for reading. I have a lot of little things, but those were some big picture stuff I liked and didn't like.
I'm definitely getting Sun/Moon, I like the fan theory that it's basically what GSC was for Kanto since there's a train in X/Y that doesn't work. And AZ seems like a sort of interesting character I wouldn't mind seeing more of.
submitted by 1amathrowaway to pokemon [link] [comments]

Could you please rate my fan made game idea, Pokemon Turquoise and Violet?

The notes for my fan-made Pokemon game idea from many years ago: Pokemon Turquoise and Violet.
Opening theme song!
Towns, Cities, and Environments:
1) BOSTONE TOWN (Northeast district)
Size: Small
What's there: Your hometown, Mom's House, Professor Willow's lab, where you get your starter Pokemon at.
Your sister will take the starter with the advantage, adding it as the sixth member of her already impressive team, and Professor Willow will keep the third one for herself.
2) LINA SWAMP (Southeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: Many water type Pokemon
After leaving Bostone, you'll board a train that will take you to Lina Swamp, in order to do an errand for Professor Willow. This will have you skip Newtork City and Illadel City, which are located directly south of Bostone Town. This will also have you skip past Wishing Town, the site of the Pokemon League.
3) MYAMEE CITY (Southeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Pokemon Training Academy, The first Pokemon Gym (Water), the Beachside Front store, the first encounter of Team Smog.
You'll have to show up the freshmen at Pokemon Training Academy, and beat some pushy Team Smog members at Beachside Front.
4) ORLAN HARBOR (Southeast district)
Size: Small
What's there: S.S. Louis
At Orlan Harbor, you'll be tasked with helping Professor Willow with another task. She wants you to travel to the Hami Islands to pick up an artifact for her and deliver it to her. But to get there, you'll have to board the S.S. Louis and fight some trainers along the way.
5) HAMI ISLANDS (Southeast district)
Size: Large
What's there: Rare, wild Pokemon, Legend Cave
Hami Island is home to some rare and very powerful Pokemon, but you won't be able to access it until you complete the Pokemon League Tournament and beat the Elite Four. Here, you'll have to hike up the side route (safe route) of Legend Cave and meet a collegue of Professor Willow to pick up the artifact. You can have a Pokemon pick it up at Myamee City.
6) DELIS TOWN (Southeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: First Pokemon Contest, Pokemon Arena.
Delis Town may have no gyms, but this city northwest of Orlan Harbor is still very important. It holds the first Pokemon Contest, as well as Pokemon Arena, will you'll later be able to access for one on one battles once you have the minimum number of badges. But for right now, you'll have to step up against Team Smog, who are trying to push their Pokemon training ways against a group of townsfolk who don't agree with their agendas.
7) HOWTON CITY (Southeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Second Pokemon Gym (Steel), Sports Museum
Howton City is a desert metropolis that loves sports and even has some Pokemon themed sports games! Right now, their annual playoffs are being interrupted by some Grimer and Muk that are causing trouble with their oil refineries. No one can understand how to take care of them but you. Defeat the sludge Pokemon problem and you'll be allowed to fight for the second gym badge. You'll also be granted entry into the Ari Desert.
8) ARI DESERT (Southwest district)
Size: Large
What's there: Ground and Fire type Pokemon
The Ari Desert is your first and best chance to catch good Ground Pokemon, as well as some fire types, too. Though prone to sandstorms at times generated by the Pokemon, you'll need to navigate this area to move forward to Phinis City.
9) PHINNIS CITY (Southwest district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Third Pokemon Gym (Fire), Pokemon Spa, Pokemon Fan Club HQ
Phinnis City is a town that worships Moltres and loves to live life relaxed. They have a big beauty and spa business here, but one of Team Smog's lieutenants also runs this business and she, along with the rest of Team Smog, have taken notice of you, by now. They refuse to let you battle for their town's gym badge, but maybe the Pokemon Fan Club, which has it's home office here, can help? Once you take care of Team Smog's barricades, you can fight for the third gym badge and move onward to the western coast of Merrico.
10) LOANGA CITY (Southwest district)
Size: Large
What's there: The Fourth Pokemon Gym (Psychic), Loanga Studios, Pokemon Salon, HM for Surf
Loanga City is a beachside metropolis and home to all of the world's biggest television and movie studios. It is also home to some of the richest Pokemon trainers around, as well. Your training has caught the attention of some movie makers and they want to film a documentary about your Pokemon League journey from the shadows. Also, you'll run across Katie, your big sister, who currently lives out here, and she'll want to challenge you to a battle before facing the gym leader! After that, you can fight for the fourth gym badge. Once you're finished doing that though, reports of a major disaster will come in from nearby Wahii Island.
11) WAHII ISLAND (Southwest district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Fifth Pokemon Gym (Grass), the Volcano Range, Wahii Island Resort Hotel
You are tasked to join Katie to help out the townsfolk as the volcano on Wahii Island has erupted suddenly and the whole area is in a state of crisis. You'll need to enter the Volcano Range in the southeast corner of the island and investigate the problem with Katie, who'll meet you there. You soon find out it's a Team Smog lieutenant trying to catch all the fire types there for Team Smog, and in the process, is disturbing the habitat for the Fire and Poison type Pokemon that live there. Once he refuses to stop, you'll be left with no choice but to fight him. Watch out, though! He's strong! Once you and Katie have settled the Volcano back to it's relaxed state, you'll be able to fight the fifth gym leader and her top Pokemon, Ludicolo. Afterwards, you can choose to visit the Wahii Island Resort Hotel, a place your Pokemon will love, as treating them can raise their tameness.
12) VEGA TOWN (Southwest district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Game Corner Casino, Second Pokemon Contest
After heading back to shore in Loanga Town, the access to Vega Town will be clear, and it's located just northeast of Loanga City. Vega Town is a place of extravagance and showmanship, so it makes the perfect place to hold a Pokemon Contest! Also located here is teh Game Corner Casino, the largest building in the city, and they are currently holding a contest to see who can earn the most Game Corner coins to win a Porygon.
13) CISCO TOWN (Northwest district)
Size: Medium
What's there: Team Smog HQ, Pokemon Daycare, Name Rater
Cisco Town is an otherwise peaceful and laid back town by the sea, however, it is currently being plagued by Team Smog, as they've set up their new headquarters here, and are on a mission to recruit as many trainers as possible. They've even gone to the lengths to steal some new prototype Poke Balls from the Poke Ball company, located in Chickago City. You've been asked to help get it back by the Chickago City gym leader. Battle Team Smog in their pyramid-shaped headquarters and get back the stolen technology developed by the Chickago City gym leader's brother. Get the Poke Balls back and you'll recieve a Master Ball! Also located in Cisco Town is the Pokemon Daycare and the Name Rater.
14) FORNIAN CAVE (Northwest district)
Size: Medium
What's there: Rock and Electric type Pokemon
Fornian Cave is a pass you'll have to travel through in order to proceed to Attle Town and surrounding cities. It is a good place to find decent Electric type Pokemon.
15) ATTLE TOWN (Northwest district)
Size: Medium
What's there: Battle Tower, Pokemon Library
Attle Town is isolated and hard to get to, but worth it. Located here is the famed Battle Tower, a good place to earn both experience points to level up your Pokemon and cool prizes. While Battle Tower isn't as hard as the Pokemon Arena, the key thing here is experience points ARE awarded at the end of each battle! (A tiny amount of cash is, as well.) Also located here is the very important Pokemon Library, which houses a database about everything important about every Pokemon. Some sections are closed off until you advance further though, and you'll currently only be able to study up on Pokemon you own. Before you can advance further on your journey, you'll be tasked to do another favor for Professor Willow, this one having you go way up to the Ice Mountain.
16) LASKA CITY (Northwest district)
Size: Small
What's there: The Third Pokemon Contest, Ice Mountain
Welcome to the snowy home of the third Pokemon Contest, rested just at the foothills of Ice Mountain. Rest your Pokemon here and prepare and stock up for the long journey up the mountain. While Ice Mountain is the premiere place to catch the best Ice type Pokemon, you've been sent here to assist Professor Willow with a case involving Articuno, the snow bird. Once you get the Snow Feather it leaves behind, you can have it delivered to Willow in Laska City.
17) STONY MOUNTAINS (Northwest district)
Size: Large
What's there: Rock and Steel type Pokemon
There are two parts to this area, but luckily, you'll only have to explore the first part right now. It is necessary to proceed on. Later on, you'll have to explore the second part in order to gain the key into the Pokemon League.
18) VERDEN CITY (Northwest district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Sixth Pokemon Gym (Rock), the Science Museum
Verden City is a snowy mountain town squeezed between the Stony Mountains and Homa Acres. Here, you'll come across Katie again, and you'll also have to try to find the town gym leader, who is currently at the Science Museum. Once you find her, you can challenge her and her Rock type pokemon at her gym to earn your sixth gym badge.
19) HOMA ACRES (Northwest district)
Size: Large
What's there: Homa Farm, Homa Wildlife Refuge, The Safari Zone
Homa Acres is a lush and vast meadow which is where Homa Farms is located at, the place to get MooMoo Milk from their Miltank. Also here is a wildlife refuge, and taking a tour of it will earn you a pass to the safari Zone. In the Safari Zone, you can ride around in the back of a jeep and approach wild, overpopulated Pokemon to keep for your own! Participating in the Safari Zone not only helps your Pokemon league journey, but helps save the environment, as well!
20) SALOUIS TOWN (Northeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Fourth and Final Pokemon Contest, Pokemon Research Institute
Salouis Town is a small, industrial town east of Homa Acres. Here, you'll find the Grand Championships of the Pokemon Contests, as well as the Pokemon Research Institute, which will not only inform you of Pokemon Breeding, but will also serve as a second Daycare center, as well. Albeit it's not as good as the one in Cisco Town.
21) CHICKAGO CITY (Northeast district)
Size: Large
What's there: The Seventh Pokemon Gym (Electric), The Monorail Station, The Pokeball Company, Move Deleter
Before you can do much of anything, you'll have to take care of the raid on the Pokeball Company by a vengeful Team Smog! They've sought revenge and once again, you'll team up with the city gym leader. Joining you will be your sister, Katie. This time, you're looking to cripple the cruel and heartless Pokemon intensity trainers. After the battle with Team Smog leader, Gordy, you'll be free to explore the rest of the city. Chickago City includes a monorail station that runs all over Merrico and will be up and running by the time you defeat Team Smog. You can also explore The Pokeball Company and buy Poke Balls in bulk for cheap, and visit the Move Deleter, who lives here. Just don't forget to battle for your seventh gym badge against the Electric type user and new ally.
22) DETRI CITY (Northeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Eighth Pokemon Gym (Fighting), Pokemon Dojo, Abandoned Factory, which contains wild Fighting type Pokemon
Detri City is known for it's toughness and it's townsfolk certainly prove this. Before you can face off for the eighth gym badge, you'll have to prove yourself worthy by attending the Pokemon Dojo. After some lessons and exercise training, you'll have to fight in a round of double battles. And even after that, though, you'll soon find out that no trainer can fight the gym leader without owning at least one Fighting type Pokemon. If you need to catch some, head over to the abandoned factory. At least you're not required to battle using a Fighting type, however, if you win with one, you'll be rewarded with an extra copy of the prize TM!
23) TORK FOREST (Northeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: Normal and Bug type Pokemon
The Tork Forest, which separates Detri City and Bostone Town, is the final location that'll take you back home to Bostone Town. It is also the premiere location to find Normal and Bug type Pokemon in the wild. Professor Willow will call you after earning your eighth gym badge and tell you to come visit her. Head through this forest to meet up with her. You'll learn that she has upgraded your Pokedex's hardware. You'll also receive something special for all your help in assisting her.
24) ILLADEL CITY (Northeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Ninth Pokemon Gym (Dark), The Trading Center, Illadel Diner, Pokemon Athletic Club.
The Gym Leader of Illadel City is the mother of Team Smog's Gordy and this is also Gordy's hometown. You'll have to compete against his friends and family in this location where you are not welcome. But will Kristal, the gym leader originally from Eruteak City, Johto, be looking to seek vengeance against her bratty son, or does she approve of your actions? Joining you, to root you on, will be Katie, your big sister. Also located here is a competitive Pokemon Eating competition, held at Illadel Diner. And the Pokemon Athletic Club.
25) NEWTORK CITY (Northeast district)
Size: Largest
What's there: The Tenth and Final Pokemon Gym (Ghost), Department Store, Sky High Tower, The Trading Center, The TM Company
Newtork City is considered one of the grandest and greatest cities in the world, and it is brimming with things to do! Its mascot is a Torkoal. Everything from the Sky High Tower, a 100 Trainer gauntlet (which will be open to you after defeating the Pokemon League), to the extravagant Space Circle Department Store, to the TM Company. The only story quest required here is to beat the awaiting Ghost type Gym Leader, Melvin, a trainer originally from Celadon City, Kanto. After earning your final badge, the Pokemon Arena in Delis Town will be accessible. Also, Professor Willow will want you to visit her in Bostone Town, where she'll tell you of your quest to find a Pokemon League Official with your entrance pass into the league, located somewhere in the northern, more difficult section of the Stony Mountains.
26) WISHING TOWN - Pokemon League Tournament (Northeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Pokemon League Tournament in Tournament Arena
Your final test was the difficult Stony Mountains and you've passed! Now that you've got your key, you have access into the Pokemon League Tournament! There are 256 trainers from all around the world looking to compete in this tournament, but only one can win: you! You will face off in eight three-Pokemon battles in order to advance through the Pokemon league. The trainers you'll face have no specific favorite type and will be pretty well diverse. Your Pokemon will be healed between battles, but if you lose once, it's all over! Luckily, the trainers here aren't as tough as the ones in Battle Tower, Pokemon Arena, or the later ones from Sky High Tower, however they will all have final form Pokemon or decent Pokemon that don't evolve. You could say, it's your first true test against Merrico's elite.
27) WISHING TOWN - Elite Four Stadium (Northeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Elite Four, The Champion
After being crowned the winner of the Pokemon League Tournament, you'll have earned a chance to join legends amongst the Elite Four, which are sort of like gym leaders for the world's best trainers. All of them have held their own against the best and are former League Champions. You can battle the Elite Four in any order to wish, but they are three-Pokemon battles and you must defeat all of them in a row. Items are allowed prior to, and during battle. The Champion, your father, will engage you in a six-Pokemon battle, and nothing is off limits (except fleeing). Other than that, the same Gym Leader Battle rules apply.
  1. Harrison - Ground
  2. Lindsey - Ice
  3. Michelle - Normal
  4. Arthur - Dragon
  5. Dad - Champion
Age: 22
Description: Very attractive young woman in skirt and boots, long flowing hair, her skin tone and hair color depends on what your own trainer's appearance is. Is your big sister and likes to tease you, often.
Final Phase Team:
  • Lopunny (leader)
  • Third Starter Pokemon (Evolved form)
  • Evolved form of Eevee (Evolution based on type advantage of 3rd Starter Pokemon)
  • Blissey
  • Girafarig
  • Kecleon
The Pokemon League Gyms:
1) Myamee Town Pokemon Gym
Leader: Carlos (m)
Age: 20
Description: Tanned Latin Surfer
Water type user
Badge: The SurfBadge
Difficulty: *
  • Goldduck
  • Staryu
  • Quagsire
2) Howton City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Billy (m)
Age: 32
Description: Brown-haired Rugged Cowboy
Steel type user
Badge: The IronBadge
Difficulty: **
  • Skarmory
  • Lairon
  • Beldum
3) Phinnis City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Dennie (f)
Age: 17
Description: Hot Teenager (similar to Flannery, but brunette)
Fire type user
Badge: The BurnBadge
Difficulty: **
  • Ninetales
  • Rapidash
  • Flareon
4) Loanga City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Adam (m)
Age: 39
Description: Suited Executive w/ Sunglasses
Psychic type user
Badge: The KinesisBadge
Difficulty: ***
  • Gardevoir
  • Medicham
  • Espeon
5) Wahii Island Pokemon Gym
Leader: Sadie (f)
Age: 23
Description: Hawaiian native girl w/ straw skirt and flowers in hair
Grass type user
Badge: The LeafBadge
Difficulty: **
  • Ludicolo
  • Bellossom
  • Roselia
6) Verden City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Shiane (f)
Age: 27
Description: Geologist woman w/ glasses
Rock type user
Badge: The MountainBadge
Difficulty: **
  • Lunatone
  • Omastar
  • Rhydon
7) Chickago City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Morris (m)
Age: 21
Description: Young adult blonde male with jacket, cap and fingerless gloves
Electric type user
Badge: The ShockBadge
Difficulty: ***
  • Electabuzz
  • Lanturn
  • Jolteon
8) Detri City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Jimmy (m)
Age: 25
Description: Black athletic male in sleeveless top and sweatpants, w/ sneakers
Fighting type user
Badge: The ScuffleBadge
Difficulty: ****
  • Heracross
  • Machamp
  • Hariyama
9) Illadel City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Kristal (f)
Age: 38
Description: Businesswoman in long skirt and tight bun navy-blue hairdo
Extra: TRUE leader of Team Smog (Turquoise version only)
Extra: Opposes Team Smog, her son's organization (Violet version only)
Dark type user
Badge: The NovaBadge
Difficulty: ****
  • Shiftry
  • Sharpedo
  • Houndoom
10) Newtork City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Melvin (m)
Age: 24
Description: A young adult male "cooltrainer", complete with baseball cap and trainer's jacket; he has black hair
Extra: A former Pokemon League Champion of Kanto
Extra: The best friend of Chickago City's Morris
Ghost type user
Badge: The SpiritBadge
Difficulty: ****
  • Gengar
  • Dusclops
  • Misdreavus
HARRISON, from Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh (m)
Ground type user
Age: 19
Description: Looks like a young, but burly Professor Oak (is unrelated to him)
Difficulty: ****
  • Donphan
  • Marowak
  • Claydol
LINDSEY, from Mahogany Town, Johto (f)
Ice type user
Age: 33
Description: Looks like a Victorian era queen; has blonde hair
Difficulty: ****
  • Dewgong
  • Piloswine
  • Walrein
MICHELLE, from Slateport City, Hoenn (f)
Normal type user
Age: 24
Description: Very attractive and shapely perky Asian lady
Difficulty: ****
  • Tauros
  • Ursaring
  • Snorlax
ARTHUR, from Viridian City, Kanto (m)
Dragon type user
Age: 28
Description: Has dark brown hair and wears all black clothing
Extra: The little brother of Kanto's Elite Four Lance
Difficulty: ****
  • Salamence
  • Latios
  • Latias
THE CHAMPION, from Littleroot Town, Hoenn (m)
Age: 42
Description: Varies, based on what your own trainer's skin tone and hair color is.
Extra: Your father!
Extra: Is really the Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire male protagonist!
Difficulty: ******
  • Blaziken
  • Sceptile
  • Swampert
  • Manetric
  • Flygon
  • Metagross
MERRICO POKEDEX. There are regional variants of Pokemon in this region that differ in color, but are not shiny and retain the same type as their counterparts.
  1. Shroomish
  2. Breloom
  3. Houndour
  4. Houndoom
  5. Slowpoke
  6. Slowbro
  7. Rattata - Gray
  8. Raticate - Gray
  9. Pidgey - Light Gray
  10. Pidgeotto - Light Gray
  11. Pidgeot - Light Gray
  12. Zigzagoon - Black and White
  13. Linoone - Black and White
  14. Tailow - Brown and Red
  15. Swellow - Brown and Red
  16. Hoothoot - Gray
  17. Noctowl - Gray
  18. Wurmple
  19. Silcoon (Day)
  20. Cascoon (Night)
  21. Beautifly (Day)
  22. Dustox (Night)
  23. Farfetch'd
  24. Pichu
  25. Pikachu
  26. Raichu
  27. Ekans
  28. Arbok
  29. Nidoran f - Sea Green
  30. Nidorina - Sea Green
  31. Nidoqueen - Green
  32. Nidoran m - Pink
  33. Nidorino - Pink
  34. Nidoking - Dark Pink
  35. Cleffa - White
  36. Clefairy - White
  37. Clefable - White
  38. Igglybuff - Purple
  39. Jigglypuff - Purple
  40. Wigglytuff - Purple
  41. Zubat - Dark Gray
  42. Golbat - Dark Gray
  43. Crobat - Dark Gray
  44. Diglett
  45. Dugtrio
  46. Sunkern
  47. Sunflora
  48. Exeggcute - White
  49. Exeggutor - Dark Brown, White, and Red
  50. Growlithe - Blue
  51. Arcanine - Blue
  52. Meowth - Orange striped
  53. Persian - Orange striped
  54. Psyduck - Blue
  55. Golduck - Gold
  56. Abra - Dark White
  57. Kadabra - Dark White
  58. Alakazam - Dark White (Wild)
  59. Machop - Gray
  60. Machoke - Gray
  61. Machamp - Gray (Wild)
  62. Gastly - Black
  63. Haunter - Black
  64. Gengar - Black (Wild)
  65. Geodude - Brown
  66. Graveler - Brown
  67. Golem - Brown (Wild)
  68. Cacnea
  69. Cacturne
  70. Oddish
  71. Gloom
  72. Bellossom
  73. Tentacool
  74. Tentacruel
  75. Doduo - Gray
  76. Dodrio - Gray
  77. Ponyta - Brown with Red flames
  78. Rapidash - Brown with Red flames
  79. Krabby
  80. Kingler
  81. Cubone - Ash Gray
  82. Marowak - Ash Gray
  83. Tyrogue - Female form (Wild)
  84. Hitmonlee - Female form
  85. Hitmonchan - Female form
  86. Hitmontop - Female form
  87. Goldeen
  88. Seaking
  89. Spinarak
  90. Ariados
  91. Natu
  92. Xatu
  93. Tauros
  94. Miltank
  95. Pinsir
  96. Heracross
  97. Scyther
  98. Scizor (Wild)
  99. Smoochum - Violet limbs, Light pink skin, White hair
  100. Jynx - Violet dress, Light pink skin, White hair
  101. Staryu - Silver
  102. Starmie - Gold
  103. Mareep - Blue
  104. Flaaffy - Purple
  105. Ampharos - White
  106. Teddiursa - Black
  107. Ursaring - Black
  108. Wooper - Brown
  109. Quagsire - Brown
  110. Wynaut - Red
  111. Wobbuffet - Red
  112. Shuckle - Blue and Yellow
  113. Dunsparce - Green
  114. Skarmory - Gold
  115. Absol - Aqua Blue and Sea Green
  116. Ditto - Silver
  117. Girafarig
  118. Stantler
  119. Delibird
  120. Wingull
  121. Pelipper
  122. Slakoth
  123. Vigoroth
  124. Slaking
  125. Meditite
  126. Medicham
  127. Carvanha
  128. Sharpedo
  129. Numel
  130. Camerupt
  131. Swablu
  132. Altaria
  133. Shuppet
  134. Banette
  135. Solrock - Gold
  136. Lunatone - Silver
    RARE - Only one
  137. Dratini
  138. Dragonair
  139. Dragonite
  140. Larvitar
  141. Pupitar
  142. Tyranitar
  143. Aron
  144. Lairon
  145. Aggron
  146. Bagon
  147. Shelgon
  148. Salamence
  149. Eevee (Shiny)
  150. Vaporeon (Shiny)
  151. Jolteon (Shiny)
  152. Flareon (Shiny)
  153. Espeon (Shiny)
  154. Umbreon (Shiny)
  155. Leafeon (Shiny)
  156. Glaceon (Shiny)
  157. Bulbasaur
  158. Ivysaur
  159. Venusaur
  160. Charmander
  161. Charmeleon
  162. Charizard
  163. Squirtle
  164. Wartortle
  165. Blastoise
  166. Treecko
  167. Grovyle
  168. Sceptile
  169. Torchic
  170. Combusken
  171. Blaziken
  172. Mudkip
  173. Marshstomp
  174. Swampert
  175. Mewtwo - Gold
  176. Mew - Gold
submitted by Mcheetah2 to pokemon [link] [comments]

Teen Titans #11 - Five Minutes to Midnight

Teen Titans #11 - Five Minutes to Midnight

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Author: AdamantAce
Book: Teen Titans
Arc: Discord
Event: Minutes to Midnight
Set: 23
“Minutes to Midnight” - Required Reading:
With the sudden meteor crash in Hub City, the world had turned to chaos. A rock-like, nine-foot behemoth, Doomsday, had torn his way through the United States and showed no signs of stopping, with even the collective efforts of Earth’s heroes providing little to no resistance. And so, as Doomsday’s rampage shook the very foundations of New York City, pushing into Blüdhaven, Slade Wilson was forced to act prematurely.
Even with his enhanced mental and physical aptitude, Slade knew he’d provide little value to the effort against the creature. No, that wasn’t Slade’s plan at all. While heroes tossed Doomsday back and forth on street level, surging crowds of civilians pushed and clamoured, desperately trying to escape the teetering skyscrapers that lined the streets. Hospitals were no exception. But while others clawed and shoved and trampled to make their way out of the hospital, Slade Wilson charged in, his short white hair under a beige fedora, a small rucksack slung over his shoulder.
Slade reached the fifth floor, having launched up the back stairwell, to find the level almost desolate, save for the various patients abandoned by the staff, left to die in their respective wards. It was tragic, but - again - not why Slade was here. Barrelling past, Slade came to a door. Locked. Unlocked following one well-placed shot from his handgun. Pushing the door open, he came face-to-face once more with Rose, his teenage daughter.
“Dad!?” she exclaimed. Struggling as she lay helplessly in her isolated bed, her visage lit up in terror.
“Sweetie, we need to run.” Slade coughed, pulling a baseball cap over his head from inside of his rucksack and moving over to lift Rose from the bed.
Rose scurried back best she could, as her legs remained limp. She straightened her back. During Slade’s encounter with Superman, Rose had suffered injuries leaving her with gruesome nerve damage. She couldn’t just get up and run away, no matter how frustrated she grew. She furrowed her brow, “How can I trust you?”
“I’m your father, Rose,” Slade explained, “I’m the only family you have left.”
“And I also have a solution to your injuries. Your nerve damage.”
Rose looked at her father in disbelief. What could he possibly be talking about.
“Pumping through my veins is the sole remains of the Veritas serum, the long-forgotten science that granted me my enhanced capabilities.” Slade explained, “We can isolate the serum from my blood plasma and infuse it into you. Then your neurons will regenerate a such a rate you’ll be able to bounce and spring and run all you like.”
Rose swallowed. Her mother was dead. Slade was all she had. Without this serum she might never walk again.
The room began once more to rumble and shake.
But none of that would matter if she died trapped in the hospital.
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
Atop the New York County Supreme Court, the Dark Knight and his former-apprentice watched as their plan fell to pieces. The experimental teleporter Batman had employed to attempt to shift Doomsday outside of Earth’s atmosphere had failed. While it had succeeded in leeching all the power from the surrounding few city blocks, the teleport could simply not muster enough force to drag the stubborn giant into its bounds, instead releasing the masses of energy it had accumulated with a rapid, vicious shockwave.
It wasn’t hard, even from so high up, to make out the dancing colours of their allies’ outfits as they fought and struggled and failed to contain the frenzying monster, Doomsday. He had the strength of Wonder Woman, the durability of Superman and the reaction speed of The Flash. He was everything it would take to destroy the Justice League, and from above it was clear that it was becoming increasingly likely that Doomsday would accomplish that and much more.
As Batman grimaced at his unsuccessful trap, Dick picked out his friends - the Teen Titans - from the mayhem. Donna and her counterpart Wonder Woman continually risked damage and moved in close, Donna carving into Doomsday with her enchanted blade, while Diana brought precision blows to potential pressure points. Shifting and leaping back and forth in synchrony, the two pulled off ludicrous manoeuvres they had long since forgotten they know how to do, as if from muscle memory.
Doomsday clawed out at the two Amazons, leaving a gap for Cyborg’s lasers to scorch the granite hide of the towering monster. Vic barely left a mark but caused Doomsday to cry out in pain. This left enough of an opening for Supergirl - the honorary Titan - to rocket in. Kara Zor-El had just returned from dropping Batman’s newest acolyte, Robin, somewhere safe after he was almost obliterated by Doomsday’s retaliation. Wasting no time, she delivered a stern right hook to the side of Doomsday’s face, causing him to stagger and Kara to unwittingly slash her knuckles against the sharp, bony, beard-like projections that emerged from his jawline.
The hulking Doomsday stumbled, struggling to right his own incredible weight, before digging his heels into the asphalt below. The creature was forced to a stop, and quakes rang out for miles because of it. With a roar, Doomsday swung back around, lifting the remains of a burnt out SUV from the ground and launching it toward Supergirl at full pelt.
Kara smiled, illuminating her eyes in red and unleashing a narrow beam of heat vision to dissect the airborne vehicle, leaving both halves to fall limply either side of her. This seemed to infuriate Doomsday even more. He thrashed out, plucking Donna Troy out of the air, mid-downward slash. Electing not to play with his food, Doomsday used Donna as a weapon (quite literally), tossing her to collide with Vic’s metal legs, leaving them both in a pile on the ground.
During all of this, in his fear, Beast Boy played it smart. Using his various avian forms, Gar soared through the Blüdhaven streets, locating injured civilians before cautiously guiding them to safety in the form of a gentle gorilla. Yet despite falling into their roles naturally, the Teen Titans - along with their allies from the Justice League - continued to sustain injuries. Their pain cried out to Dick, who itched to jump into the fray. His eyes followed Vic especially, his heart growing heavy. What he’d learned from the Hub City meteor crash, Dick couldn’t share with him. Not in the middle of such a crisis.
“He’s smart,” spoke Batman, breaking the duo’s broody silence.
“Excuse me?” Dick asked.
“Beast Boy. He understands he can’t cut it against a brute that can, and continues to gore Superman. He applies himself elsewhere.”
“What are you saying?”
“I understand your dynamic with your team better than anyone,” Batman explained, the carnage still unfolding below, “You’re leagues ahead of them in experience, but in lacking the gifts your allies boast, you feel like you have more to prove.”
“Look, you must have something else prepared!” Dick exclaimed, “Something to even out the playing field?”
“Like what? Some Bat-mech-suit powered by glowing gemstones?” Batman retorted, “Don’t be ridiculous.”
Bruce grabbed Dick and pulled him to face his way, forcing his gaze away from the conflict. “Guile and gadgetry won’t save you against a creature like Doomsday.”
“Bruce, I’m not useless—”
“We use our guile to pick our battles,” Bruce didn’t break eye contact for a moment, “Not running away from a threat, but running toward another problem requiring a solution.”
“Like what?”
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
In a formation that was most definitely rehearsed, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter swooped into view from behind the bank building. First went the Martian, who forced Doomsday’s attention onto himself with physic manipulation. While Diana applied all her might in heaving the golden lasso that encircled the beast, Doomsday lurched forward to choke the not-so-little green man out of the air, only for his brutish fist to fall right through him, the Martian shifting his density in order to phase. Then, in Doomsday’s confusion, the Lantern Hal Jordan drove a construct the form of a metal rod through the shoulder of the arm still extended from his last attack.
Doomsday recoiled violently, inadvertently pulling free from Wonder Woman’s lasso, and reached to extract the sharp implement, only to find the green rod had already dematerialised. Not that he had the intelligence to understand what that meant.
“Damn,” Vic groaned pulling himself up and out from under Donna, “We can’t even make a dent in this guy!”
“No,” someone replied. Vic looked up to find Superman helping Donna to her feet, “We’ve made plenty of dents. He’s just tough enough to shrug ‘em off..”
Then with a burst of air, Superman jetted up, up and towards Doomsday, ready to try another punch that would almost certainly prove useless. But his words resonated with Vic.
Just like Superman.” Vic came to a sudden realisation. Across the desolated street, he hollered the nearest hero, who just happened to be a hovering Girl of Steel. “You and Supes got super listening, right?”
“Well it’s more like super hearing but—”
“Well you won’t wanna hear this.” Vic fired another scorching beam at Doomsday, demanding his attention, “You listening?!”
Raising his right arm, Cyborg shifted his laser blaster into a larger, more concave instrument. Charging in recklessly, he aimed his sonic cannon directly for Doomsday’s head and let loose a monstrously powerful sonic pulse. The attack rocked the unprepared Superman to the ground as he just escaped the full blast, but with him fell Doomsday.
The grey beast crawled along the asphalt, pounding at his own head in attempt to block out the rupturing sound waves Cyborg concentrated his way. Heroes looked on in awe, as someone finally brought Doomsday to his knees.
“That’s right, bitch,” Vic spat, his sonic cannon still blaring. But it didn’t last. Almost as if a switch flipped, Doomsday’s cries stopped. With a single, high-speed shift, Doomsday collided with Vic, sending him hurtling off, crashing through the walls of the nearby apartments - emptied by his teammates - before continuing on through the walls of the multi-storey casino a block behind.
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
A rumble permeated through the air as Cyborg’s Prometheum frame was dashed through the foot of Blüd’s hottest haunt, the Whaler’s Supercasino. The workmanship was shoddy, likely performed by cheap cowboys, so it only took Vic taking out a single pillar for the entire building to destabilise.
From their perch the Dynamic Duo watched the dust begin the rise and the debris begin to fall. Within seconds, they bounced into action. Batman retrieved his grapnel gun - Barbara’s design - and fired, launching himself into the air alongside a somersaulting Nightwing.
“Manhunter, tell me the evacuation effort’s reached Whaler’s casino.”
“Of course, Batman,” J’onzz responded, “Team Flash swept through. They’re already blocks away from the current battleground.”
“But, Batman?” a different, more hurried voice interrupted. Watchtower, the League’s resident hacker. “You need to get down there fast. Flash and co. got everyone out of the casino, but the parademics and the SCU? They’re still down there.”
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
On the ground, Superman wrenched a steel telephone booth from the ground and lifted it overhead. They were an artefact quite common in the neon-vintage Blüdhaven, an anachronism stew of a town, and one would do fine enough as a projectile. Or so thought Superman as he crashed the steel cage down on the giant grey gladiator. As predicted, the phone booth crunched and deformed against his mighty skin, but the force applied by the Kryptonian, so quickly, was more than enough to begin to drive Doomsday down into the road, cracking it slightly.
Yet before Doomsday could retaliate, he was already caught in the heroes’ next attack. A celadon railroad laying itself towards and beneath him, Doomsday was blinded by the scorching lights that gave way to an emerald freight train on a collision course. Atop the train stood a rider. Fierce. Determined. Diana of Themyscira.
With a green flash, the locomotive exploded against the creature, with Wonder Woman defying gravity as she leapt from atop, slamming her bracelets together while still airborne to dig the bloodied and bruised Doomsday deeping into the ground.
While Diana touched down effortlessly, the dust cleared to reveal the monster considerably worse for wear. Yet he didn’t seem any less determined in spite of it.
“Now!” cried Donna Troy, revealing herself soaring overhead, with the assistance of Supergirl, cape billowing in the wind. That same moment, Kara released Donna, leaving her to fall several feet, preparing for her attack.
Yet Doomsday remained entirely disinterested in the black-clad warrior as he reached for the debris from fallen buildings he found at his feet. As Donna raked her blade across the behemoth’s spiked back, Doomsday leapt into the air with incredible height. Then at the height of his jump, Doomsday threw both arms downward, raining rock and brick down from above.
Donna growled to herself. This was getting needlessly messy, and they were seemingly getting nowhere.
As if a meteor had hit the earth once more, Doomsday collided with the ground several metres away. But the Justice League wouldn’t give him a second’s leeway, with Donna and Kara close behind them.
His momentum still carrying him, Doomsday padded along the ground on all fours, raking up the road as he ground to a stop. A rapidfire laser assault from Green Lantern nicked uselessly again his hide, making him snarl. He crashed his fists against the ground simultaneously, letting forth something of a seismic wave, plenty to knock both of the grounded Amazon’s off their feet.
“Wow! He really is ugly!” a voice heckled from behind. While Doomsday tried to keep pace with the rapidly phase-shifting Manhunter, and while the Kryptonian cousins continued to lay on heavy blows, Donna peered around the mayhem to the source of the cry. A squad of mostly-average-looking rogues walking right to their deaths.
Towards the disaster area walked a greasy man in a long blue coat; a small, fierce-looking woman in a white and red mask; and a wide, beastly, topless man, covered head-to-toe in green scales. Leading them? Some definitely-average-looking soldier, brandishing a definitely-not-average RPG launcher.
“Boomerang, see if you can find and fish out our cyborg friend. Croc, ready for manoeuvre.” Colonel Rick Flagg readied the rocket launcher on his shoulder, relaying his order to his unflinching subordinates, “And Katana? Stay sharp.”
Flagg pulled the trigger, unleashing what he thought was hell upon Doomsday and his metahuman entourage. Superman grimaced on impact, unharmed - much like Doomsday - but sour at the foolish soldier’s attempt at heroism.
“Welp,” Flagg looked to Katana, prompting her so unsheath her singing, ornate sword, “That’s why we have you.”
“Rick Flagg?!” Hal Jordan called, “You need to get out of here. You’re no match!”
But Katana had her orders, already sprinting towards the stony foe. Just as rehearsed, Killer Croc scooped Katana up, swinging her violently around like a hammer thrower before letting go, hurtling the fearless samurai forward.
In her hands, Tatsu Yamashiro clutched the Soultaker, an ancient weapon forged by Muramasa in the 14th Century. Said to collect the souls of those it felled, this weapon could have turned the tides of the battle. It could have, if Doomsday hadn’t swatted her out of the air.
Katana came to rest beside Donna, broken and writhing. Donna moved to help, or perhaps take up the legendary blade herself. But before she could, the injured samurai was whisked away by the red blur of a conveniently-timed speedster.
Flagg blinked twice, while Croc showed no such hesitation. Yet Doomsday dwarfed even Waylon Jones, human-crocodile genetic hybrid, snatching him off of his feet and using his heavy body as a weapon.
Practising his shot put, Doomsday dashed forward and released Killer Croc.
Sweat poured off of Donna, her red blood drying and turning to pewter clay. She could feel her body begin to give way under the weight of her immensely heavy battle armour. All this, she processed in bullet time, watching the reptilian man soar through the air on a collision course towards the equally wary but ultimately superior Amazon warrior. Donna braced herself and dashed, trading fates with her older sister and allowing the airborne Croc to clobber her against a wall.
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
A woman in a hi-vis jacket struggled in attempt to drag an injured man to safety. Rubble fell from above towards the stationary ambulances and the brave souls that poured in and out of them, narrowly missing the civilians as if they were navigating a minefield. But before falling debris could strike the daring paramedic, Batman leapt in, tackling her to safety, with Nightwing scooping up the wounded man mid-pounce. A stone gargoyle smashed to dust on the sidewalk as the crusaders pulled both civilians out of harm’s way.
“Where’s everyone els—” Dick was cut off by the cries of a man along the street, caught beneath a steel beam, among other debris. Making knowing eye contact with his mentor, Dick took off towards the man, leaving the paramedic and her friend in the loving care of the Dark Knight.
Dick looked upon the distressed businessman, steel weighing heavy across his midsection. His eyes were wide and wild, his face gaunt as he flinched at the sight of the masked vigilante.
“Thank God!” he squealed, “I thought you were the Bat. Please just get me outta here.”
Nightwing nodded and reached down for the beam, wasting no time. Wrapping his gloved hands around the cold metal, Dick surprised himself as his adrenaline-enhanced strength was more than enough to heave and lift the two-hundred kilo mass enough to begin to pull the man free. But in doing so, Dick had unwittingly dislodged some stone partway up the building, the entire mass highly unstable. Stuck pulling the man out from under the beam, Nightwing was at the mercy of the gods, until - in a flash - both Dick and the man found themselves back beside Batman, the once-trapped businessman jumping at the sight of him.
Dick took a deep breath and looked upon his saviour. In what looked like improved outfit consisting of red and yellow coloured military armour, a young red-haired speedster stood, looking exasperated. “Hey… name’s… Kid Flash... You know, you should really be more aware of your surroundings.” Kid Flash grinned, before catching eyes with the Batman. Bolting upright, he took a gulp of air and smiled, “Well… Gotta motor!”
And a second later he was gone.
“That was reckless,” Batman said.
“I know,” Dick conceded, “But you would have done the same thing.”
Batman nodded, with a knowing smirk.
Taking another deep breath of his own, Dick activated his communicator. “Watchtower, is the area clear?”
“Yes, Nightwing. You’re clear to—”
In Dick’s ear, Chloe Sullivan’s voice was cut off suddenly by a harsh siren, blaring back and forth between C sharp and D. Knowing what the personalised alarm meant instantly, Dick’s eyes shot open and the surrounding world began to grow quiet.
“What is it?” Batman barked, not hearing the alarm in his own ear piece.
Dick looked Bruce dead in the eye, as if his world was falling apart. It was urgent.
“It’s a distress message,” Dick replied, his heart heavy, “From Babs.”
‘It’s Jason. Come Alone.’
“Go.” Bruce didn’t entertain keeping him for another moment.
“But what about you?”
“I’ll help.” A third voice interjected, demanding both men’s attention. Dick looked to the source, and immediately began to grind his teeth. There was the face of the man that had put Barbara Gordon in a wheelchair many months ago. Floyd Lawton. Deadshot.
But as Dick finally came face-to-face with the man who had blown his life open, driving a rift between not only him and Babs, but him and Jason, a strange serenity overtook him. He looked at Lawton with new eyes, and instead saw the face of a man who carried the guilt of what he’d done with him as his ball and chain. He saw a man willing to lend a hand so that Dick could save the woman he loved.
And so Dick Grayson, leader of the Teen Titans, took off, abandoning the battlefield.
Doomsday’s rampage continues today in Steel #9
And follow Nightwing in Oracle #2
submitted by AdamantAce to DCFU [link] [comments]

Letheix's LG Randomized Duotype Wedlocke, Part 4: Chaos is a ladder

Part 0: Rules
Part 1: From the ground up
Part 2: Getting into the swing of things
Part 3: One after another
We weathered a series deaths--some avoidable and others probably inevitable--to defeat Surge 3 on 3 with no casualties. Team: Akhet the Tentacool, Anubis the Cubone, Jafar the Ekans, Fatimah the Phanpy, Sheerah the Sandshrew, Josiah the Zubat, and Delilah the Nidoqueen.
Rock Tunnel
As we come upon the midpoint of the run, I'm hoping that we can put the sadness of Vermilion behind us. Having already cleared most of Route 9, it’s smooth sailing until the last trainer. She sends out a level 23 Numel, stronger than most of my team. I'd left Anubis, my highest level Pokemon, behind in order to raise the others, so my options are Sheerah or Fatimah. Sheerah is having a hard time with Numel, but then I realize that Josiah can avoid Magnitude as a Flying type. When I swap him in, Numel uses Ember, and it crits. I breathe a sigh of relief when the damage meter stops at 5 HP. Then the burn sets in. OHKO. Poor Josiah, what a cheap way to go. Sheerah avenges her fallen partner when Cut hits Numel with a critical. She'd only recently stepped up from the bench, but she has to go back into the box to recover from her grief.
So much for starting off on the right foot.
Still, there are new catches on the horizon to fill these empty slots. On Route 10, I capture a duplicate Tentacool [Tut, Careful, Clear Body]. On the first level of Rock Tunnel, I snag a lovely Baltoy [Seraph, Jolly, Levitate] who provides excellent defensive coverage for my Poison types; I immediately teach it Psychic and Reflect. Tut and Seraph, these two opposites, bond quickly as they transition together from wild to trained Pokemon. The lower level yields another Zubat, whom I name Lazarus [Jolly, Inner Focus] in the hopes that he will outlive his predecessors. Navigating Rock Tunnel is an absolute slog. After I lost my Nidorino, Ishmael, to the overlevelled Swellow in Diglett’s Cave, I never went back for Flash. So I fumble through the dark maze, my PP and potions supply dwindling. On the bright side, I find a Poison Barb and Jafar evolves into Arbok.
I know we're getting close to the exit when I run into a trainer with a Meditite. My new Baltoy is my go-to, but Detect is wasting its already limited PP and its attacks aren't hurting Meditite enough. I bring in Fatimah. Neither her Defense nor Special Defense are that great, but it balances out with Flail, right? I consider healing her when she gets low on health, but Flail is only getting stronger...My hubris costs her life when Confusion crits. The final member of my original team is gone, and now I'm crushed.
Not just that, it’s only after Jafar wraps up the battle that I remember one of the minor rules I'd composed. Fatimah and Jafar were a breeding pair in the same egg group. I hadn't delineated how the vengeance clause operates precisely enough, but I know what I’d intended.
Broken-hearted, Jafar loses the will to live and passes away from his injuries; I really, really hate myself for writing this rule. An Escape Rope takes me out of the dungeon so that I can bury them.
Near the end of my second attempt to reach Lavender Town, a bit of serendipity occurs: I’d given Akhet the Poison Barb, so Anubis took the Focus Band from his partner and Endured a Koffing’s Self-Destruct.
Anubis is one of my favorites, but it only helps a little. I've started to see how this run is shaping up, and I don't like it: I might make it to the end, but my team won't come with me, a revolving door of cannon fodder. I'm climbing up a ladder of corpses.
Much later, I discover that I’d had Ethers in my bag all along.
Rival Battle
At last we emerge from the pitch black, grim confines of Rock Tunnel into the sunny, grim valley surrounding Lavender Town. I skip Pokemon Tower for the moment to rebuild my team. Sheerah is out of commission until I defeat Erika, meaning no catch for Route 8 unless I want to saddle another one of my pokemon with Cut. Outside Celadon on Route 7, I capture Gomorrah the Grimer [Bashful, Sticky Hold], Lazarus’s partner, and teach him Shock Wave. I'm very pleased to find two Shell Bells on the ground and gamble my way to a Yellow Flute. As usual, the battles on Route 8 are chock full of heavy threats to my team, but we hold it together long enough for Lazarus to evolve into Golbat.
At Pokemon Tower, I want to mourn my nine deceased Pokemon in peace, but Nurse Gary is a callous prick who insists on battling. It's like he's mocking me when he sends out a stupid Delibird (level 25) as his first Pokemon. Gomorrah's showing with Shock Wave is truly pathetic, but he gets the job done.
Exactly like the vanilla games, Gary's next Pokemon is a level 20 Kadabra. I switch to Seraph. Even with the type resistance, Kadabra’s first Confusion deals 10 damage, and the second crits. In one round, Seraph has dropped to 19 HP, which I heal straight away. Rock Throw naturally does a number on Kadabra. Over the course of the fight, both combatants contend with lowered accuracy thanks to Mud Slap and Kinesis, but my Psychic type triumphs over his.
Now comes Gary’s starter, and it’s evolved into a level 22 Cloyster. Akhet takes over for Seraph, and Aurora Beam inflicts a measly amount of damage. Poison Sting strikes true on the first try. I spend most of the battle using my Yellow Flute and healing the rest of the party while Cloyster slowly succumbs to poison. I bet Gary's feeling a little less cocky now; his next Pokemon is a level 23 Houndour, apparently rehabilitated after our battle in Cerulean. Akhet’s Water Pulse takes it out no problem.
Last up is...another Cloyster? Apparently, the first one wasn't his starter after all. Once this Cloyster is safely poisoned, I seize the opportunity to experiment; it turns out that Water Pulse is actually the better move despite the type penalty. At the conclusion of this bizarre battle, Akhet levels up to 25. I keep Water Pulse over Bubblebeam for the secondary effects.
I procrastinate in the casino for long enough to buy a Mystic Water, then the team and I sneak into the Rocket Hideout. Nothing major happens until we reach Giovanni’s bodyguards, the latter of whom has an Azumarill. Akhet succeeds on Poison Sting the first time. I’m praying that Azumarill will hold off on Rollout until its worn down. No dice. Akhet must get very lucky to survive, but I'm afraid to switch someone in to suffer two consecutive hits. I stick with Acid. Please crit. It doesn't. Miss, miss, please miss. It doesn’t either. Rollout mangles Akhet, and he dies miserably. Anubis charges in for revenge. He fares better than I'd expected considering that Rollout takes a mere third of his health. The next hit should kill him too, but the RNG abruptly swings in my favor: Driven by his rage, Anubis outspeeds Azumarill, mercilessly ramming the skull of his dead mother into the enemy who murdered his best friend. Azumarill topples and doesn't get back up again.
At this point, I'm quite resentful of my team. No matter how many Nuzlockes I play, it never occurs to me to deliberately sacrifice a Pokemon, and I wish I'd thought of it this time. Although the replacements are mechanically superior in most respects, I want my old Pokemon back. At least I have a picture of Akhet on my trainer card; he looks the same as Tut, but I know it's him. With two of my best Pokemon missing, it's back to the grind. I'm down to five Pokemon, four of whom are Poison types. We regroup, Seraph and Tut join Lazarus in the top slots, and the battle is on.
Giovanni’s opener is an unimpressive level 25 Butterfree with a lousy moveset. Seraph nails it with Ancient Power, it misses Supersonic, and the next Ancient Power KO’s the bug.
His ace, a level 29 Banette, poses a genuine threat. Lazarus takes over for Seraph. Bite lets me down, taking maybe a fifth or fourth of Banette’s health. Meanwhile, Screech + Night Shade does a number on Lazarus. It requires a few Soda Pops, but eventually Giovanni changes strategies for Spite, allowing Lazarus’s Wing Attack to beat Banette unimpeded.
Giovanni sends out his final Pokemon, a level 24 Phanpy. Tut’s Bubblebeam finishes it easily, but the win doesn’t satisfy me. This just reminds me of Akhet and Fatimah.
I am bad at Nuzlockes
The prospect of new catches in Pokemon Tower cheers me up though. I hadn't been thinking of the five floors here when I designed the rules and it may seem like overkill to catch that many at once, but I'm sincerely curious how it'll turn out. Besides, I clearly need all the help I can get. To my extreme disappointment, I squander my first chance to capture a Grass type, a Bulbasaur at that. I manage to capture another Baltoy [Ka, Docile, Levitate] and a Venonat [Lilith, Relaxed, Compound Eyes] to be its partner. Neither of them thrills me, but the next catch is more interesting: Jonah the Barboach [Gentle, Oblivious]. I've never played with one, and it's great to have another Water type.
I train Jonah against the Channelers and then it's time to fight the ghost. I'm not sure whether it wasn't randomized or whether it was randomized but stayed Marowak anyways--kind of surreal to be surprised by the usual order of events. It’s a tricky battle, but Lazarus’s invulnerability to Ground prevents any losses.
Upstairs, I make a fatal error. The last Rocket sends out a Spinarak, and I leave Seraph in to cast Reflect. Super effective Leech Life crits. I have no good excuse for this one; I was having a bad day irl and rushing to finish the battle so I could go bed. That's what I deserve for cutting corners. Tut clears the battle just fine, but I must box him until after Erika.
It gets worse.
One of the persistent difficulties of this run is the lack of safe areas to grind. I really need to keep better track of who is safe to challenge in a rematch. Jonah dies to an Azumarill’s Rollout too. Right when I am beginning to appreciate Gomorrah, when we are working on raising him the last level to the cap, a Koffing blows him up. Jonah didn't have a partner yet, but Lazarus has to sit out because of Gomorrah’s death.
Seven Pokemon killed since Vermilion, four boxed.
Fuck it, I'm done grinding.
Celadon Gym
I do, in fact, prepare a little. My party consists of Ka at level 27, Delilah at level 25, and Lilith still at 17 where I caught her. I upgrade Ka’s moveset with Psychic, Dig, and Reflect TMs to recreate Seraph’s. I teach Delilah Mega Punch. Lilith eats a couple rare candies plus learns Solar Beam. I'd been saving it for a Grass type, but here we are. Experience Share and switch training in the Gym net Lilith several levels, all the way up to 24. The team collectively sits five levels below the cap, but we're ready as good as we're gonna get.
I send Ka onto the field, and Erika counters with her own Ground type: a level 29 Golem. It’s bigger and stronger than Ka, but Dig should hit it in the weak spot...well, not so much. It doesn't do a lot of damage, but I continue picking Dig in case Golem Self-Destructs, and that's exactly what happens while Ka is out of range.
Dig is wasted on Erika’s next Pokemon, a level 29 Golbat. I won’t chance Bite, so I withdraw Ka and send out Delilah. Her Ice Beam takes nearly half of Golbat’s health while two Wing Attacks put her in the same position. I heal her and go for another Ice Beam. The double Wing Attacks don't strike as hard this time; the Shell Bell brings her health back into the green as Golbat hangs on by a sliver. Erika restores her Pokemon’s health before Delilah can kill it, forcing me to heal too. I change tactics for Body Slam, which also successfully paralyzes Golbat. Erika cures paralysis but Golbat outspeeds Delilah anyway with Confuse Ray. Regardless of her befuddlement, she lands the final Body Slam.
Erika’s last Pokemon is a level 24 Plusle. No wonder she kept it back. The poor thing doesn't stand a chance. Quick Attack triggers Poison Point, Body Slam almost KO's it, the Shell Bell practically negates its next attack, and another Body Slam takes the rodent out. Nothing but a cool-down for Delilah. The Rainbow Badge is ours. Yippee.
Afterwards, the four Pokemon who'd lost their partners congratulate us on the victory they missed. Sheerah has struck up a close friendship with Tut, her adamant determination tempered by his careful reserve. Anubis and Lazarus, two of my fiercest fighters despite their sweet personalities, have sworn an oath of loyalty as warriors.
Sheerah needs to catch up with Tut, so she’s coming along while Lilith rests. We pack up and hit the road again. Good riddance to Celadon City.
  • Ka, Baltoy (28) [Psychic / Dig / Ancient Power / Reflect]
  • Lazarus, Golbat♂ (27) [Wing Attack / Bite / Leech Life / Supersonic]
  • Tut, Tentacool♂ (27) [Bubblebeam / Acid / Poison Sting / Supersonic]
  • Delilah, Nidoqueen (26) [Body Slam / Mega Punch / Ice Beam / Tail Whip]
  • Anubis, Cubone♂ (25) [Bonemerang / Headbutt / Leer / Growl]
  • Sheerah, Sandshrew♀ (18) [Cut / Poison Sting / Sand Attack / Defense Curl]
Wedlocked: Ka & Lilith; Anubis & Lazarus, Tut & Sheerah.
Boxed: Lilith (Venonat 24)
Deaths: Sandshrew (12), Zubat (16, 18), Nincada (16), Nidorino (22), Rhyhorn (13), Larvitar (20), Phanpy (19), Arbok (22), Tentacool (25), Baltoy (26), Barboach (23), Grimer (26)
submitted by letheix to nuzlocke [link] [comments]

Random Shit 232: Pokemon Turquoise game notes

The notes for my fan-made Pokemon game: Pokemon Turquoise and Violet!
Opening theme song!
Merrico Towns, Cities, and Environments:
1) BOSTONE TOWN (Northeast district)
Size: Small
What's there: Your hometown, Mom's House, Professor Willow's lab, where you get your starter Pokemon at.
Your sister will take the starter with the advantage, adding it as the sixth member of her already impressive team, and Professor Willow will keep the third one for herself.
2) LINA SWAMP (Southeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: Many water type Pokemon
After leaving Bostone, you'll board a train that will take you to Lina Swamp, in order to do an errand for Professor Willow. This will have you skip Newtork City and Illadel City, which are located directly south of Bostone Town. This will also have you skip past Wishing Town, the site of the Pokemon League.
3) MYAMEE CITY (Southeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Pokemon Training Academy, The first Pokemon Gym (Water), the Beachside Front store, the first encounter of Team Smog.
You'll have to show up the freshmen at Pokemon Training Academy, and beat some pushy Team Smog members at Beachside Front.
4) ORLAN HARBOR (Southeast district)
Size: Small
What's there: S.S. Louis
At Orlan Harbor, you'll be tasked with helping Professor Willow with another task. She wants you to travel to the Hami Islands to pick up an artifact for her and deliver it to her. But to get there, you'll have to board the S.S. Louis and fight some trainers along the way.
5) HAMI ISLANDS (Southeast district)
Size: Large
What's there: Rare, wild Pokemon, Legend Cave
Hami Island is home to some rare and very powerful Pokemon, but you won't be able to access it until you complete the Pokemon League Tournament and beat the Elite Four. Here, you'll have to hike up the side route (safe route) of Legend Cave and meet a collegue of Professor Willow to pick up the artifact. You can have a Pokemon pick it up at Myamee City.
6) DELIS TOWN (Southeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: First Pokemon Contest, Pokemon Arena.
Delis Town may have no gyms, but this city northwest of Orlan Harbor is still very important. It holds the first Pokemon Contest, as well as Pokemon Arena, will you'll later be able to access for one on one battles once you have the minimum number of badges. But for right now, you'll have to step up against Team Smog, who are trying to push their Pokemon training ways against a group of townsfolk who don't agree with their agendas.
7) HOWTON CITY (Southeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Second Pokemon Gym (Steel), Sports Museum
Howton City is a desert metropolis that loves sports and even has some Pokemon themed sports games! Right now, their annual playoffs are being interrupted by some Grimer and Muk that are causing trouble with their oil refineries. No one can understand how to take care of them but you. Defeat the sludge Pokemon problem and you'll be allowed to fight for the second gym badge. You'll also be granted entry into the Ari Desert.
8) ARI DESERT (Southwest district)
Size: Large
What's there: Ground and Fire type Pokemon
The Ari Desert is your first and best chance to catch good Ground Pokemon, as well as some fire types, too. Though prone to sandstorms at times generated by the Pokemon, you'll need to navigate this area to move forward to Phinis City.
9) PHINNIS CITY (Southwest district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Third Pokemon Gym (Fire), Pokemon Spa, Pokemon Fan Club HQ
Phinnis City is a town that worships Moltres and loves to live life relaxed. They have a big beauty and spa business here, but one of Team Smog's lieutenants also runs this business and she, along with the rest of Team Smog, have taken notice of you, by now. They refuse to let you battle for their town's gym badge, but maybe the Pokemon Fan Club, which has it's home office here, can help? Once you take care of Team Smog's barricades, you can fight for the third gym badge and move onward to the western coast of Merrico.
10) LOANGA CITY (Southwest district)
Size: Large
What's there: The Fourth Pokemon Gym (Psychic), Loanga Studios, Pokemon Salon, HM for Surf
Loanga City is a beachside metropolis and home to all of the world's biggest television and movie studios. It is also home to some of the richest Pokemon trainers around, as well. Your training has caught the attention of some movie makers and they want to film a documentary about your Pokemon League journey from the shadows. Also, you'll run across Katie, your big sister, who currently lives out here, and she'll want to challenge you to a battle before facing the gym leader! After that, you can fight for the fourth gym badge. Once you're finished doing that though, reports of a major disaster will come in from nearby Wahii Island.
11) WAHII ISLAND (Southwest district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Fifth Pokemon Gym (Grass), the Volcano Range, Wahii Island Resort Hotel
You are tasked to join Katie to help out the townsfolk as the volcano on Wahii Island has erupted suddenly and the whole area is in a state of crisis. You'll need to enter the Volcano Range in the southeast corner of the island and investigate the problem with Katie, who'll meet you there. You soon find out it's a Team Smog lieutenant trying to catch all the fire types there for Team Smog, and in the process, is disturbing the habitat for the Fire and Poison type Pokemon that live there. Once he refuses to stop, you'll be left with no choice but to fight him. Watch out, though! He's strong! Once you and Katie have settled the Volcano back to it's relaxed state, you'll be able to fight the fifth gym leader and her top Pokemon, Ludicolo. Afterwards, you can choose to visit the Wahii Island Resort Hotel, a place your Pokemon will love, as treating them can raise their tameness.
12) VEGA TOWN (Southwest district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Game Corner Casino, Second Pokemon Contest
After heading back to shore in Loanga Town, the access to Vega Town will be clear, and it's located just northeast of Loanga City. Vega Town is a place of extravagance and showmanship, so it makes the perfect place to hold a Pokemon Contest! Also located here is teh Game Corner Casino, the largest building in the city, and they are currently holding a contest to see who can earn the most Game Corner coins to win a Porygon.
13) CISCO TOWN (Northwest district)
Size: Medium
What's there: Team Smog HQ, Pokemon Daycare, Name Rater
Cisco Town is an otherwise peaceful and laid back town by the sea, however, it is currently being plagued by Team Smog, as they've set up their new headquarters here, and are on a mission to recruit as many trainers as possible. They've even gone to the lengths to steal some new prototype Poke Balls from the Poke Ball company, located in Chickago City. You've been asked to help get it back by the Chickago City gym leader. Battle Team Smog in their pyramid-shaped headquarters and get back the stolen technology developed by the Chickago City gym leader's brother. Get the Poke Balls back and you'll recieve a Master Ball! Also located in Cisco Town is the Pokemon Daycare and the Name Rater.
14) FORNIAN CAVE (Northwest district)
Size: Medium
What's there: Rock and Electric type Pokemon
Fornian Cave is a pass you'll have to travel through in order to proceed to Attle Town and surrounding cities. It is a good place to find decent Electric type Pokemon.
15) ATTLE TOWN (Northwest district)
Size: Medium
What's there: Battle Tower, Pokemon Library
Attle Town is isolated and hard to get to, but worth it. Located here is the famed Battle Tower, a good place to earn both experience points to level up your Pokemon and cool prizes. While Battle Tower isn't as hard as the Pokemon Arena, the key thing here is experience points ARE awarded at the end of each battle! (A tiny amount of cash is, as well.) Also located here is the very important Pokemon Library, which houses a database about everything important about every Pokemon. Some sections are closed off until you advance further though, and you'll currently only be able to study up on Pokemon you own. Before you can advance further on your journey, you'll be tasked to do another favor for Professor Willow, this one having you go way up to the Ice Mountain.
16) LASKA CITY (Northwest district)
Size: Small
What's there: The Third Pokemon Contest, Ice Mountain
Welcome to the snowy home of the third Pokemon Contest, rested just at the foothills of Ice Mountain. Rest your Pokemon here and prepare and stock up for the long journey up the mountain. While Ice Mountain is the premiere place to catch the best Ice type Pokemon, you've been sent here to assist Professor Willow with a case involving Articuno, the snow bird. Once you get the Snow Feather it leaves behind, you can have it delivered to Willow in Laska City.
17) STONY MOUNTAINS (Northwest district)
Size: Large
What's there: Rock and Steel type Pokemon
There are two parts to this area, but luckily, you'll only have to explore the first part right now. It is necessary to proceed on. Later on, you'll have to explore the second part in order to gain the key into the Pokemon League.
18) VERDEN CITY (Northwest district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Sixth Pokemon Gym (Rock), the Science Museum
Verden City is a snowy mountain town squeezed between the Stony Mountains and Homa Acres. Here, you'll come across Katie again, and you'll also have to try to find the town gym leader, who is currently at the Science Museum. Once you find her, you can challenge her and her Rock type pokemon at her gym to earn your sixth gym badge.
19) HOMA ACRES (Northwest district)
Size: Large
What's there: Homa Farm, Homa Wildlife Refuge, The Safari Zone
Homa Acres is a lush and vast meadow which is where Homa Farms is located at, the place to get MooMoo Milk from their Miltank. Also here is a wildlife refuge, and taking a tour of it will earn you a pass to the safari Zone. In the Safari Zone, you can ride around in the back of a jeep and approach wild, overpopulated Pokemon to keep for your own! Participating in the Safari Zone not only helps your Pokemon league journey, but helps save the environment, as well!
20) SALOUIS TOWN (Northeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Fourth and Final Pokemon Contest, Pokemon Research Institute
Salouis Town is a small, industrial town east of Homa Acres. Here, you'll find the Grand Championships of the Pokemon Contests, as well as the Pokemon Research Institute, which will not only inform you of Pokemon Breeding, but will also serve as a second Daycare center, as well. Albeit it's not as good as the one in Cisco Town.
21) CHICKAGO CITY (Northeast district)
Size: Large
What's there: The Seventh Pokemon Gym (Electric), The Monorail Station, The Pokeball Company, Move Deleter
Before you can do much of anything, you'll have to take care of the raid on the Pokeball Company by a vengeful Team Smog! They've sought revenge and once again, you'll team up with the city gym leader. Joining you will be your sister, Katie. This time, you're looking to cripple the cruel and heartless Pokemon intensity trainers. After the battle with Team Smog leader, Gordy, you'll be free to explore the rest of the city. Chickago City includes a monorail station that runs all over Merrico and will be up and running by the time you defeat Team Smog. You can also explore The Pokeball Company and buy Poke Balls in bulk for cheap, and visit the Move Deleter, who lives here. Just don't forget to battle for your seventh gym badge against the Electric type user and new ally.
22) DETRI CITY (Northeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Eighth Pokemon Gym (Fighting), Pokemon Dojo, Abandoned Factory, which contains wild Fighting type Pokemon
Detri City is known for it's toughness and it's townsfolk certainly prove this. Before you can face off for the eighth gym badge, you'll have to prove yourself worthy by attending the Pokemon Dojo. After some lessons and exercise training, you'll have to fight in a round of double battles. And even after that, though, you'll soon find out that no trainer can fight the gym leader without owning at least one Fighting type Pokemon. If you need to catch some, head over to the abandoned factory. At least you're not required to battle using a Fighting type, however, if you win with one, you'll be rewarded with an extra copy of the prize TM!
23) TORK FOREST (Northeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: Normal and Bug type Pokemon
The Tork Forest, which separates Detri City and Bostone Town, is the final location that'll take you back home to Bostone Town. It is also the premiere location to find Normal and Bug type Pokemon in the wild. Professor Willow will call you after earning your eighth gym badge and tell you to come visit her. Head through this forest to meet up with her. You'll learn that she has upgraded your Pokedex's hardware. You'll also receive something special for all your help in assisting her.
24) ILLADEL CITY (Northeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Ninth Pokemon Gym (Dark), The Trading Center, Illadel Diner, Pokemon Athletic Club.
The Gym Leader of Illadel City is the mother of Team Smog's Gordy and this is also Gordy's hometown. You'll have to compete against his friends and family in this location where you are not welcome. But will Kristal, the gym leader originally from Eruteak City, Johto, be looking to seek vengeance against her bratty son, or does she approve of your actions? Joining you, to root you on, will be Katie, your big sister. Also located here is a competitive Pokemon Eating competition, held at Illadel Diner. And the Pokemon Athletic Club.
25) NEWTORK CITY (Northeast district)
Size: Largest
What's there: The Tenth and Final Pokemon Gym (Ghost), Department Store, Sky High Tower, The Trading Center, The TM Company
Newtork City is considered one of the grandest and greatest cities in the world, and it is brimming with things to do! Its mascot is a Torkoal. Everything from the Sky High Tower, a 100 Trainer gauntlet (which will be open to you after defeating the Pokemon League), to the extravagant Space Circle Department Store, to the TM Company. The only story quest required here is to beat the awaiting Ghost type Gym Leader, Melvin, a trainer originally from Celadon City, Kanto. After earning your final badge, the Pokemon Arena in Delis Town will be accessible. Also, Professor Willow will want you to visit her in Bostone Town, where she'll tell you of your quest to find a Pokemon League Official with your entrance pass into the league, located somewhere in the northern, more difficult section of the Stony Mountains.
26) WISHING TOWN - Pokemon League Tournament (Northeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Pokemon League Tournament in Tournament Arena
Your final test was the difficult Stony Mountains and you've passed! Now that you've got your key, you have access into the Pokemon League Tournament! There are 256 trainers from all around the world looking to compete in this tournament, but only one can win: you! You will face off in eight three-Pokemon battles in order to advance through the Pokemon league. The trainers you'll face have no specific favorite type and will be pretty well diverse. Your Pokemon will be healed between battles, but if you lose once, it's all over! Luckily, the trainers here aren't as tough as the ones in Battle Tower, Pokemon Arena, or the later ones from Sky High Tower, however they will all have final form Pokemon or decent Pokemon that don't evolve. You could say, it's your first true test against Merrico's elite.
27) WISHING TOWN - Elite Four Stadium (Northeast district)
Size: Medium
What's there: The Elite Four, The Champion
After being crowned the winner of the Pokemon League Tournament, you'll have earned a chance to join legends amongst the Elite Four, which are sort of like gym leaders for the world's best trainers. All of them have held their own against the best and are former League Champions. You can battle the Elite Four in any order to wish, but they are three-Pokemon battles and you must defeat all of them in a row. Items are allowed prior to, and during battle. The Champion, your father, will engage you in a six-Pokemon battle, and nothing is off limits (except fleeing). Other than that, the same Gym Leader Battle rules apply.
  1. Harrison - Ground
  2. Lindsey - Ice
  3. Michelle - Normal
  4. Arthur - Dragon
  5. Dad - Champion
Age: 22
Description: Very attractive young woman in skirt and boots, long flowing hair, her skin tone and hair color depends on what your own trainer's appearance is. Is your big sister and likes to tease you, often.
Final Phase Team:
  • Lopunny (leader)
  • Third Starter Pokemon (Evolved form)
  • Evolved form of Eevee (Evolution based on type advantage of 3rd Starter Pokemon)
  • Blissey
  • Girafarig
  • Kecleon
The Pokemon League Gyms:
1) Myamee Town Pokemon Gym
Leader: Carlos (m)
Age: 20
Description: Tanned Latin Surfer
Water type user
Badge: The SurfBadge
Difficulty: *
  • Goldduck
  • Staryu
  • Quagsire
2) Howton City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Billy (m)
Age: 32
Description: Brown-haired Rugged Cowboy
Steel type user
Badge: The IronBadge
Difficulty: **
  • Skarmory
  • Lairon
  • Beldum
3) Phinnis City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Dennie (f)
Age: 17
Description: Hot Teenager (similar to Flannery, but brunette)
Fire type user
Badge: The BurnBadge
Difficulty: **
  • Ninetales
  • Rapidash
  • Flareon
4) Loanga City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Adam (m)
Age: 39
Description: Suited Executive w/ Sunglasses
Psychic type user
Badge: The KinesisBadge
Difficulty: ***
  • Gardevoir
  • Medicham
  • Espeon
5) Wahii Island Pokemon Gym
Leader: Sadie (f)
Age: 23
Description: Hawaiian native girl w/ straw skirt and flowers in hair
Grass type user
Badge: The LeafBadge
Difficulty: **
  • Ludicolo
  • Bellossom
  • Roselia
6) Verden City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Shiane (f)
Age: 27
Description: Geologist woman w/ glasses
Rock type user
Badge: The MountainBadge
Difficulty: **
  • Lunatone
  • Omastar
  • Rhydon
7) Chickago City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Morris (m)
Age: 21
Description: Young adult blonde male with jacket, cap and fingerless gloves
Electric type user
Badge: The ShockBadge
Difficulty: ***
  • Electabuzz
  • Lanturn
  • Jolteon
8) Detri City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Jimmy (m)
Age: 25
Description: Black athletic male in sleeveless top and sweatpants, w/ sneakers
Fighting type user
Badge: The ScuffleBadge
Difficulty: ****
  • Heracross
  • Machamp
  • Hariyama
9) Illadel City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Kristal (f)
Age: 38
Description: Businesswoman in long skirt and tight bun navy-blue hairdo
Extra: TRUE leader of Team Smog (Turquoise version only)
Extra: Opposes Team Smog, her son's organization (Violet version only)
Dark type user
Badge: The NovaBadge
Difficulty: ****
  • Shiftry
  • Sharpedo
  • Houndoom
10) Newtork City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Melvin (m)
Age: 24
Description: A young adult male "cooltrainer", complete with baseball cap and trainer's jacket; he has black hair
Extra: A former Pokemon League Champion of Kanto
Extra: The best friend of Chickago City's Morris
Ghost type user
Badge: The SpiritBadge
Difficulty: ****
  • Gengar
  • Dusclops
  • Misdreavus
HARRISON, from Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh (m)
Ground type user
Age: 19
Description: Looks like a young, but burly Professor Oak (is unrelated to him)
Difficulty: ****
  • Donphan
  • Marowak
  • Claydol
LINDSEY, from Mahogany Town, Johto (f)
Ice type user
Age: 33
Description: Looks like a Victorian era queen; has blonde hair
Difficulty: ****
  • Dewgong
  • Piloswine
  • Walrein
MICHELLE, from Slateport City, Hoenn (f)
Normal type user
Age: 24
Description: Very attractive and shapely perky Asian lady
Difficulty: ****
  • Tauros
  • Ursaring
  • Snorlax
ARTHUR, from Viridian City, Kanto (m)
Dragon type user
Age: 28
Description: Has dark brown hair and wears all black clothing
Extra: The little brother of Kanto's Elite Four Lance
Difficulty: ****
  • Salamence
  • Latios
  • Latias
THE CHAMPION, from Littleroot Town, Hoenn (m)
Age: 42
Description: Varies, based on what your own trainer's skin tone and hair color is.
Extra: Your father!
Extra: Is really the Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire male protagonist!
Difficulty: ******
  • Blaziken
  • Sceptile
  • Swampert
  • Manetric
  • Flygon
  • Metagross
MERRICO POKEDEX. There are regional variants of Pokemon in this region that differ in color, but are not shiny and retain the same type as their counterparts.
  1. Shroomish
  2. Breloom
  3. Houndour
  4. Houndoom
  5. Slowpoke
  6. Slowbro
  7. Rattata - Gray
  8. Raticate - Gray
  9. Pidgey - Light Gray
  10. Pidgeotto - Light Gray
  11. Pidgeot - Light Gray
  12. Zigzagoon - Black and White
  13. Linoone - Black and White
  14. Tailow - Brown and Red
  15. Swellow - Brown and Red
  16. Hoothoot - Gray
  17. Noctowl - Gray
  18. Wurmple
  19. Silcoon (Day)
  20. Cascoon (Night)
  21. Beautifly (Day)
  22. Dustox (Night)
  23. Farfetch'd
  24. Pichu
  25. Pikachu
  26. Raichu
  27. Ekans
  28. Arbok
  29. Nidoran f - Sea Green
  30. Nidorina - Sea Green
  31. Nidoqueen - Green
  32. Nidoran m - Pink
  33. Nidorino - Pink
  34. Nidoking - Dark Pink
  35. Cleffa - White
  36. Clefairy - White
  37. Clefable - White
  38. Igglybuff - Purple
  39. Jigglypuff - Purple
  40. Wigglytuff - Purple
  41. Zubat - Dark Gray
  42. Golbat - Dark Gray
  43. Crobat - Dark Gray
  44. Diglett
  45. Dugtrio
  46. Sunkern
  47. Sunflora
  48. Exeggcute - White
  49. Exeggutor - Dark Brown, White, and Red
  50. Growlithe - Blue
  51. Arcanine - Blue
  52. Meowth - Orange striped
  53. Persian - Orange striped
  54. Psyduck - Blue
  55. Golduck - Gold
  56. Abra - Dark White
  57. Kadabra - Dark White
  58. Alakazam - Dark White (Wild)
  59. Machop - Gray
  60. Machoke - Gray
  61. Machamp - Gray (Wild)
  62. Gastly - Black
  63. Haunter - Black
  64. Gengar - Black (Wild)
  65. Geodude - Brown
  66. Graveler - Brown
  67. Golem - Brown (Wild)
  68. Cacnea
  69. Cacturne
  70. Oddish
  71. Gloom
  72. Bellossom
  73. Tentacool
  74. Tentacruel
  75. Doduo - Gray
  76. Dodrio - Gray
  77. Ponyta - Brown with Red flames
  78. Rapidash - Brown with Red flames
  79. Krabby
  80. Kingler
  81. Cubone - Ash Gray
  82. Marowak - Ash Gray
  83. Tyrogue - Female form (Wild)
  84. Hitmonlee - Female form
  85. Hitmonchan - Female form
  86. Hitmontop - Female form
  87. Goldeen
  88. Seaking
  89. Spinarak
  90. Ariados
  91. Natu
  92. Xatu
  93. Tauros
  94. Miltank
  95. Pinsir
  96. Heracross
  97. Scyther
  98. Scizor (Wild)
  99. Smoochum - Violet limbs, Light pink skin, White hair
  100. Jynx - Violet dress, Light pink skin, White hair
  101. Staryu - Silver
  102. Starmie - Gold
  103. Mareep - Blue
  104. Flaaffy - Purple
  105. Ampharos - White
  106. Teddiursa - Black
  107. Ursaring - Black
  108. Wooper - Brown
  109. Quagsire - Brown
  110. Wynaut - Red
  111. Wobbuffet - Red
  112. Shuckle - Blue and Yellow
  113. Dunsparce - Green
  114. Skarmory - Gold
  115. Absol - Aqua Blue and Sea Green
  116. Ditto - Silver
  117. Girafarig
  118. Stantler
  119. Delibird
  120. Wingull
  121. Pelipper
  122. Slakoth
  123. Vigoroth
  124. Slaking
  125. Meditite
  126. Medicham
  127. Carvanha
  128. Sharpedo
  129. Numel
  130. Camerupt
  131. Swablu
  132. Altaria
  133. Shuppet
  134. Banette
  135. Solrock - Gold
  136. Lunatone - Silver
    RARE - Only one
  137. Dratini
  138. Dragonair
  139. Dragonite
  140. Larvitar
  141. Pupitar
  142. Tyranitar
  143. Aron
  144. Lairon
  145. Aggron
  146. Bagon
  147. Shelgon
  148. Salamence
  149. Eevee (Shiny)
  150. Vaporeon (Shiny)
  151. Jolteon (Shiny)
  152. Flareon (Shiny)
  153. Espeon (Shiny)
  154. Umbreon (Shiny)
  155. Leafeon (Shiny)
  156. Glaceon (Shiny)
  157. Bulbasaur
  158. Ivysaur
  159. Venusaur
  160. Charmander
  161. Charmeleon
  162. Charizard
  163. Squirtle
  164. Wartortle
  165. Blastoise
  166. Treecko
  167. Grovyle
  168. Sceptile
  169. Torchic
  170. Combusken
  171. Blaziken
  172. Mudkip
  173. Marshstomp
  174. Swampert
  175. Mewtwo - Gold
  176. Mew - Gold
submitted by Mcheetah2 to randomshit [link] [comments]

Y GiftDiceLocke. Part 19 - What a (Greenhouse) Gas!

My runs
Elliot Fleet enters the Coumarine City Gym alongside the leader Ramos, and is stunned by what he sees. The Gym appears to be a botanical parallel of Grant's: a super-high ceiling with one scalable central fixture topped by a spot for battles. However, instead of a pillar of rock, Ramos' Gym boasts an immense white tree with nets, platforms, vines and ropes coiling around, creating a vernal obstacle course to the top. Ramos looks at his creation and chuckles proudly. Elliot, however, looks overwhelmed.
I assume I need to climb that? And let me guess...no help from Pokémon?
Wrong on both counts, Sprout. It's getting late, so we're not going to bother with all this.
Ramos leads Elliot to around the back of the tree, where a cleverly concealed door is just barely visible, carved into the trunk. Ramos removes a key from his belt and opens the door. He gestures for Elliot to enter and comes in after. There is a spiral staircase leading up to the top of the tree, which the two begin ascending. Before long, they are deposited in where Elliot had assumed battles take place. However, it is actually some sort of circular study, with a lovely round oak table in the center and the curved wall lined with all sorts of books, mostly about gardening and Grass-type Pokémon. They appear to be very old but remarkably well cared for. Ramos gestures for Elliot to sit and shuffles over to a sideboard and flicks on an electric kettle. He then brings two mugs and a couple of porcelain jars over to the table. Before Elliot's eyes, the jolly old Gym leader reaches into the jars and begins tossing a bit of everything into the mugs. Elliot is enthralled by the variety of earthy aromas coming from the jars: pine, cinnamon, citrus, anise, and countless others. Just as Ramos finishes with the mugs, the kettle whistles, and he returns the jars and pours the piping hot water into the mugs. Just like that, Elliot is looking at some kind of delicious hand-picked, hand-brewed tea. The smell alone rejuvenates him.
So, young man, tell me about yourself.
Ramos sits across the table from Elliot, laces his fingers together, and rests his head on them.
Oh, geez, um...where to start? My name's Elliot Fleet, and I'm travelling with my Pokémon...
Elliot falters, amazed that he's so incapable of answering such a simple question. He's never thought critically about what he's doing on his journey - he's just faced things as they arose. Ears burning, he looks at Ramos, who, head cocked, is looking at him encouragingly, genuinely interested in what he has to say. Elliot decides to just confess what he had been thinking. After all, he feels he can trust the old man.
Honestly, sir, I don't really know what else to say. I wish I could tell you why I'm journeying, or what I hope to achieve, but I never really thought about it. I just kind of go with whatever happens around me.
Hearing this, Ramos sits bolt upright, and a huge smile slowly spreads across his face, sending happy crinkles rippling along his brow.
Hee-hee-hee! What thorny honesty! Sprout, d'you have any idea how many trainers I've asked that question? A lot. And you know, what, I've gotten enough bullcrap to fertilize a thousand gardens out of it! All this hooey about wantin' to be the strongest, or this or that, really lofty but undefined goals. Honestly, I think you're doin' yerself a world o' good by admittin' this to me rather than tryin' to dance around the question. Let me ask you a couple more questions jes' to see if we can't tease a little inkling of an idea outta you. First off, what in your journey has brought you the most joy?
Elliot doesn't have to wrack his brain very hard.
Well, seeing my Pokémon get along. Some of them have had some rough pasts or have some personal things they're working through, but when I see them get along I feel honored that I've somehow managed to bring them together, that I've been able to give these two lives a chance to spark together. Like the other day, they started playing this pirate game together. I don't know what they were saying or whose idea it was, but to see them all so immersed in something together really moved me.
Ramos takes a long, slow drag of tea.
That's jes' beautiful, Sprout. I believe ye when ye say that. Now here's another question: what in your journey has scared you the most? When did you think all of this might have been a huge mistake?
Oh, that's easy. One time we got jumped in a cave by some thugs in orange suits. We barely made it out alive, and even then, we got out only through the kindness of a stranger. I was an awful trainer that day - I was a coward, and not a leader at all. I worry that I'll slip up again and get really hurt - or that my team will get hurt. Mr. Ramos, did you ever fear that you weren't a good leader? Can I ask what your answer would be to the same question?
The old Gym leader had perked up when Elliot mentioned the orange suits, and he had leaned further and further forward as the young trainer went on. Now, his ribs are practically flat against the tabletop.
As a matter of fact, yes I did, Sprout. And...would ye believe me if I told ye it was happening right now?
What? What do you mean?
This old man's been a blame coward, Sprout. A mis'rable wilted dandelion. Ye mentioned those orange suits? Well it turns out a gang o' them marched through this very city a few days ago. Ye heard what I said outside, I'm mighty preoccupied with keeping this city safe, so when I confronted them thugs and they took out their Pokéballs on the spot, what did I do? I let 'em walk right over me. Better to not risk public danger and a tarnished reputation, right? O' course, I don't think that way now, but that's where my head was at then. Them suits mentioned they had big plans in the Badlands, just south o' here, where the Power Plant is. If anythin' bad happens, I'd blame m'self, Sprout. Something's gotta be done.
Mr. Ramos, that's awful. I'm sure if you want to take them out, though, you could!
Indeed, Sprout, but not solo. Would ye believe me if I told ye something similar once happened to my own kin? Yessir, awhile back some mafia types set up a shady organization in my daughter's town. Lucky for her, the famous Red Trainer of Kanto arrived on her turf just when it was all goin' down, and together they managed to remove the threat. O' course, there's still a casino in Celadon City, but it's honestly run now. At least, as honestly run as a casino can be... But I digress, Sprout. I hafta admit, I had ulterior motives in bringing you in for this little interview. Would you consider being my Red Trainer? Let me see how ye do in battle, let me see for myself all that the good Professor and Korrina and all them have been talkin' about. Oh yes, Elliot Fleet. Word spreads fast between us Gym leaders. So what do ye say? Would you be up for it? It sounds like a chance to rumble with those suits would give you some good closure.
Elliot's mind is reeling. He has only a foggy idea of who this Red Trainer of Kanto is, just some snippets from old news stories from his infancy, but what Ramos is asking is crystal clear. He is terrified at the prospect of knowingly waltzing into Team Flare territory, although he would be with a Gym Leader this time. Ramos is right, though. This is a chance for Elliot to overcome his most crippling fear once and for all. And besides, he can use their battle to test Ramos as well - if it doesn't seem like the old man would be able to defend him in a worst-case scenario, he will just reject the offer. Elliot burns with excitement, adrenaline, and nerves at the thought of going after Flare at Ramos' side.
I accept. Let's battle!
Mighty glad to hear that, Sprout. But didn't ye say ye wanted some shuteye first?
My guys have been resting all afternoon - they're ready. Besides, there's no way I'd be able to sleep after this conversation.
Hee-hee! Hearin' that's like a breath of fresh air. Fine, then, we'll do three versus three. Each round, win or lose, we both switch Pokémon. Deal?
Ramos nods with satisfaction, then shuffles over to the sideboard and presses a concealed button. The table corkscrews down into the tree so that the tabletop is now part of the floor. A layer of industrial glass also slides over the bookcases, protecting them from any attacks.
Begin! I pick Holly!
Ramos tosses a Pokéball, and the Jumpluff from before launches out.
Bluebeard, you're up!
A Lapras fighting in a tree, eh? Now I've seen it all! Acrobatics, Holly!
Ice Beam!
The Jumpluff bullets towards Bluebeard and begins pummeling him with her cottony hands, darting from place to place on the Lapras' body with blinding agility. It doesn't hurt too bad, but it's hard to lock onto the target. Finally, as the Jumpluff begins its retreat, Bluebeard blasts it with a frigid beam. Its once-light hands weighed down by frost, Holly drops to the ground like a brick. Clicking his tongue, Ramos recalls her.
Round two, begin! I pick Ivy!
Toshi, your turn!
Toshi stares down her foe, a plump yellow Weepinbell.
Acid, Ivy!
Air Cutter, girl!
Strong orange goo blasts out of Ivy's mouth as Toshi whips her wings. No sooner has she dispatched the Air Cutter, the goop hits her wings, rendering her flightless just as Bluebeard had done moments ago. Toshi whimpers with pain as the acid stings her delicate wings. Fortunately, Ivy is beyond whimpering, knocked out cold by the Air Cutter.
Thanks, Toshi! Sorry you took a hit, girl. Rest up now.
My, this battle is ending quickly. Final round, go! I pick my old friend, Sage!
A scruffy Gogoat with a rectangular copper bell around his neck emerges from his ball as Elliot recalls Toshi and sends out Salt.
I'm afraid this won't last long, Mr. Ramos. Salt, Flame Burst!
Rock Slide, Sage.
The color drains from Elliot's face as the Gogoat rears up on his back legs and sends his front hooves slamming into the ground. By incredible luck, Salt's attack lands before anything more can happen. Still, Elliot stands shaking as Ramos returns his fallen Pokémon, blindsided by a near miss of what could have been a devastating attack for Salt. Ramos steps up to Elliot Fleet, looking stern.
Sprout, you're young, and you're certainly strong. But don't you get cocky. Take it from one who knows, pride can absolutely destroy a man. Never underestimate your enemy and never assume you'll come out victorious when you're against an unknown opponent. I'll let you in on a little secret. My Sage doesn't know how to use Rock Slide. But I figured if we're going to do this thing together, it's a lesson you needed to learn.
For a second, Elliot wants to be angry at the old man. But then he realizes Ramos was right. He got too comfortable and too sure of himself. And, just as easily as not, he could have paid too dear a price from not battling cautiously. Abashed, he bows his head.
I'm sorry, Mr. Ramos, you're right. I still have a lot to learn. I'll go on the mission with you. Thank you for showing me I how much longer I still have to go.
You're a humble young man, Sprout. You'll be alright. Now go rest up and meet me bright and early tomorrow morning. Shall we meet in the Pokémon Center lobby?
Elliot nods, and he and Salt descend to the ground level of the Gym. As they walk to the Pokémon Center, Elliot wants to apologize to Salt for his brashness, but he doesn't know what to say. He wonders if Salt, acting grouchy as ever, is even really upset about it at all.
Hmm, I figured it's been a long time since Glittering Cave, and Elliot needed to be thrown for another loop. He's certainly come a long way since then, but it's way too soon to be done with the character development. I'm glad my buddy Ramos afforded the opportunity for me to do so.
Final note: shameless plug. I'm still doing that Q&A you may or may not have seen on the front page. I'm really excited about it, and if you read/care about the story, I think it'd be a fun chance for you to immerse yourself a little further. I'm having a blast with this run, so I would certainly not balk at an additional chance to write for you guys. Ask the team anything! There's a link to the Q&A above.
The Team thus far:
  • TOSHI - Noibat (f). Level 40. Modest Nature. Likes to thrash about.
Air Cutter
  • SALT - Charizard (m). Level 41. Naughty Nature. Likes to fight.
Shadow Claw
Wing Attack
Flame Burst
  • MOLLY - Loudred (f). Level 34. Calm Nature. Very finicky.
Echoed Voice
Power-Up Punch
  • BLUEBEARD - Lapras (m). Level 35. Docile Nature. Takes plenty of siestas.
Body Slam
Ice Beam
submitted by Proper_Bert to nuzlocke [link] [comments]

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Aside from its perceived size, Celadon City was special for two reasons: the Celadon Department Store and the Celadon Game Corner. Sure, there was also the headquarters of Celadon Condominiums, the Celadon Hotel, and the city’s Gym Leader, Erika, but all we wanted to do back in the day was spend our coins and move on. Celadon City (Japanese: The main building contains the casino itself, where the player can earn coins; the Prize Corner is where the player can exchange coins for prizes, including Pokémon, TMs, and other items. In Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, the Game Corner is one building with two entrances; the space on the west side contains the arcade while the space on the You need find a coin case if you're planning to win big at the Casino. It's really easy to get. Just enter the Restaurant in the southeast of Celadon City and talk to the gambler. Be sure to visit Celadon City Slots Yellow, spin to win slots scam, poker ii keyboard uk, t slot aluminum extrusion india. Fair Go Casino. So Hot. Experts in Sports and Gambling. Flowers Christmas Edition. Real dealer, real bets and real thrills. Are you taking a seat? The Gambling Bug. From table to cards, it’s the real deal, croupier included! Daikoku Blessings. Real Money Casino Sites* Juicy Jewels. Crazy In both the original Red/Blue/Green/Yellow versions, as well as the remade FireRed/LeafGreen versions, an NPC tells to the player that she thinks the slot machines in the Celadon City Game Corner have varying odds. Do different machines really have different odds? What are the specifics of these odds? Are the odds set or randomly arranged? How can this fact be exploited? pokemon-first Ways to get to Celadon City on Game Boy Color Pokemon Yellow. 29.08.2020. 16 comments. Expert Mark. 6 min read. Table of Contents: Catching Mew in Pokemon Yellow, Gameboy Color; Pokemon Yellow Walkthrough Part 12 Team Rocket Game Corner; Pokemon Yellow Episode 18: Celadon City; Pokemon Yellow Walkthrough! Part 11 Lavender Town to Celadon City! Pokemon Yellow 034: To Celadon City; Pokemon For Pokemon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition on the Game Boy, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Which slot machine is best for winning in celadon?". Celadon City Slots Yellow the best casino bonuses for new players. Simply visit any of Celadon City Slots Yellow the online casinos that Celadon City Slots Yellow are listed below and follow the instructions to redeem a casino bonus and play your favorite casino games. These casinos are always offering new bonuses and promotions to their players. The company complies with UK, Maltese and Celadon City is also home to the Rocket Hideout, found hidden under the Celadon Game Corner. In order to find the secret entrance, you must defeat the Team Rocket Member in the back of the Game Corner. But don't worry, he only has a Level 20 Zubat & Level 20 Raticate. There is even another Gift Pokemon obtainable in the city.

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Pokemon Yellow (GBC) Part 23 Celadon City - YouTube

Check out Planet Poke: http://www.youtube.com/planetpokeWelcome to Part 23 of my Pokemon Blue Walkthrough. This walkthrough is a celebration of my 5 years on... Celdadon City Music. Synopsis: Junior travels to Celadon City and gets a new party member and learns that Team Rocket has invaded this city.....LINKS:http://www.twitter.com/super... I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor) Game: Pokemon YellowGenre: RPGDeveloper: GameFreak/NintendoSystem: Game Boy Color (GBC)Part 23Celadon City also shitemerry kurisumasuImage 2;http://www.zerochan.net/918915Image 3;http://www.zerochan.net/868116 We now have escaped the Rock Tunnel and head into Celadon City, the home of a "game Corner", Rocket Hideout, Gym, eevee, and evolution stones. Once we're don... We go battle trainers to get to Celadon City!Do we get there safe? Watch to find out! :) Watch the adventure of Ash into Celadon City. Check out the intense heat between Ash and Team Rocket. Also watch how Ash took his 4th Badge from Erika the Gy... #pokemon #pokemonyellow #pikachuSubscribe Today! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGDX1cMQWbOmUndpform-ow/featuredMy Twitch where I live stream daily http...

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