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Infantry content part 5: Korea second tour and MAAG adviser – prepare for Vietnam

Edit: unfortunately, the format gets changed when I post. No proper paragraphs😕
I had returned to the States, to Camp Roberts, California. I joined a Training Division, in this case, the Seventh Armored. I was assigned as an Instructor in Division Faculty. We would teach trainees, recruits, all the General Subjects; Map Reading, Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Warfare. About every subject that builds a qualified and prepared soldier, was what we would teach. In 1953 I was promoted to Master Sergeant; I completed my career plan twenty-seven years early. I made myself a promise, any soldier under me would be prepared to survive in combat. I enjoyed the duty but started drinking excessively. The drinking was no small part of my life. In looking back, I tried to understand why I became such a drunk. It started with boredom, you work all day and then went back to the Barracks each evening, there may be a more boring place than a Barracks in the evening, but that place does not come to mind. It would start by going down to the “Beer Hall,” but drinking beer and sitting around listening to war stories just didn’t cut it. Then it was trips to Paso Robles, and boozing it up. The Army itself ties almost all its social events to drinking. Yes, I would admit that a lot of the drinking had to do with coping with the stupidity of war, people, and situations, after all, say what you will, when you’re soused you feel very little. The one thing I accepted was it’s a self-inflicted wound. I got into trouble years later when the granddaddy of all cop-outs became stylish, “Alcoholism is a disease.” A disease you catch, or are passed down. It’s simple; you don’t want to drink, quit!! The Army decided to close Camp Roberts and did one of those things that drove me nuts. We had truckloads of supplies and equipment that were not accountable on anyone’s records, It was carried out to an area and buried. I asked why we couldn’t send it to other outfits. It seems it would reflect poor management on part of the Command. I closed out my duty at Camp Roberts by returning from town roaring drunk and ran over the MP shack at the Main Gate. I caught a bus for Fort Lewis Washington the next morning, after returning a car I had bought. I left it in front of the car dealership with a note that informed them. “This car does not steer straight.” I was still drunk. Fort Lewis was one of those Posts that always appealed to me. I was assigned to the 77th Infantry Division. It was a reactivated outfit and like all new outfits, it was short of supplies and equipment. I volunteered to take a convoy to Camp Roberts. Their response, “Request Denied.” I went to McCord Air Force Base and got all I needed by signing for everything with my First Sergeant’s signature. Ah, Life was great. The only thing that comes through those months, and the haze of Alcohol, at Fort Lewis, was our short tour to Alaska for Training Exercises. We moved into an area called Tanna Ridge, sometimes called the Ice Mountain. One day I out-skied the Alaskan National Guard patrol trying to capture me. They could have caught me, but, they were laughing too hard. So I got away. I would have done a lot better if I would have known how to ski. I guess it wouldn’t have mattered much. As I escaped the Guard I skied right into their Prisoner of War Compound. Too bad I was sober. It was 1953, the War in Korea was winding down, at least on the higher level. I returned to Korea, I was looking for something I lost there, but I didn’t know what it was, maybe it was that innocence, that we all hate to let go of. I was assigned to the Seventh Infantry Division; my Regiment was shipped to Pusan to guard the Neutral Nations Inspection Team. Their Job was to check on all the agreements of the cease fire. The problem was some of the Nations involved were Communist and the local Korean people were incensed that they were in their country and under our protection. The compound that we were housed in, on a regular basis, would be the target of giant demonstrations, not all were peaceful. We never had a problem with the violent demonstrations, you simply use enough return force to stop it. The tactics they used that tested the discipline of your Unit was the full charge against your security Platoon, blocking the gates. About five feet from the Bayonets the crowd would stop, then a path would open up, and five or six guys carrying baskets “Honey Buckets” would burst through and spread the contents over the Platoon. To be layered with Human waste had a tendency to ruin your day. In all the times I saw this used, our troops never reacted violently. I did notice a lot of flinching. The hard part of the duty was that you had to accomplish three missions, security, work details, and Training. There simply were not enough men to do all that was required. The responsibility fell to the Operations Sergeant in the Battalions to juggle schedules. I had become an Operations Sergeant. I’ve thought long and hard to think of how to explain what your duties would be in that position. I decided it would explain more to talk about the three Operations Sergeants of the units. The Operations Sergeant of the First Battalion, straightened up his desk one morning, filed all his reports, put on a clean set of fatigues, poured himself a fresh cup of coffee, then walked out behind his office to an empty Quonset Hut, and hung himself. The Operations Sergeant of the Second Battalion was found huddled in his room, in a corner, incoherently babbling about “Nothing fits, nothing fits. Does it???” (Who Knows.) The Operations Sergeant for the Third Battalion smiled a lot, volunteered for ridicules details, and generally had a good time, of course, he was Drunk around the clock. They never could tell I was drunk, until one day, I showed up sober. It was a tour you wait for to end. I returned to the United States and this time to Fort Lewis again, I think this time the outfit was the 5th Regimental Combat Team. It was on this tour of duty that I quit drinking. One morning about 0610 hrs. It was foggy, and I had just received the reports from all my companies. Senior Non-Commissioned Officers took turns conducting “Reveille.” I gave my report to the Regimental Officer, I could see his legs hanging out of the Fog about 20 paces away. I was of course, drunker than a Skunk. There were a couple of minor details I overlooked. One, it was Sunday. Two, there were no troops or units to get reports from. The third, and most important was, those legs hanging out of the fog, belonged to the Colonel, Commanding the Regiment. In a brief statement, the Colonel, I was informed, would break me to Private and put me, not in the Stockade, but under it. I made a major life change by noon that day. I decided that I would have to become more involved with my work, to compensate for the lack of booze. I became obsessed with having everything in order administratively. The payoff came when the Inspector General’s, annual inspection came around. I was given the highest score in the Regiment. The Regimental Commander was delighted and took full credit for my sobriety. (As he was reading my results, and gloating how well I did, I felt like saying, “I’ll drink to that.”) I requested an overseas assignment and was floored when I received orders for Panama. Panama was the “Old Soldiers Home,” one of the most sought after assignments in the Army. Usually, you had to be political, or a Mason, or know someone high up. I didn’t qualify in any of those cases, but I didn’t turn it down. On arrival in the United States Army Caribbean, I was assigned to the Army Headquarters as the Operations Sergeant. The best way to describe an Army Headquarters is to accept the fact that you go higher, you get nuttier. Everyone was a Prima-Donna. The people who work around you, although they were oftentimes excellent men, had to work for the higher-ups, that were beyond the reality of common Soldiers. In some cases, you had to wonder what Army they were in. The majority of my work had to do with briefing General Officers and foreign dignitaries. If I could have packaged “Egos”, cause I know there’s a market for them, I could have retired early, real, early. Working with people that are so taken with themselves can be a strain, seldom can you please them. I used two little tricks that became survival weapons for me. Those that are unbearable, threatening or just idiots with power, I would decide they were no longer amongst the living. I could receive their orders and carry them out, but they had no value to me, for in my mind, they are already dead. The downside of this is if they were threatened with death my response would have been, “Tough Shit.” The second way I used was for people who I could tolerate, but their egos seemed to be their headlights. These people, when they entered the room, I would just picture them, “Sitting on the Throne.” Often times I was asked by some of these same people how I handled my briefings without being nervous, I would tell them, and watch them get nervous. The duty in Panama was all I had heard people talk about. I spent a lot of time out in the civilian areas and especially an area called, “San Francisco.” The locals had a game they would play in the surf. It consisted of nine or ten of them going out while the tide was going down and catching the Sharks and selling them. One day I was watching a couple of groups, “Catching the Shark,” There was this great flurry of people scattering and screaming, you didn’t have to be a genius to figure out what happened. It appeared “Catching the Shark,” was a two-way street. After about fifteen minutes of complete Chaos, a group came running back to the beach, at first I thought they had part of a shark, but as they got to the beach I could see one of the men had the arm of another man. All they had was his arm and head and less than a third of the body. Very dead. Sharks = 1, Men = 0. Some of my duties took me across the peninsula, one day on the main highway, I passed two groups of village people who, were involved in a discussion about the events of the night before. It seems that native women, who worked in the city or as maids, would walk home in the evening and most of the time stayed right in the middle of the road. I figured, well that’s not too swift, cause the way the Chiva drivers roared around they were bound to pick off a few. That wasn’t the case. It seems the “Fer-de-Lance,” a snake, full-grown about six feet long and very poisonous, with ugly horn-like growths on its head, would attack the women at night. They were considered very aggressive and one of the few Snakes that will hunt you down. As I said, Panama was an interesting tour of duty. As my time in Panama drew to a close, I got word that most of the people that left Panama went to Fort Benning, Georgia. The last place I wanted to be. I decided to use an “Old Soldier” trick. When I filled out my preference forms for future assignments, they requested three preferences. Well, the Army would never send you where you wanted to go, so in those slots on the form, I listed Fort Benning, Georgia, in all three slots. It’s not hard to figure, right. I got my orders and went to Fort Benning, Georgia. (So much for “Old Soldier” tricks.) As I arrived at Columbus, Georgia, the town closest to Fort Benning, I came in by bus. I had not paid attention to the people on the Bus that much until we got off, it was then that I noticed the Negros, (Sorry, all you, or should I say, Vail, politically correct people, that’s what blacks were called at that time in history.) They had all been at the back end of the bus. As we unloaded I saw the people line up at, what I thought was the restaurant. Everyone knows in the south everyone still has outhouses, everyone runs around barefooted, hollering “yall com bac yheeer,” Hell, I’ve seen the same movies you did. The restaurant was two sawhorses with a board across them. The people would order and then stand around eating. I stood in line and it didn’t dawn on me that everyone else was a Negro. An older Negro man turned to me and said, “Boss, you can’t eat here, you got to go around the front, that’s for white folks.” I was embarrassed, I sort of mumbled and walked around front. The restaurant was just like those you see any place in the United States, except for the sign that said, “Whites Only.” I lost my hunger and waited for the bus to Fort Benning. The time I waited, only one thought came to my mind. “Erwin, rolled on a grenade, to save my ass, for this?” I was assigned to the Infantry School as an Instructor, That’s like being a professor at Harvard University in civilian life. In short, you have arrived. My assignment was with the Ground Mobility Department, of the Infantry School. Their mission was to teach all aspects of wheeled and Track vehicles, this makes perfect sense, I couldn’t find the gas cap on most cars. One thing about the Army, when given a mission, you never say I can’t do it. You just do it. The Instructor is responsible for his class and if it is screwed up, you pay dearly. The edge I had is that I am a damn fine teacher. (You expected coyness?) Teaching in the Army is a little different than you would experience on the outside. A unit in training runs on a schedule, that is unforgiving, you may have so many minutes to get from one area or classroom to the next. Being late is not stylish, once you get into a class the Instructor has fifty minutes, not forty- nine, or fifty-one, but fifty minutes to get his class information across. No slack. The challenge for me, of course, was to learn the Subjects on wheeled and track vehicles. I would attend as many classes as possible given by Instructors that knew what they were talking about. For the first couple of months, everything was “rote.” I then started to sound like I knew what I was talking about; sort of. The second challenge was my Officer in Charge, (OIC), He was totally unlikable. His main shortcoming was that he would panic in most situations and in all, where an Officer senior to him would appear. He demanded respect, but seldom earned it, and never gave it. In truth, he wasn’t much. They use to say in the ranks, (Enlisted,) that about every third commander you would serve under would be, “One card short of a full deck,” I seemed to get the nut every time. My first falling out with him came one early morning when the Committee was supposed to set up a vehicle display of all wheeled and track vehicles. The OIC and I were the first to arrive and he would tell me where to put a Jeep, and I would do it. Things went fairly smooth until we got to the Track vehicles, case in point, the M48 Tank, I had never driven one, in fact as an Infantryman, I stayed away from them, as they draw a lot of “Incoming rounds.” Well the OIC, told me to get in and move the M48, I tried three times to tell him, I didn’t know how, he wouldn’t listen and ordered me, almost in a rage to move it. My response was, “Yes sir!” I got in the M48, and got situated in the driver’s seat, got the hatch open, messed around and got it started. I looked out and the OIC was standing about six feet in front of me, getting ready to ground-guide me. I tried to wave him off, he shook his head and motioned me forward, well, what the hell, I released the Laterals and gave it the gun. That M48 leaped about four feet forward, and the expression on the OIC’s face was one of terror, he turned and ran like hell, and I was right on him, fortunately, he ran straight to the fence opposite us. He was spread eagle against the fence when I locked the brakes, and stopped about four feet from him. He sort of lost it, and threaten to court-martial me, plus a few other things. I hollered right back at him and told him the Colonel, Ole Grease Rack six, (We called him GR6,) would want to know why my OIC, had an unqualified driver, moving vehicles. The OIC saw a question he didn’t want to answer, so he gave me a look that kills and told me to move the rest of the vehicles, and took off. The one person that could turn on my OIC, and he feared more than a measly old M48, was Grease Rack Six. He’ll be the second part of my assignment. He was probably the most despised man on the Post, even by his peers. After that, my OIC tried to make things difficult for me, but I managed to fend off most of his stupidity. One of his classic screw-ups came by his own perchance for panic. One early morning the Committee was setting up a vehicle cross country demonstration and we had all our vehicles positioned, and just waiting to go. The NCOs were having coffee, and someone had brought out some donuts, so it was a good beginning. Someone hollered, “The General is here,” The Post Commander showed up for most of the major demonstrations, so it wasn’t a big deal. Our OIC, came roaring toward us, damn near screaming, “Get rid of the Coffee,” He proceeded to drop-kick our thermos of coffee over the side of the hill. At this same time, the General’s sedan pulled into our area, the General got out and said. “How about some coffee and a donut?” (The General knew how to deal with enlisted men,) Our OIC lunged over the side of the hill in full pursuit of the Thermos. Between us, we hustled the General a cup of coffee and a donut, while everyone could hear our OIC thrashing through the bushes, looking for the ill-fated thermos. The General asked, “Is that the demonstration??” Did you ever have a test of wanting to roll around on the ground in a blast of Belly laughs, but resisted? Grease Rack Six, used up six lifetimes of Karma of our OIC, He chewed the seat out of his trousers. Our OIC, spent most of his remaining tour hiding from GR6. After a year in a faculty position, an opening came up for Operations Sergeant in the Department Headquarters, working for GR6. Never have so many men attempted to get someone else assigned to a position. My records were reviewed and I got the golden opportunity. Oh Joy, upon Joy. My in-briefing with GR6 could be summed up by a modification of my own philosophy, “There is the right way, the wrong way, the Army way, and GR6’s way.” My job was to schedule, for one year, all the classes the Department gave to NCOs, Officers, Advanced Officers, and OCS. Day by day, hour by hour, then coordinate the equipment, areas, instructors, and anything else that may be needed. As I completed that I would lay it out on a massive chart and GR6 would look it over and sign it on the bottom. His parting comment would give me a warm feeling like maybe I was wearing a full diaper. GR6 would stare at me and say, “if it’s not right, I’ll have your stripes.” My response, “Yes Sir!” I also carried on training schedules and other duties as assigned. (They always love to add that one.) One of those other assigned duties was the morning briefing of the Charts. I believe many people could relate to that particular job, not so much because of the details of it, but because of a Commander, CEO, Supervisor, Boss, or Tyrant. It went like so. GR6 believed that if it existed, it should have a chart, showing that it existed. In his office, he had thirty-six charts, they were four feet wide, and four feet long. Reflected on the charts was all the information on the main Operations schedule he had signed off on. The detail was much greater. My responsibility was to keep them up to date as of 0700 hours each morning of each day. Additionally, there was a three-ring binder on his desk that contained the same information, that also must be maintained. The basics were in place, so all that is left is procedure. At 0630 hours, each duty day I reported to his office and of course up-dated all the charts and the three-ring binder. I would place the binder, closed, on his desk, centered. At 0655 hours I would stand next to his entry door at a spot designated by a small piece of tape, indicating where my right toe was to rest. I would stand at the position of “Attention,” even though I was alone. GR6 would usually arrive at 0700, but I would stand there until he did, or I was excused by someone with more authority (God?) When he did show I would remain silent. He would walk to his desk, sit down, say nothing, then he would open his three-ring folder. If it was the cover, then that was my cue to approach him, any other page demanded me to remain in position. I would walk at a fifteen-degree angle to the left, to a position exactly two feet in front of his desk, centered. A piece of tape indicated where my right toe should rest. I would salute him and greet him, “Good morning, Sir, it is Friday the thirteenth for the next two years of my life.” I gave him the correct time, date, and a detailed weather report, GR6 was “Airborne qualified,” and he was always interested in the velocity of the wind, etc., etc, (I always thought the only thing that should fall out of the sky was Bird Shit.) I would pause for ten seconds, then move to the charts, a piece of tape marked where my right toe should rest. I would go through a chart and GR6 would follow in the three-ring binder. If there were no questions I would wait until he turned the page, then go on to the next chart, and on and on. One “Fly in the Ointment,” was GR6 kept his own set of notes, and sometimes stop by areas and get corrections as they were taking place. He would inform me I wasn’t updating the charts in the correct manner. My response, “Yes sir!” When GR6 closed the binder, that was my command to do “About Face,” and walk back to my starting position by the door. I would do another, “About Face,” and wait, GR6 would then state, “That is all.” I would “About Face,” step out the door and all that could be heard was the “Click,” of the latch. One day I had survived the morning routine, it was about 1630 hrs. (4:30 PM.) I was informed that GR6 wanted me to report to him. I went to his office and reported to him, He was in his “Golf outfit,” and soaking wet. I knew what was coming. He looks at me with the “You're dead, why are you still standing,” look and said, “Master Sergeant Therriault, you told me it would not rain this afternoon, it did. “Why?” Me, “I shall find out sir.” I exited his office, went upstairs, and called the Airfield. A Captain understood my situation, but thought it was hilarious; I informed him my humor was fading fast. The Captain gave me the whole routine of why it rained, the changing patterns, and the whole smear. I reported back to GR6, gave him a detailed explanation, “Why it rained.” Good Ole GR6 glared at me and said, “Master Sergeant Therriault you are not to let that happen again. “You’ll see that the patterns stay stable.” My response, “Yes Sir!” My thoughts, “Holy shit, I’ve been promoted to God by God himself.” It was apparent, the time had come to escape. I looked around and started inquiring as to what may be available that would meet GR6’s approval, I knew nothing plush would get by him. In reviewing my records I really became aware that I had four strengths; Command and Leadership, Operations, Intelligence, and Training. My background lead to Intelligence as an area that I had quite a bit of experience that had not been used. It was 1961, and the newest thing going was a place called Vietnam. The Far East had always appealed to me so why not. The Special Forces were the headliners, but that didn’t appeal to me. The other area was Military Advisory Assistance Group, (MAAG), I was given an Orientation Course at Fort Holabird, Maryland. (The Army Intelligence Center). They initially informed me to stay within the normal channels of the Army, but if anything “Special,” came up “they” would contact me. I requested an assignment to Vietnam, as an “Advisor.” There was no resistance from GR6 and I was thrilled, to say the least, but I would have volunteered to go to Red Square, and Indian-wrestle the Russian Army, one by one. On my last day of duty, GR6 called me to his office, I don’t know who snuck into GR6’s Office, but the guy that greeted me was smiling, even got out of his chair, thanked me for my Services, when he put his hand on my shoulder, I really got paranoid. Ole GR6 looked me right in the eye, and said, “Well Sergeant, I have good news for you, I’m going to Vietnam also.” I could almost repeat his next words before he said them. “I’ll have you sent to my Command as soon as I get word of your assignment.” My response, “Yes Sir!” It was very clear to me that my assignment to his outfit would never take place, not in this lifetime. I reported for training at Fort Bragg, SC, There were aspects of the Training that were different and unique, it was going to be a different type of warfare. One of the more interesting aspects was a program called “Lessons Learned.” The idea was to use trained Intelligence personnel to move with Vietnamese units and gather and sketch everything the Enemy created. Those sketches were of positions, hideouts, booby-traps, and everything that could be sketched. The idea, of course, was to be able to use this with the training of American and Allied troops. The Idea was sound, however, it was not pushed in units to the extent it could have been in the later years of the War. That in itself was a shame, as it could have saved some lives. Other areas of the training that were unique, involved Ambushes, manned, and unmanned. The idea of operating with very little supervision appealed to me. The language classes were given by Vietnamese and we had the basics down pretty good, however, the Instructor inquired about some of my interpretations. In having the enemy come out of Bunkers or holes, my request, came out something to the effect, “This is a pencil.” Oh well, back to pictures in the sand and sign language. During the night time Ambush evaluations at the end of the exercise, two of the evaluators, who were my contacts at Fort Holabird, started talking to us. They were without rank insignias, but wore Jungle fatigues and asked questions, not about ourselves, rather five other individuals, and how we perceived their actions. Later, I was to find out they asked the other five about us. Everyone that was in their particular field seemed to be pretty much of the same type, so I took to calling them “Clones.”* One of our first demonstrations was to watch a B26 Invader low-level bomb a position. They came in at about 500 feet dropped their bombs and fragments hit their aircraft. The plane did a half roll, two men came out, but they were so close to the ground it drove them into the earth, the Invader crashed. Listening to the men shouting over the intercom didn’t help matters much. You hope for the best, but I didn’t expect any survivors. All of the “Advisors” were older soldiers and it took that crash to bring us back to the reality that the peacetime Army was over. Because many of us were what would be considered “Old Soldiers,” a number of the bull sessions, rather than being the “Bravado type,” ended up in an intelligence summary of just who the Vietnamese were. There were a couple of NCOs that referred to them as “Gooks” But I just marked them in my mental book and intended to stay clear of them. What we did learn was we were short on Knowledge of the People, the History, and the “Enemy.” We had some of these concerns satisfied by classes, of the people, their culture, and History. I became fascinated with their culture and spirituality. I targeted on the Language instructor and pumped him for as much common information that usually does not get into the books. One of our Special Forces Instructors, and an older NCO, recommended for those of us that were serious about our duty, to acquire the book called, “The Street Without Joy” by Bernard Fall. It was the story of the demise of the French in Vietnam; most guys read bits and parts of the book and set it aside. (Army people aren’t the most intellectual), anything more than reading dirty sayings on the shit house walls can put a great strain on the brain. Something about the book drew great interest in me, so I read it slowly, not jumping to the last page of each chapter to see if there was a great love scene in the offering like most of the crap books they call enlightening reading. There was something in the demeanor of the Special Forces NCO, which made me believe he gave us a key to some very important Knowledge. When I finished, I sat the book down turned to Charlie B. and said as casually as I could, “Charlie I’ll bet you two hundred bucks we get our ass whipped over there.” Charlie said, “By a bunch of insurgents, Bull shit!” Charlie and I had been in Korea and he had spent time around the French Battalion, attached to the 23rd Infantry Regiment of the 2d Infantry, Division. In the simplest terms, it was the kind of outfit you wanted next to you in a hot fight. They were good. When the Korean War was over we came home for the most part. The French Battalion went to Vietnam and became known as the “Corée Battalion”. Anyway, I read to Charlie how the Corée Battalion was part of what was Group Mobile 100 and how the VC, then called the Viet Minh, had destroyed them in a couple of weeks. Both Charlie and I just sat for a while, I might add here, that I still drank whenever it struck me, but I never let it control me, as in the old days. Then we decided to go get drunk. I knew a lot of the men in the French Battalion and I had a great sadness settle over me. The first major mistake I saw was the underestimating of our opponents.
submitted by Expatriate60 to Infantry [link] [comments]

Justice Legion #2 - The Stars Are Out Tonight

DC Next Proudly Presents:


Issue Two: The Stars Are Out Tonight
Written by Dwright5252
Edited by AdamantAce, JPM11S, VengeanceKnight
<First Issue Next Issue >
Rozakis Chocolate Factory, New York City
Karen Beecher rose from the floor, reeling from the psychic projection that had just been urgently beamed into her mind. It was a frantic call for help, flashes of starlike creatures latching onto people and controlling them. A flash of heat vision searing into flesh. Darkness, utter darkness. The heroes had failed, the message said, and she was the only one who knew the dangers now. She’d have to do something.
The only thing was, what could she do? She was no longer the Teen Titan Bumblebee; she was a researcher and a technician. She hadn’t been in a battle in years, and even if she was at the top of her game she seriously doubted she could take on the combined mind controlled forces of the Flash (or whoever he was) and Superman.
Thinking quickly, Karen knew she’d need certain things for this upcoming skirmish. If the Flash was compromised, she’d need a way to slow him down. Rushing through her massive factory, she arrived at Vault 23. Putting the combination in with a flurry of button presses, she entered the vault and spied what she was looking for: an electromagnetic particle decelerator. If she could manage to lead the shot and hit the Flash with this baby...
Superman… that was a tricky one. S.T.A.R. Labs didn’t allow her any Kryptonian technology when she worked with them, but from what she recalled on her days with the Titans, she knew the former Man of Steel was vulnerable to magic.
She didn’t have any magical artifacts - she wasn’t a wizard - but another thought popped into her mind. She entered Vault 37 and found the Spectrum Gun she’d built a year ago. Quickly pulling off the casing, she grabbed a nearby flathead screwdriver and a small soldering iron and went to work. In a few moments, she was sure she had the right wavelength to imitate radiation from a red sun. It was well chronicled by Professor Hamilton at S.T.A.R. Labs Metropolis that red sun radiation blocked the Kryptonian’s cells from absorbing the yellow sun energy that gave them their power.
If there was mind control at work, they would need some sort of psionic blockers to ensure they didn’t fall under the influence of this mysterious enemy. Vault 41 had what she was looking for: small earpieces and headbands that effectively created a psychic barrier around the wearer’s mind that prevented attacks. She hoped these would help her, but feared it might not be enough.
As she gathered the equipment in the front of her lab, she looked towards the back of the factory to Vault 52. It had been a long time since she entered that vault and examined its contents, but she knew that if she had any chance at doing this, it would be with the equipment stored within.
Entering the passcode, the same one that gained her access to Titans Tower all those years ago, the vault creaked open, revealing a modest room filled with memories and pain. Pictures adorned the walls, filled with heroic feats and fun times. One picture in particular, a Christmas photo of all the Titans gathered around their tree. Karen saw herself decked out in a black and yellow suit, her goggles hiding how joyful her eyes must’ve been. Her arm was wrapped around Kyle Rayner’s, the former Green Lantern who lost his life at Coast City fighting his mentor. Karen felt a chill run down her spine, causing her to turn away from the memories and finally acknowledge the reason she entered the vault.
Despite not being used in years, Karen’s Bumblebee suit looked pristine. Sleekly designed, the suit’s liquid metal exterior allowed for protection as well as maneuverability. The electro blast gauntlets shone a deep golden color, and Karen could see the pack on the back of the suit that housed its amber wings was still in fantastic shape. If someone other than her looked at the suit, there was no way they could tell how many times she had almost died in that suit.
Despite all the wonders of engineering and science she used to see in the outfit, Karen could only see the battle scars. Though no longer visible, to Karen the suit looked as damaged as anything else. But there was no time for that. She had work to do.
The suit fit like a glove, sliding onto her with ease. As she put the golden goggles over her eyes, the HUD flickered to life, detailing heart rate, weather conditions (though they were basically in a bunker right now) and other vital information. Balling her right hand into a fist, she armed the blasters on her wrist. She couldn’t help but feel good when she actually had the uniform on; it was the aftermath that would hit her hard.
Karen knew she couldn’t do this alone. She would need all the help she could get, but who could she call? She wasn’t a member of the Justice Legion, meaning she couldn’t call out for help that way. Most of her friends on the Titans were either retired or…
There was one person that she could ask, someone nearby, but she knew that convincing them would be even more difficult than convincing herself.
Kanigher Rehabilitation Center
“Your progress is really something to be proud of, James. Though it might seem like a month is a short amount of time to be clean, you need to realize how momentous that truly is.”
Lilith Clay sat behind her modest desk in her office, talking to the young man in front of her as he twirled his sobriety chip between his fingers. She felt his anxiousness, his craving for another fix just as much as she felt her own emotions. She’d seen it many times before, and knew how difficult it was for these individuals to fight the urges. She herself had an addiction- though it was one of a different kind than James was dealing with- and it took her a long time to recognize that for what it was.
“It’s so hard, Miss Clay,” James said, his eyes planted on the ground. “I’m doing my best.”
“I know you are,” Lilith said calmly. “That’s all we can ask of you. Whenever you feel the urge, just think about me or give me a call. I’ll help you through it, I promise.” She reached out to him mentally, sending positive emotions from her own mind over to his. The anxiety began to dissipate, replaced with serenity and calm. She knew this was only a band-aid over a wound that he must heal himself, but she also knew that every little thing helped on the road to recovery.
James rose from his seat and shook Lilith’s hand, smiling as he exited the room. It made Lilith feel good helping people like James through their struggles, and reminded her of the strength of the human spirit. Breaking an addiction was one of the hardest actions one could take, and Lilith was proud to help these brave people through their struggles.
Gathering up her files from her desk, Lilith prepared to leave for the day. It had been a relatively tame day at the office, leaving her enough time to clock in a few hours at the Counseling Center a few blocks over.
As she was about to leave, she heard a small knocking on her window. Lilith thought that was odd, seeing as the rehab center was on the 9th floor of this refurbished brownhouse. Looking out the window, she was greeted by the sight of a small insect bouncing against the glass. Lilith froze for a second before composing herself and opened the window. The insect grew quickly in front of her, revealing her old friend Karen Beecher dressed in her Bumblebee outfit as she carried quite a number of weapons into the building.
“Going for a heroic joyride today, Karen?” Lilith asked, a hint of disappointment evident in her voice. “I thought you were done with that.”
“Believe me, I wish I was,” Karen said hurriedly. “We can talk about it later, but I need your help right now.”
Lilith had helped Karen after her last Titans mission, helped her through the pain and fallout of the battle. She knew that Karen wouldn’t have showed up at her door in full Bumblebee attire if the situation wasn’t dire. “What’s happened?”
“The Legion… they’ve been captured. I’m the only one that knows. I need your help. I think your psychic stuff can really help me out with this problem.” Lilith could feel Karen’s panic, her fear of what might happen. But she could also feel the determination and courage resonating throughout her. “I had a mental message sent to me.”
“The Justice Legion? Like Superman, the Flash, those guys? That’s a bit out of our league, Karen.” Lilith put her briefcase on her desk and sat in her chair, overwhelmed by the residual energy of the psychic plea for help that she sensed within her friend. J’onn.
“Believe me, I know. But we need help and we need it now. I know you’re not active anymore and I know you want nothing to do with this, but I can’t do this without you. Is there anyone in the city that we know that can contact other members? I tried Dick but he wasn’t answering.”
Lilith took a breath and regained her composure. If some of the most powerful heroes in the world had been taken down, they truly did need all the help they could get.
“I do know someone, but it’ll be pretty awkward for both of us."
Atlantean Embassy
Garth banged his head against the wall of the situation room, bored out of his mind. Richard Mission, their annoying liaison, had given him a mountain of paperwork to fill out in regards to a censure made by the ambassadors of the United Nations in regards to the massive earthquakes caused by the most recent conflict in Atlantis. Though it wasn’t the nation’s fault that a massive goddess decided to reenter the realm and try to control the world, Atlantis took the blame for not stopping her sooner.
“Initial here, here and signature here,” Mission said in his smarmiest voice, though Garth knew he didn’t mean to be this insufferable. Some people just couldn’t help themselves.
“Excuse me, ambassador, but you have visitors in your office that require your immediate attention,” one of the aides said from the door of the room. Before Mission could stop him, Garth rushed to his office, thankful for anything that would prevent him from drowning in paperwork. Then he found himself face to face with Lilith Clay.
“Hi, Garth,” she said, her voice just as soothing as he remembered it was. “We need your help.”
“L-Lilith,” Garth stammered, trying to close the door behind him only to completely fumble for the doorknob. The person behind Lilith that Garth now noticed, Karen Beecher, rolled her eyes and closed the door for him.
“Can we sideline the googly eyes and talk about how fucked this situation is?” Karen’s urgent tone broke Garth from his trance. He could catch up with Lilith later. “Lilith says you have Legion contacts?”
Garth nodded and moved to his desk, pulling out a small golden communicator emblazoned with the letters JL in black.
“What’s the situation? Is Psimon back in town?” Garth asked, half joking to try and lighten the tension and awkwardness. Lilith held her hands out and projected images into his mind of terror, destruction and mind control.
“By Poseidon,” Garth whispered, “They took down J’onn and Superman?”
“That’s why we need all the help we can get.” Karen held out her hand for the communicator, and Garth placed it gently into her palm. “How’s your magic nowadays?”
“Better. I’m stronger now than I was before. Maybe not strong enough to take on a man of steel but I can definitely keep him occupied.” Garth felt a nervousness begin to bubble within him, only for a feeling of excitement and confidence to replace it. He glanced over at Lilith, who winked at him. She always was the best at keeping him calm.
Karen pressed the device in her hand, bringing up a list of the active members of the Legion. “Now, who can we get to take down the most powerful people on the planet?”
Central City Police Department
“Okay… vic’ has bruising around the neck and defense wounds on the forearms. The cuts don’t seem to be deep, but there are a lot of them. Seven by my count. Their… skull is cracked. Point of impact is on the side of the head. The resulting trauma--” Patty Spivot clicked off the recorder. That was the third time she’d tried to get everything out.
Patty pulled off her gloves and threw them in the nearby trash bin as she walked away from the third domestic abuse victim she’d examined that week. It was a heavy caseload in such a short span, especially when she didn’t have her fiance around to help wash the brutality of the kills away like normal. Domestic cases like this were always difficult to see, how a relationship that might have been filled with love could turn sour. It was tough work for sure, and sometimes she had to step away for a moment, but Patty found it to be cathartic helping these victims receive justice.
“What’ve we got?” Detective Horn approached Patty, causing her to involuntarily sigh. Horn was probably Patty’s least favorite detective to deal with; he constantly toed the line of workplace harassment with the female employees, chalking it up to “being friendly.” She was in no mood to deal with his crass behavior.
“Pretty cut and dry case. Husband killed her, possibly with the hammer found at the crime scene. Shouldn’t be too hard for a conviction.”
Horn nodded, clearly relieved he wouldn’t have to put too much personal effort in the case. “Good. Have you seen your boyfriend around, by the way? Allen owes me a report on the Bates case.”
Patty hadn’t seen Barry in a few days. He said something to her about being needed in Keystone City for a few hours but didn’t give her any details. She knew better than to ask him specifics; Barry barely remembered to put his shoes on in the morning let alone check in with her if he was wrapped up in something. As usual, “a few hours” ended up being much longer, in this case a few days. If she was engaged to anybody other than Barry Allen, she’d be concerned he hadn’t returned her calls.
“He’s in Keystone right now, but I’m sure he left what you need at his lab,” Patty responded, brushing past the detective as she made her way towards the lobby of the precinct. She had other work to do.
At least with Barry out of town she could go patrol without worrying about missing anything fun with him. She knew he was concerned about her heroic side job, though he had since stopped talking about it as much. She was working alongside the Flash, Central City’s own hero, who was quickly showing her the ropes to her newfound speed powers. As she exited the building, she ducked into a nearby alleyway and speedily changed into her Negative Flash outfit.
Pressing the communicator on the side of her cowl, she quickly tuned into the police frequency. The Flash told her to stick with petty crimes while he was away on Legion business, and thankfully nothing dire had occurred in the interim. She was quickly becoming accustomed to sprinting the streets of Central City without a thought, knowing the dips in the road, the turns and patterns of the traffic. It almost felt routine now, weaving around unsuspecting cars and friendly patrons that instinctively waved when a gust of wind raced past them. This was a city for heroes, and she was happy to count herself among them.
Suddenly she heard a strange alert inside her communicator, one that didn’t match anything she knew from the police or their personal frequency. That could only mean one thing: the Justice Legion.
Am I speaking to Negative Flash?” a voice on the other end of the call said, sounding somewhat frantic.
“Speaking,” Patty responded, quickly racing toward her own apartment to gain some privacy. “What does the Justice Legion need from me? Is Flash okay?”
There was silence on the other end for a moment before the voice replied, “How quickly can you get to Blue Valley, Nebraska?
Law Offices of Freeman, Katz and Freeman, Dakota City
Augustus Freeman glanced at his watch, impatiently waiting for his client to arrive. Though corporate lawsuits generally moved at a glacial pace, this case in particular worried him. The company they represented, Ocran Industries, was being sued for their allegedly dangerous pesticide known as Draxx. The suit was being settled out of court, but the party suing Ocran had demanded a face to face meeting with the CEO himself before they would accept the lump sum of $4.2 million and the signing of an NDA.
Freeman found himself across the table from a colleague of his, Gerald Waldman and his clients. Though Freeman had seen the chemical burns sustained by the workers in pictures placed into evidence, the sight of the extent of their injuries was far more apparent in person. Augustus smiled at the opposing counsel, and cleared his throat.
“I have assurance from my client he will be arriving momentarily,” Augustus said, feeling a twinge of guilt for the white lie he just told. “Allow me to ascertain his current whereabouts. If you’ll excuse me.”
Freeman stood from his chair and buttoned his suit jacket as Waldman did the same. His client stayed seated, the pain on his face evident. Giving them a nod as he left, Augustus took out his cell phone and dialed the number for Peter Harlan’s office.
Mister Harlan left for the day to attend a golf fundraiser,” Harlan’s secretary Madeline replied as Augustus asked for his client’s location. “He said to give the man an extra million and offered a lifetime supply of the product.
Augustus fumed quietly. Though he very much wished to vent his frustrations over the phone, he knew poor Madeline was merely the messenger for her boss. As such, he quietly thanked her and steeled himself for the unfortunate conversation he would have to endure for his client at his own expense.
“Listen, you’ve covered most of this case,” Freeman’s partner Saul Katz walked up behind him, patting him on the shoulder. “Let me give them the bad news. Your father would be proud of the work you’re doing.”
“Thank you, Saul,” Augustus responded as his colleague entered the boardroom behind them and closed the door. Yes, his previous self as Augustus Freeman III might have been able to sleep well at night after winning a case, but he found himself a changed… being. That was all thanks to Raquel. His former partner in his other line of work had taught him so much about the world in a way that never occurred to him. It had been too long since he’d spoken to her, perhaps she would understand now-
Augustus’s hearing caught the almost silent alarm of the Justice Legion communicator he had stashed in the office. Rushing over to the copy of Frederick Douglass’s My Bondage, My Freedom placed lovingly in the bookcase in his office, he pulled the thin device from inside the novel and placed it to his ear.
Icon, are you there? We need your help.
Augustus listened to the voice relay the crucial information about the task at hand and announced his intentions to provide aid. Through the closed doors he could hear the angry cries of the affected worker, furious about his lack of an opportunity to confront the man responsible for his deformities.
Icon made a note to help the man receive the justice he required, but knew his power was needed elsewhere at the moment.
Just outside Blue Valley
Karen Beecher looked over the assembled members of the Justice Legion: The former sidekick turned ambassador Tempest, the mysterious, but keen Negative Flash, the stalwart Icon, and her friend, Lilith the empath. They stationed themselves at an abandoned barn on the outskirts of the city limits. The heroes looked ready on the whole, prepared to battle with all of their strength. She hoped they would be enough.
“Now that Omen has provided you with the information we have,” Karen began, referring to Lilith by her former heroic moniker, “You know the stakes of this mission. We can’t allow this infection, this… invasion to spread past these borders. Though we’ve lost some members to this attack already, we now have knowledge of what exactly it is we’re dealing with, something our predecessors weren’t fully prepared for.”
“Bumblebee has provided all of you with psionic blockers that should prevent these creatures from entering your mind,” Lilith continued for her, holding up the ear buds and headbands. “We aren’t sure how effective they’ll be until we put them to the test, but I’ll do my best to provide additional mental protection. Your best bet is to prevent the creatures from making physical contact, as that seems to be their point of entry.”
Karen nodded in gratitude to her former teammate, and held up the Spectrum Gun. “Because we’re going up against some of the Legion’s heaviest hitters, we made sure to bring along the arsenal to incapacitate them until we can find a way to sever their control. I’ll be working with Tempest to fight against Superman. With his magic and this Spectrum Gun, we might be able to weaken him to the point of getting him under control. Negative Flash and Icon will work on the Flash, as you two are the only ones close enough speed wise to him. Lilith will be providing support as well as attempting to find the source of the control.”
She handed the particle decelerator to Negative Flash, who looked at her nervously. “This won’t… kill the Flash, will it?”
“All my equipment is strictly non-lethal, but I won’t lie and say it’ll be painless for him,” Karen explained, looking the speedster in the eyes. “We know they can take it, and this is our best chance at preventing them from hurting others.”
“What about Mister Miracle and Martian Manhunter? Weren’t they a part of the initial team?” Icon asked, his red and green outfitted form towering over the rest of the heroes.
“From the psychic blast I received, it seems as though Manhunter has shut his mind off to prevent the aliens from taking control of it,” Karen explained, pushing the memory of the total blackness from her mind. “I think the best bet is to leave him in that state until we can be sure the others are back. As for Mister Miracle, we might have to tag team him. There’s not a lot of information on him, so we’ll have to be prepared for anything.”
“What happens if one of us gets taken down?” Garth asked the question quietly, but it was one that was clearly on everyone’s mind.
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” Karen nodded solemnly. “Any other questions?”
The heroes all shook their heads, and the feeling Karen used to get before every battle soon filled her stomach. She’d been waiting for that feeling; it made everything real for her.
“Okay, let’s go to work.”
Karen flew high over the town, shrunk down to the size of her namesake as she surveyed the layout of the town. The downtown area of Blue Valley was covered in townsfolk, walking from building to building in a twisted mocking of normal life. She spotted Superman hovering over the general store, his vision passing over the controlled population as if a prison guard inspecting the inmates. The Flash buzzed up and down Main Street, stopping at each end for a few seconds before zipping back the way he came. It was an odd sight for sure.
Karen flew away from the town center, hoping to catch a glimpse of another place of interest that might house the master control center, but found nothing. It seemed like the only way forward was taking out the heroes and hoping they could provide some information.
Knowing Superman’s hearing would pick up any verbal communications to the other heroes, Karen typed out the situation for the rest of the team. After explaining the positioning, she knew she’d have seconds to get into place. The name of the game was keep away, as in keeping the heroes away from the civilians to prevent collateral damage and potential exposure to the parasites crawling over the people of the town.
Superman’s eyes passed over the buildings to Karen’s right, causing her adrenaline to spike. The usually friendly Man of Steel looked menacing as he malevolently searched for intruders, and Karen could see how many of the starfish-like aliens covered his body. She waited until he was almost looking directly at her, then fired her Spectrum Gun.
A flash of red heat burst from her device, colliding with the young man’s chest as he was sent flying backwards. That was the signal to attack.
Karen saw the Flash turn towards her and begin to sprint, only for another rush of wind to intercept the red blur. She couldn’t physically see what happened, but she knew Icon and Negative Flash had whisked the Fastest Man Alive away from the town. The rest of the townsfolk turned toward her simultaneously, and she took off into the air towards where Superman was shot.
Seeing the collapsed structure of a house a block away, Karen rushed towards it. Superman was just beginning to rise from within the debris, his chest smoking from the concentrated radiation. He fired a blast of heat vision in her direction that she nimbly dodged. The concussive blast sputtered as it came from his eyes, a sign that her Spectrum Gun had done its job. She saw Garth rush towards him, his own eyes glowing violet as twin beams hit the Man of Steel right in the still steaming spot. She saw him writhe with pain before dodging the beams. He tossed the siding of the house towards Garth, who sliced it in two with a large gush of water.
Karen felt the gun prime in her hand for another blast and fired towards Superman. However, the half-Kryptonian was ready for the attack, and quickly brought up the refrigerator door to block the shot.
Garth looked worriedly at Karen, his thoughts mirroring her own. He was starting to get his powers back already. They were in for a tough fight.
“Flash, this isn’t you! Snap out of it!”
Patty pleaded with her partner as she and Icon pushed him through the city streets into an aged auto shop. She looked into his eyes for any sign of the hero she knew, only to find them blank and vacant. Out of the corner of her eye she saw one of the stars attached to his side leap at her, causing her to pull one arm off of the Flash in order to bat it away from her. He slipped from her grasp and vaulted over Icon, landing with a flourish on top of a raised hatchback that had been in the process of getting inspected.
“They only called for one of you I see,” the Flash said in a voice that wasn’t his own. “You need the whole gang to take me down.”
Patty raised the decelerator and fired it at the Scarlet Speedster, who phased through the truck as the blast struck the wall behind him. Icon stomped the ground as the Flash landed, sending the speedster tripping onto the floor. Seeing the opportunity, she aimed and fired, connecting with the crimson costume. The blurriness began to come into focus as the blast hit him, almost freezing him like a snapshot.
“You’ll need to keep firing at him until we can come up with a more viable solution,” Icon reported as he continued to stomp the ground. Negative Flash complied, firing shot after shot into the Flash as he tried to get up and approach them. It would’ve almost been comical seeing him frozen in the various positions if she didn’t see how terrifying his face was. A large smile creeped over him, and Patty noticed he was getting closer and closer despite Icon’s destruction of the pavement below him and her deceleration gun. Soon he was right on top of them, and his hand was reaching for the gun.
Icon cocked his fist back with astounding speed and slammed it into his chest, sending the Fastest Man Alive through the wall of the auto shop.
“You killed him!” Patty shouted, seeing his crumpled form through the massive hole in the wall.
“I believe you are mistaken,” Icon said, priming himself for round two as the Flash effortlessly rose like a puppet on strings. It was clear what was in control of him, and Patty steeled herself for the next wave.
Lilith made her way through the streets of the town, projecting a mental screen around her that normally enabled her to become invisible in the minds of those in her area. Judging from the lack of response from the townsfolk that walked past her without a care in the world, she saw that the old trick still worked, even with mind controlled civilians.
Karen was right, there seemed to be no sign of where the creatures originated from. She had tried to reach out to one of the citizens that passed her, only to find their own mental block was in place. Nobody seemed to be protecting anything. It was like they were just lying in wait.
She felt a shadow pass over her and saw the caped form of Mister Miracle appear out of the general store. He seemed to be headed in the direction of one of the battles her friends had started, and Lilith knew she couldn’t allow another opponent to impede their tasks. Reaching out with her mind, she felt the familiar green aura surround her as she sent shards of solidified psychic energy hurling towards the twin disks he flew on. The shards connected, causing Mister Miracle to begin careening towards the ground at a fast pace. He quickly regained his feet and rushed over to her, the mental smokescreen clearly broken. However, she saw him stop abruptly inches from her, the star creatures on him seemingly frozen.
“Help… me…” he whispered as the eyes beneath his mask became clear. Lilith realized that somehow he was fighting the control. She nodded, and quickly wracked her brain for ways she could break him out of it. She tried prying the starfish off of him, only for them to latch onto him even more. She projected a mental shockwave towards them, but they seemed unaffected. The only way she could fight them, she deduced, was within.
Judging how all the star aliens seemed to react simultaneously to everything she tried, Lilith deduced they might be connected by some sort of hive mind. If she could travel within the network that they all seemed to be linked by, she might be able to free the heroes. Especially if the bodies they were controlling were currently preoccupied with their own battle.
Taking a deep breath, she removed her psychic-shielding circlet and quickly touched one of the stars on Mister Miracle’s body. The alien seemed to realize a new host was available as it leapt at her face and sunk her into blackness.
Lilith felt the urge to relax, to let go of the struggle. It almost consumed her, like a wildfire spreading rapidly through a dry forest. However, the thought of her friends in need, combined with the psionic blockers and her own mental fortitude allowed her to push past the need to give up and gave her light again.
She found herself in a large pulsing sky, with veins running across the red flesh that had absorbed the stars. She saw people suspended from the ceiling, floating in the void of the mental network she had hacked her way into. Lilith had astral projected herself on one mission with the Titans, and the sensation she felt in this strange new world was not unlike the feeling of her soul leaving her body.
Rising up to the people, she saw a transparent webbing covering their minds, their eyes blank and heads tilted towards the red void. She recognized the bodies of Superman and the Flash, each one quivering as if beginning to seize. On the far side of the line was Mister Miracle, and Lilith could see that the hero seemed to be actively struggling against the webbing connected to his head.
She had heard he could escape anything.
Quickly, she grabbed his hand. He seemed to jump at the new presence, but as Lilith projected her positive energy into him, he renewed his struggle. She saw the sinew begin to detach from his face, the grit and determination etched across his maskless face. Soon the webbing tore free, leaving her next to a panting Mister Miracle.
“Wow, that’s the toughest escape yet,” he joked, catching his mental breath as he examined the woman that helped him. “Glad you came along when you did, but honestly I would’ve been out of there in another hour.”
“I believe you,” Lilith said, her words mentally landing in his mind. “Would you like to help me free the others?”
Scott Free smiled. “It would be an honor.”
Karen dropped her Spectrum Gun as the shell began to glow with energy, knowing she’d pushed the weapon to its breaking point. The skirmish that seemed to have lasted for hours she knew had only been a few minutes, but as she looked at Garth’s fatigued face she had the sneaking suspicion they wouldn’t last much longer.
“Running out of tricks, I see,” Superman growled, batting Garth aside as the Atlantean charged him. “Soon we can put your mind to better use than those toys you created.”
Superman began to approach Karen, his eyes glowing red. Suddenly, the star creatures on him began to shudder, as if a massive wave struck all around them. Karen saw Superman’s eyes turn back to the familiar shade of blue, a pleading look replacing the vacancy that was there before.
“Help me… fight it,” he moaned, his arm quivering as it reached for one of the stars. She saw him pull it off as he gasped in pain, the alien shriveling in his hand as it disconnected. She rushed up to him and began tugging at the creatures with all of her might, blasting them with her stingers as Garth soon joined the fray. Superman fell to his knees from the immense pain overwhelming him, the stars around him dying as they lost contact with his body. Soon one star remained.
“This is going to hurt,” Garth said to the Man of Steel, who summoned enough energy to say-
“Do it.”
Garth unleashed his violet eye beams at the star on Superman’s neck as the hero screamed in pain. Karen saw the alien bisected as it fell to the ground, with the hero following suit. They had freed him.
Bumblebee, this is Negative Flash. We’ve managed to free Flash from the parasites. We can provide assistance if needed.
“We’re all set here,” Karen breathed in relief as the Man of Steel slowly rose up, his eyes clear and full of gratitude. “Let’s regroup and figure out our final moves.”
The recovered heroes gathered in the empty shell that was the general store, surrounding the unmoving body of J’onn J’onzz. Icon and Superman stood by the doors of the building, watching for any signs of intruders or wayward aliens. Though Karen wanted nothing more than to celebrate their hard fought victory, she knew there was still work to be done.
Lilith bent over the Martian Manhunter and placed her hands on his temples. The store was silent as they waited with bated breath for the martian to revive. The green skinned alien’s red eyes opened suddenly as he quickly rose from the ground.
“You should not have woken me,” he said gravely. “We cannot allow the aliens to gain access to my abilities.” He looked around the room, now recognizing the heroes surrounding him. “You have been freed.”
“The cavalry arrived, just like you wanted,” the Flash said with a smile. “We need you for the final battle.”
“We have a general idea where the source of these creatures might be, but we don’t have any specifics,” Superman said from the front of the store. “Think you can lend us your mind to find it?”
J’onn nodded and placed his hand on the Flash’s cowl. “It seems the point of origin for these creatures is underneath the town itself. The strongest signals are coming from beneath this very store.”
“That’s weird. I made a pass with my x-ray vision and couldn’t see anything like that,” Superman said uneasily, clearly disappointed he hadn’t found an entrance.
“The hive mind placed blocks on your mind, preventing you from gaining access to their vulnerable areas,” the Martian Manhunter explained. “You cannot see what they won’t let you believe even exists.”
Karen pressed her goggles and did a scan of the store, noticing a trapdoor beneath the frozen food section. “I’m picking up a door in the freezer. Maybe that’s our way in?”
The heroes rushed for the door, only for the entire building to suddenly shake with the power of a massive earthquake. Karen felt herself get pulled suddenly by an unseen force, only to find herself outside the store as the Flash dropped her and Lilith off on the sidewalk across the street. The rest of the heroes followed as the ground beneath the store began to crumble. The storefront collapsed, revealing a giant version of the alien creatures that rose from the wreckage. Dirt and debris plummeted towards the ground and the civilians wandering below. The Legion leapt into action, with Superman and Icon swooping in to save a couple while the Flash and his negative counterpart rushed to push the controlled victims out of the way of falling rocks. Tempest magicked a wave of water that froze above the crowd and blocked the debris from reaching them. Mister Miracle rushed into the rising dust to pull out a small boy and Karen found herself reflexively flying into the frey herself, pulling a girl and her mother out of the way of the storefront that fell where they once stood.
As Karen inspected the mother and daughter, she saw the stars attached to them suddenly pry themselves off and fly into the sky, entering the massive star at an alarming pace. Looking around her, she saw the entire town covered in the star creatures as they rose into the air to join their fellow aliens.
“They’re making a tactical retreat,” Icon remarked as the heroes gathered with the townspeople below the shadow of the star ship. “Shall we pursue?”
“I think they know they’re outgunned,” Superman said, a smile crossing his face. “Looks like we live to fight another day.”
Karen couldn’t help but smile as she saw the town slowly blink back to life. Families embraced each other, friends and neighbors shook hands and exchanged laughs. The town would take a long time to heal, but she was sure they would be alright.
The Watchtower
“Quite the view, isn’t it?”
Dick Grayson approached Karen as she stared out the window into the vast expanse of space, gazing at the stars that she’d longed to visit when she was young. Now, here she was among them.
“I bet it’s something you never get used to,” Karen replied, prying her eyes from the beautiful view of Earth as she turned to greet her old friend. They hugged, the weight of their shared years behind the masks they wore momentarily suspended by each other’s presence.
“It really isn’t,” Dick remarked, pulling out of the hug. “How would you feel about being able to see that view whenever you wanted?”
Karen studied Dick’s face, trying to tell if he was joking or not. As usual, the old Boy Wonder was impossible to read.
“I hope you mean as a visitor, because you know I’m retired,” she said.
Dick nodded, but she could tell it wasn’t a nod of acceptance. “The Legion was impressed. I was impressed, and I know what you’re capable of. You’re a natural born leader, and we can use someone like you.” Dick reached into his pocket and pulled out one of the Legion’s coveted communicators.
Karen looked at the thin piece of technology in his hands and weighed her options. On one hand, the idea of suiting up like in the old days exhausted her. She wasn’t the spry young girl that joined the Teen Titans searching for adventure and friends. She did her time as Bumblebee, it was time for others to step up.
On the other hand, she couldn’t deny how great it felt seeing the people she saved in Blue Valley, Nebraska. Without her and the rest of the Legion, they might have never broken free of those Starro creatures. The thrill was still there, she couldn’t deny that. And what harm would it be to help out every once in a while? It’s not like they needed her to be a hero 24/7.
Karen placed her hand on the communicator and picked it up, a large smile creeping onto her face.
“Let’s go to work.”
submitted by dwright5252 to DCNext [link] [comments]

Kickstarter Roundup: Feb 2, 2020 | 30+ Ending Soon (including: Return to Dark Tower) & 35+ New This Week (including: It's a Wonderful World Ascension)

What this is:

This is a weekly, curated listing of Kickstarter board game projects that are either:
All board game projects meeting those criteria will automatically be included, no need to ask. (The occasional non-board game project may also sneak in!)
Expect new lists each Sunday sometime between midnight and noon PST.

Ending Soon

Project Info Players Backers Min / Avg Pledge Ends Comments
Customized Hardwood Cribbage Board -- MAKE 100 A customized cribbage board large enough to be a conversation piece. Made from a single piece of hardwood with peg and card storage. // Has raised $2,505 of $3,500 so far. (~71%) 2 - 6 20 $125 / $125 Feb 03 kicktraq
Northern Skies: Marbled Art Edition Make 100 A Bidding Game for 2-4 Players // Has raised $1,001 of $1,000 so far. (~100%) ☑ 2 - 4 23 $45 / $44 Feb 03 kicktraq
Zen Garden & Way To Go Queen Games Spring Releases! // Has raised €8,531 of €5,000 so far. (~170%) ☑ ? - ? 161 $28 / €53 Feb 03 kicktraq bgg
Herrlof A two-person trick taking card game with closed bidding and a twist // Has raised €12,084 of €1,000 so far. (~1208%) ☑ 2 - 2 804 $11 / €15 Feb 04 kicktraq bgg
Dragon Ball Z - Smash Battle: The AR Powered Miniatures Game An Official Licensed Dragon Ball Z Miniatures Game with pre-painted miniatures and Augmented Reality (AR) apps // Has raised HK$164,240 of HK$10 so far. (~1642400%) ☑ 2 - 4 150 $80 / HK$1095 Feb 04 kicktraq
This War Without an Enemy A 2-player strategic block wargame on the First English Civil War. // Has raised €19,757 of €10,000 so far. (~197%) ☑ 2 - 2 313 $59 / €63 Feb 04 kicktraq bgg
Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile Designed by Cole Wehrle, Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile is a game about remembering the history that would've been forgotten. // Has raised $975,493 of $50,000 so far. (~1950%) ☑ 1 - 5 11635 $90 / $84 Feb 04 kicktraq bgg #dicetowerpick
Cache Me If You Can! The Geocaching Board Game Geocache? Yes! This will be the 4th edition of the Geocaching game with additions and improvements over the previous editions. // Has raised $2,427 of $500 so far. (~485%) ☑ 2 - 4 46 $29 / $53 Feb 04 kicktraq #newedition
Master of Wills - Bloodcrown A new cyberpunk, medieval expansion from Master of Wills, a game of influence and manipulation. // Has raised $13,103 of $12,500 so far. (~104%) ☑ 2 - 4 152 $20 / $86 Feb 04 kicktraq bgg #expansion #reprint
Return to Dark Tower An epic fantasy game pitting 1-4 heroes against an intelligent, malevolent tower. // Has raised $3,483,592 of $850,000 so far. (~409%) ☑ 1 - 4 20039 $125 / $174 Feb 04 kicktraq #dicetowerpick
KnifeTank: The Shüffling - Pocket Size Strategy Game! You're a tank with a knife on it. KnifeTank is a player vs player card game that turns any table surface into a combat zone. All ages! // Has raised $11,684 of $8,000 so far. (~146%) ☑ 2 - 4 489 $15 / $24 Feb 04 kicktraq bgg
Glorantha: The Gods War The Highly Demanded Glorantha: The Gods War Returns to Kickstarter with NEW expansions! // Has raised $229,565 of $50,000 so far. (~459%) ☑ 3 - 4 1640 $49 / $140 Feb 04 kicktraq bgg #expansion #reprint
Masters of the Night The fate of your family will be decided in a few days. Will you turn this city into your domain—or lose it to lesser mortals? // Has raised $62,124 of $25,000 so far. (~248%) ☑ 1 - 5 1329 $39 / $47 Feb 05 kicktraq bgg
Rocketmen A fast-paced deck-building tabletop game of modern space exploration for 1-4 players. A new masterpiece from Martin Wallace. // Has raised £129,164 of £40,000 so far. (~322%) ☑ 1 - 4 2647 $31 / £49 Feb 05 kicktraq bgg
Kept Prince And NEET Princess Real Time Table Top Action Game No MC New Style Karuta // Has raised HK$10,865 of HK$5,000 so far. (~217%) ☑ 2 - 6 54 $13 / HK$201 Feb 05 kicktraq
Foundations of Rome An elegant and intuitive city building game designed by the award-winning Emerson Matsuuchi // Has raised $733,167 of $50,000 so far. (~1466%) ☑ 2 - 4 5299 $99 / $138 Feb 06 kicktraq bgg
100 Astronauts A beautifully designed space colonization card game with extremely addictive gameplay. Exclusive for "Make 100". // Has raised £11,623 of £1,000 so far. (~1162%) ☑ 2 - 3 342 $31 / £34 Feb 06 kicktraq
APEX : Collected Edition APEX : CE includes the Base Game + ALL Available Expansion Decks! // Has raised $231,046 of $42,000 so far. (~550%) ☑ 1 - 6 2651 $8 / $87 Feb 06 kicktraq bgg #newedition #expansion
Dungeon Party The Hilarious Coin-Bouncing Role-Playing Game // Has raised $108,036 of $5,000 so far. (~2160%) ☑ 1 - 6 2022 $19 / $53 Feb 06 kicktraq bgg
Filthy Kings - A Card Game A strategic bluffing game, where you must expel all Annoying Inhabitants from your Kingdom, and send them to your opponents’ Kingdoms! // Has raised €3,082 of €3,000 so far. (~102%) ☑ 3 - 5 64 $17 / €48 Feb 06 kicktraq bgg
Shiver Me Timbers A Strategic Pirate Sandbox Game with Modular Miniatures // Has raised €55,826 of €25,000 so far. (~223%) ☑ 2 - 4 809 $77 / €69 Feb 06 kicktraq bgg #take2
Grendha: Search For Lost Triumphs Grendha is a 2-4 player strategic miniature war game equipped with detailed Miniatures, Cards, Tokens, and Dice. // Has raised $62,296 of $40,000 so far. (~155%) ☑ 2 - 4 487 $69 / $128 Feb 06 kicktraq bgg
Pavlov's Dogs A fast, engaging co-op game of memory & conditioning, for 2-8 players. Follow the rules & act like fools! You'll be drooling for more! // Has raised $8,186 of $9,000 so far. (~90%) 2 - 8 266 $20 / $31 Feb 06 kicktraq bgg
D.E.I. - Divide et Impera D.E.I. - Divide et Impera is a competitive game based on conquests of resources, set in a world devastated by a New Ice Age // Has raised €224,794 of €90,000 so far. (~249%) ☑ 1 - 4 2118 $66 / €106 Feb 06 kicktraq bgg #take2
AVGhost Paranormal Investigation (limited units) Horror investigation experience. A board game played in the dark. // Has raised €27,298 of €300 so far. (~9099%) ☑ 1 - 4 236 $100 / €116 Feb 06 kicktraq bgg #reprint
Duffers Golf for Gamers. The Game for Golfers. A Golf-Inspired Deck Building Game // Has raised $7,585 of $10,500 so far. (~72%) 1 - 4 149 $25 / $51 Feb 07 kicktraq bgg
Cocky Cowrie The first-ever cowrie & money based game. Roll cowries & bet using multipliers to win money on each move. // Has raised $14,537 CAD of $10,000 CAD so far. (~145%) ☑ 2 - 10 232 $20 / $63 CAD Feb 07 kicktraq
Dungeon Ball Dungeon Ball is what happens when you mix Blood Bowl with King of Tokyo. // Has raised $6,974 of $5,000 so far. (~139%) ☑ 1 - 2 220 $30 / $32 Feb 07 kicktraq
Stuhoundious For people who like dogs and games. Or just dogs. Or just games. Or neither but need a gift. // Has raised $2,911 of $2,000 so far. (~145%) ☑ 2 - 7 61 $20 / $48 Feb 08 kicktraq
Micro City Build your city wherever you want with this pocket-sized game! // Has raised £38,392 of £6,000 so far. (~639%) ☑ 1 - 2 2709 $18 / £14 Feb 09 kicktraq bgg

New This Week

Project Info Players Backers Min / Avg Pledge Ends Comments
#CultureTags A spirited game for people who love hashtags. // Has raised $20,819 of $15,000 so far. (~138%) ☑ 2 - 20 225 $10 / $93 Feb 29
Adventure of D (second edition) A fantasy adventure game using the diceless Power Card system. A BIG game in a small box! // Has raised $13,585 of $10,200 so far. (~133%) ☑ 1 - 3 351 $20 / $39 Feb 20 bgg #newedition
Antimatter Betrayal AWESOME Hidden Role Board Game! Exciting, fast and easy to play with family and friends! You will save the World or...... Destroy it! // Has raised €329 of €5,000 so far. (~6%) 5 - 10 9 $28 / €37 Mar 08
Arcane Alley: Moonstruck Market Sell your goods in this wolfish expansion to the black magic market's tableau and set collection game. // Has raised $10,413 of $7,500 so far. (~138%) ☑ 2 - 6 235 $19 / $44 Feb 12 bgg #expansion #reprint
AVGhost Paranormal Investigation (limited units) Horror investigation experience. A board game played in the dark. // Has raised €27,298 of €300 so far. (~9099%) ☑ 1 - 4 236 $100 / €116 Feb 06 bgg #reprint
Band Battle Royale Rock & Role Playing Card Game // Has raised $3,342 of $15,000 so far. (~22%) 2 - 4 56 $40 / $60 Mar 02 bgg
Battle Babies: Deckbuilding Card Game The wacky card game about recruiting an army, battling your friends, and looking at cute babies. // Has raised $1,955 of $3,800 so far. (~51%) 2 - 4 46 $25 / $43 Feb 26 bgg
BATTLE OF BRITAIN POCKET CARD GAME World War 2 in your pocket, Battle of Britain is a 2 player pocket travel game, plays in 30 minutes. // Has raised £1,911 of £1,500 so far. (~127%) ☑ 2 - 2 90 $12 / £21 Mar 02
BE A DICK An adult party game with unique potential for laughter cramps and reflection on the diversity of the human body // Has raised kr461 DKK of kr160,800 DKK so far. (~0%) ? - ? 5 $37 / kr92 DKK Feb 27 #nsfw
Big Bad Fables A fun introductory deckbuilding game with a story to tell. // Has raised $2,037 of $12,000 so far. (~16%) 1 - 4 63 $25 / $32 Feb 27 bgg
Canosa Deluxe Wooden Board Game. A 2-player abstract strategy game // Has raised $4,950 of $3,000 so far. (~165%) ☑ 2 - 2 46 $125 / $108 Feb 26 bgg
CHANCELLORSVILLE 1863 Playable in 1 hour. For 1 to 2 players. Innovative Civil War game with hidden movement, solitaire game engine, using military maps. // Has raised $11,416 of $2,500 so far. (~456%) ☑ 1 - 2 137 $64 / $83 Feb 16 bgg
Corpse Cat A hilarious game of luck and spite ...and lots of dead cats // Has raised $1,269 of $2,600 so far. (~48%) 4 - 10 42 $20 / $30 Feb 27 bgg
D.E.I. - Divide et Impera D.E.I. - Divide et Impera is a competitive game based on conquests of resources, set in a world devastated by a New Ice Age // Has raised €224,794 of €90,000 so far. (~249%) ☑ 1 - 4 2118 $66 / €106 Feb 06 bgg #take2
Dino Strife Dino Strife is a 2-4 player competitive strategy dinosaur board game where your choices decide your fate. Do you have what it takes? // Has raised $86 of $74,100 so far. (~0%) 2 - 4 2 $85 / $43 Mar 02
DOGGOHOME: The Card Game for Dog Lovers To provide families & friend with a great time while educating players about the needs of dogs in a fun and interactive way. // Has raised $1,885 of $5,000 so far. (~37%) 2 - 6 71 $19 / $27 Feb 29 bgg
Dumpster Fire A fun and fast-paced card game of full of political scandals, treachery, conspiracy, and comeuppance! // Has raised $2,243 of $2,500 so far. (~89%) 3 - 8 44 $18 / $51 Mar 16 bgg
Epic Monster Tea Party Expansion An expansion to turn the 2-4 player tabletop game, Epic Monster Tea Party, into a 2-6 player game! // Has raised $2,356 of $2,000 so far. (~117%) ☑ 2 - 6 63 $15 / $37 Feb 24 bgg #expansion #reprint
Fractured Galaxy A 80's Sci-Fi Themed, Fast Paced 4x Space Empires Game for 1-6 players. // Has raised $4,941 of $19,995 so far. (~24%) 1 - 8 77 $49 / $64 Feb 28 bgg
Fury of Gozmar an old-school strategy game for 2 players // Has raised €6,803 of €12,700 so far. (~53%) 2 - 2 140 $50 / €49 Feb 28 bgg
Genotype: A Mendelian Genetics Game A worker placement and dice drafting game built upon Gregor Mendel's work with genetics and pea plants. // Has raised $118,891 of $15,000 so far. (~792%) ☑ 2 - 5 2247 $39 / $53 Feb 27 bgg
Island Siege Anniversary Edition This is your chance to upgrade your APE Games classic with deluxe components and 4-player support. // Has raised $9,264 of $19,000 so far. (~48%) 2 - 4 196 $29 / $47 Feb 11 bgg #newedition
It's a Wonderful World Ascension The "Ascension" expansion for It's a Wonderful World. // Has raised €228,267 of €20,000 so far. (~1141%) ☑ 1 - 6 4965 $25 / €46 Feb 13 bgg #expansion #reprint
JamSumo It's a flickin' dexterity game. Handmade, limited edition, wooden board game. // Has raised £7,767 of £500 so far. (~1553%) ☑ 2 - 4 125 $60 / £62 Mar 18 bgg
Jujo - Redux A game of strategy, guile, and exploding thingies... // Has raised $1,332 of $1,500 so far. (~88%) 2 - 5 18 $25 / $74 Mar 01 bgg #take2
Launch Torpedoes! board game A (manufactured) solo board game where it's up to you to stop an enemy fleet from getting through! // Has raised $593 of $375 so far. (~158%) ☑ 1 - 1 16 $30 / $37 Feb 27 bgg
Q Cards A card game about local history to play with friends comprised of impactful events in Chicago’s history. // Has raised $737 of $10,000 so far. (~7%) ? - ? 21 $20 / $35 Mar 01
QE and On Tour A reprint of two critically acclaimed board games. // Has raised $80,514 of $10,000 so far. (~805%) ☑ ? - ? 2101 $19 / $38 Feb 21 #reprint #expansion
Rocketmen A fast-paced deck-building tabletop game of modern space exploration for 1-4 players. A new masterpiece from Martin Wallace. // Has raised £129,164 of £40,000 so far. (~322%) ☑ 1 - 4 2647 $31 / £49 Feb 05 bgg
Silly Antics Laughter is the best medicine! Silly Antics is a unique new kind of board game for families or adult drinks parties. Join our mission! // Has raised £582 of £29,700 so far. (~1%) 3 - 20 4 $73 / £146 Mar 01
Solar Dominion Fleet Combat A limited Make 100 release of a strategic area-control board game about conflict on a solar system wide scale // Has raised £2,130 of £1,000 so far. (~213%) ☑ 2 - 2 68 $40 / £31 Feb 24 bgg
Sour Grapes A fun and exciting party game where you win by making fun of your friends. // Has raised $188 of $10,000 so far. (~1%) ? - ? 10 $30 / $19 Mar 12
The Big Job Hit the Mega Bank with your crew and make millions! // Has raised $0 of $700 so far. (~0%) ? - ? 0 $35 / NA Mar 16
The Key to Drakazard - a Fantasy Card Game Do everything you can to stop your opponents and be the one to play the Key! Features a limited Make 100 treasure box. // Has raised €561 of €2,000 so far. (~28%) ? - ? 19 $20 / €30 Feb 25
The Rival Networks A 2-player version of the tabletop board game The Networks. // Has raised $28,495 of $20,000 so far. (~142%) ☑ 2 - 2 777 $25 / $37 Feb 14 bgg
Trump Roast Use Donald's "best words" to solve ridiculous global Policy questions. // Has raised $3,748 of $15,800 so far. (~23%) 4 - 12 82 $38 / $46 Feb 29 bgg
Vigilante Vigilante is a deduction and tableau-building board game set in a universe of heroes and villains. // Has raised $3,292 CAD of $40,000 CAD so far. (~8%) 3 - 6 72 $40 / $46 CAD Feb 27 bgg
Witchin' Hour A tabletop skirmish game pitting Witch Hunters against Witches. // Has raised €980 of €1,750 so far. (~56%) 2 - 2 30 $12 / €33 Mar 02
Woodlings Woodlings is a culty, mafia-esque card game for 3 to 6 players. For people who like party games, sleuthing and elder beings. // Has raised $716 AUD of $10,000 AUD so far. (~7%) 3 - 6 18 $17 / $40 AUD Feb 28

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[H] Games - HumbleBundle & Fanatical [W] Game Offers

Humble Bundle Gift Links - All are Steam games unless noted
Fanatical Steam Keys
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I am about to post the 3000 most common words in the English lexicon. Wish me luck...

a abandon ability able abortion about above abroad absence absolute absolutely absorb abuse academic accept access accident accompany accomplish according account accurate accuse achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquire across act action active activist activity actor actress actual actually ad adapt add addition additional address adequate adjust adjustment administration administrator admire admission admit adolescent adopt adult advance advanced advantage adventure advertising advice advise adviser advocate affair affect afford afraid African African-American after afternoon again against age agency agenda agent aggressive ago agree agreement agricultural ah ahead aid aide AIDS aim air aircraft airline airport album alcohol alive all alliance allow ally almost alone along already also alter alternative although always AM amazing American among amount analysis analyst analyze ancient and anger angle angry animal anniversary announce annual another answer anticipate anxiety any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apparent apparently appeal appear appearance apple application apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximately Arab architect area argue argument arise arm armed army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive art article artist artistic as Asian aside ask asleep aspect assault assert assess assessment asset assign assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assure at athlete athletic atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attention attitude attorney attract attractive attribute audience author authority auto available average avoid award aware awareness away awful baby back background bad badly bag bake balance ball ban band bank bar barely barrel barrier base baseball basic basically basis basket basketball bathroom battery battle be beach bean bear beat beautiful beauty because become bed bedroom beer before begin beginning behavior behind being belief believe bell belong below belt bench bend beneath benefit beside besides best bet better between beyond Bible big bike bill billion bind biological bird birth birthday bit bite black blade blame blanket blind block blood blow blue board boat body bomb bombing bond bone book boom boot border born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom boundary bowl box boy boyfriend brain branch brand bread break breakfast breast breath breathe brick bridge brief briefly bright brilliant bring British broad broken brother brown brush buck budget build building bullet bunch burden burn bury bus business busy but butter button buy buyer by cabin cabinet cable cake calculate call camera camp campaign campus can Canadian cancer candidate cap capability capable capacity capital captain capture car carbon card care career careful carefully carrier carry case cash cast cat catch category Catholic cause ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity cell center central century CEO ceremony certain certainly chain chair chairman challenge chamber champion championship chance change changing channel chapter character characteristic characterize charge charity chart chase cheap check cheek cheese chef chemical chest chicken chief child childhood Chinese chip chocolate choice cholesterol choose Christian Christmas church cigarette circle circumstance cite citizen city civil civilian claim class classic classroom clean clear clearly client climate climb clinic clinical clock close closely closer clothes clothing cloud club clue cluster coach coal coalition coast coat code coffee cognitive cold collapse colleague collect collection collective college colonial color column combination combine come comedy comfort comfortable command commander comment commercial commission commit commitment committee common communicate communication community company compare comparison compete competition competitive competitor complain complaint complete completely complex complicated component compose composition comprehensive computer concentrate concentration concept concern concerned concert conclude conclusion concrete condition conduct conference confidence confident confirm conflict confront confusion Congress congressional connect connection consciousness consensus consequence conservative consider considerable consideration consist consistent constant constantly constitute constitutional construct construction consultant consume consumer consumption contact contain container contemporary content contest context continue continued contract contrast contribute contribution control controversial controversy convention conventional conversation convert conviction convince cook cookie cooking cool cooperation cop cope copy core corn corner corporate corporation correct correspondent cost cotton couch could council counselor count counter country county couple courage course court cousin cover coverage cow crack craft crash crazy cream create creation creative creature credit crew crime criminal crisis criteria critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crowd crucial cry cultural culture cup curious current currently curriculum custom customer cut cycle dad daily damage dance danger dangerous dare dark darkness data date daughter day dead deal dealer dear death debate debt decade decide decision deck declare decline decrease deep deeply deer defeat defend defendant defense defensive deficit define definitely definition degree delay deliver delivery demand democracy Democrat democratic demonstrate demonstration deny department depend dependent depending depict depression depth deputy derive describe description desert deserve design designer desire desk desperate despite destroy destruction detail detailed detect determine develop developing development device devote dialogue die diet differ difference different differently difficult difficulty dig digital dimension dining dinner direct direction directly director dirt dirty disability disagree disappear disaster discipline discourse discover discovery discrimination discuss discussion disease dish dismiss disorder display dispute distance distant distinct distinction distinguish distribute distribution district diverse diversity divide division divorce DNA do doctor document dog domestic dominant dominate door double doubt down downtown dozen draft drag drama dramatic dramatically draw drawing dream dress drink drive driver drop drug dry due during dust duty each eager ear early earn earnings earth ease easily east eastern easy eat economic economics economist economy edge edition editor educate education educational educator effect effective effectively efficiency efficient effort egg eight either elderly elect election electric electricity electronic element elementary eliminate elite else elsewhere e-mail embrace emerge emergency emission emotion emotional emphasis emphasize employ employee employer employment empty enable encounter encourage end enemy energy enforcement engage engine engineer engineering English enhance enjoy enormous enough ensure enter enterprise entertainment entire entirely entrance entry environment environmental episode equal equally equipment era error escape especially essay essential essentially establish establishment estate estimate etc ethics ethnic European evaluate evaluation even evening event eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evolution evolve exact exactly examination examine example exceed excellent except exception exchange exciting executive exercise exhibit exhibition exist existence existing expand expansion expect expectation expense expensive experience experiment expert explain explanation explode explore explosion expose exposure express expression extend extension extensive extent external extra extraordinary extreme extremely eye fabric face facility fact factor factory faculty fade fail failure fair fairly faith fall false familiar family famous fan fantasy far farm farmer fashion fast fat fate father fault favor favorite fear feature federal fee feed feel feeling fellow female fence few fewer fiber fiction field fifteen fifth fifty fight fighter fighting figure file fill film final finally finance financial find finding fine finger finish fire firm first fish fishing fit fitness five fix flag flame flat flavor flee flesh flight float floor flow flower fly focus folk follow following food foot football for force foreign forest forever forget form formal formation former formula forth fortune forward found foundation founder four fourth frame framework free freedom freeze French frequency frequent frequently fresh friend friendly friendship from front fruit frustration fuel full fully fun function fund fundamental funding funeral funny furniture furthermore future gain galaxy gallery game gang gap garage garden garlic gas gate gather gay gaze gear gender gene general generally generate generation genetic gentleman gently German gesture get ghost giant gift gifted girl girlfriend give given glad glance glass global glove go goal God gold golden golf good government governor grab grade gradually graduate grain grand grandfather grandmother grant grass grave gray great greatest green grocery ground group grow growing growth guarantee guard guess guest guide guideline guilty gun guy habit habitat hair half hall hand handful handle hang happen happy hard hardly hat hate have he head headline headquarters health healthy hear hearing heart heat heaven heavily heavy heel height helicopter hell hello help helpful her here heritage hero herself hey hi hide high highlight highly highway hill him himself hip hire his historian historic historical history hit hold hole holiday holy home homeless honest honey honor hope horizon horror horse hospital host hot hotel hour house household housing how however huge human humor hundred hungry hunter hunting hurt husband hypothesis I ice idea ideal identification identify identity ie if ignore ill illegal illness illustrate image imagination imagine immediate immediately immigrant immigration impact implement implication imply importance important impose impossible impress impression impressive improve improvement in incentive incident include including income incorporate increase increased increasing increasingly incredible indeed independence independent index Indian indicate indication individual industrial industry infant infection inflation influence inform information ingredient initial initially initiative injury inner innocent inquiry inside insight insist inspire install instance instead institution institutional instruction instructor instrument insurance intellectual intelligence intend intense intensity intention interaction interest interested interesting internal international Internet interpret interpretation intervention interview into introduce introduction invasion invest investigate investigation investigator investment investor invite involve involved involvement Iraqi Irish iron Islamic island Israeli issue it Italian item its itself jacket jail Japanese jet Jew Jewish job join joint joke journal journalist journey joy judge judgment juice jump junior jury just justice justify keep key kick kid kill killer killing kind king kiss kitchen knee knife knock know knowledge lab label labor laboratory lack lady lake land landscape language lap large largely last late later Latin latter laugh launch law lawn lawsuit lawyer lay layer lead leader leadership leading leaf league lean learn learning least leather leave left leg legacy legal legend legislation legitimate lemon length less lesson let letter level liberal library license lie life lifestyle lifetime lift light like likely limit limitation limited line link lip list listen literally literary literature little live living load loan local locate location lock long long-term look loose lose loss lost lot lots loud love lovely lover low lower luck lucky lunch lung machine mad magazine mail main mainly maintain maintenance major majority make maker makeup male mall man manage management manager manner manufacturer manufacturing many map margin mark market marketing marriage married marry mask mass massive master match material math matter may maybe mayor me meal mean meaning meanwhile measure measurement meat mechanism media medical medication medicine medium meet meeting member membership memory mental mention menu mere merely mess message metal meter method Mexican middle might military milk million mind mine minister minor minority minute miracle mirror miss missile mission mistake mix mixture mm-hmm mode model moderate modern modest mom moment money monitor month mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mostly mother motion motivation motor mount mountain mouse mouth move movement movie Mr Mrs Ms much multiple murder muscle museum music musical musician Muslim must mutual my myself mystery myth naked name narrative narrow nation national native natural naturally nature near nearby nearly necessarily necessary neck need negative negotiate negotiation neighbor neighborhood neither nerve nervous net network never nevertheless new newly news newspaper next nice night nine no nobody nod noise nomination none nonetheless nor normal normally north northern nose not note nothing notice notion novel now nowhere n't nuclear number numerous nurse nut object objective obligation observation observe observer obtain obvious obviously occasion occasionally occupation occupy occur ocean odd odds of off offense offensive offer office officer official often oh oil ok okay old Olympic on once one ongoing onion online only onto open opening operate operating operation operator opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposite opposition option or orange order ordinary organic organization organize orientation origin original originally other others otherwise ought our ourselves out outcome outside oven over overall overcome overlook owe own owner pace pack package page pain painful paint painter painting pair pale Palestinian palm pan panel pant paper parent park parking part participant participate participation particular particularly partly partner partnership party pass passage passenger passion past patch path patient pattern pause pay payment PC peace peak peer penalty people pepper per perceive percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance perhaps period permanent permission permit person personal personality personally personnel perspective persuade pet phase phenomenon philosophy phone photo photograph photographer phrase physical physically physician piano pick picture pie piece pile pilot pine pink pipe pitch place plan plane planet planning plant plastic plate platform play player please pleasure plenty plot plus PM pocket poem poet poetry point pole police policy political politically politician politics poll pollution pool poor pop popular population porch port portion portrait portray pose position positive possess possibility possible possibly post pot potato potential potentially pound pour poverty powder power powerful practical practice pray prayer precisely predict prefer preference pregnancy pregnant preparation prepare prescription presence present presentation preserve president presidential press pressure pretend pretty prevent previous previously price pride priest primarily primary prime principal principle print prior priority prison prisoner privacy private probably problem procedure proceed process produce producer product production profession professional professor profile profit program progress project prominent promise promote prompt proof proper properly property proportion proposal propose proposed prosecutor prospect protect protection protein protest proud prove provide provider province provision psychological psychologist psychology public publication publicly publish publisher pull punishment purchase pure purpose pursue push put qualify quality quarter quarterback question quick quickly quiet quietly quit quite quote race racial radical radio rail rain raise range rank rapid rapidly rare rarely rate rather rating ratio raw reach react reaction read reader reading ready real reality realize really reason reasonable recall receive recent recently recipe recognition recognize recommend recommendation record recording recover recovery recruit red reduce reduction refer reference reflect reflection reform refugee refuse regard regarding regardless regime region regional register regular regularly regulate regulation reinforce reject relate relation relationship relative relatively relax release relevant relief religion religious rely remain remaining remarkable remember remind remote remove repeat repeatedly replace reply report reporter represent representation representative Republican reputation request require requirement research researcher resemble reservation resident resist resistance resolution resolve resort resource respect respond respondent response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restore restriction result retain retire retirement return reveal revenue review revolution rhythm rice rich rid ride rifle right ring rise risk river road rock role roll romantic roof room root rope rose rough roughly round route routine row rub rule run running rural rush Russian sacred sad safe safety sake salad salary sale sales salt same sample sanction sand satellite satisfaction satisfy sauce save saving say scale scandal scared scenario scene schedule scheme scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist scope score scream screen script sea search season seat second secret secretary section sector secure security see seed seek seem segment seize select selection self sell Senate senator send senior sense sensitive sentence separate sequence series serious seriously serve service session set setting settle settlement seven several severe sex sexual shade shadow shake shall shape share sharp she sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship shirt shit shock shoe shoot shooting shop shopping shore short shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shrug shut sick side sigh sight sign signal significance significant significantly silence silent silver similar similarly simple simply sin since sing singer single sink sir sister sit site situation six size ski skill skin sky slave sleep slice slide slight slightly slip slow slowly small smart smell smile smoke smooth snap snow so so-called soccer social society soft software soil solar soldier solid solution solve some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song soon sophisticated sorry sort soul sound soup source south southern Soviet space Spanish speak speaker special specialist species specific specifically speech speed spend spending spin spirit spiritual split spokesman sport spot spread spring square squeeze stability stable staff stage stair stake stand standard standing star stare start state statement station statistics status stay steady steal steel step stick still stir stock stomach stone stop storage store storm story straight strange stranger strategic strategy stream street strength strengthen stress stretch strike string strip stroke strong strongly structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject submit subsequent substance substantial succeed success successful successfully such sudden suddenly sue suffer sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suicide suit summer summit sun super supply support supporter suppose supposed Supreme sure surely surface surgery surprise surprised surprising surprisingly surround survey survival survive survivor suspect sustain swear sweep sweet swim swing switch symbol symptom system table tablespoon tactic tail take tale talent talk tall tank tap tape target task taste tax taxpayer tea teach teacher teaching team tear teaspoon technical technique technology teen teenager telephone telescope television tell temperature temporary ten tend tendency tennis tension tent term terms terrible territory terror terrorism terrorist test testify testimony testing text than thank thanks that the theater their them theme themselves then theory therapy there therefore these they thick thin thing think thinking third thirty this those though thought thousand threat threaten three throat through throughout throw thus ticket tie tight time tiny tip tire tired tissue title to tobacco today toe together tomato tomorrow tone tongue tonight too tool tooth top topic toss total totally touch tough tour tourist tournament toward towards tower town toy trace track trade tradition traditional traffic tragedy trail train training transfer transform transformation transition translate transportation travel treat treatment treaty tree tremendous trend trial tribe trick trip troop trouble truck true truly trust truth try tube tunnel turn TV twelve twenty twice twin two type typical typically ugly ultimate ultimately unable uncle under undergo understand understanding unfortunately uniform union unique unit United universal universe university unknown unless unlike unlikely until unusual up upon upper urban urge us use used useful user usual usually utility vacation valley valuable value variable variation variety various vary vast vegetable vehicle venture version versus very vessel veteran via victim victory video view viewer village violate violation violence violent virtually virtue virus visible vision visit visitor visual vital voice volume volunteer vote voter vs vulnerable wage wait wake walk wall wander want war warm warn warning wash waste watch water wave way we weak wealth wealthy weapon wear weather wedding week weekend weekly weigh weight welcome welfare well west western wet what whatever wheel when whenever where whereas whether which while whisper white who whole whom whose why wide widely widespread wife wild will willing win wind window wine wing winner winter wipe wire wisdom wise wish with withdraw within without witness woman wonder wonderful wood wooden word work worker working works workshop world worried worry worth would wound wrap write writer writing wrong yard yeah year yell yellow yes yesterday yet yield you young your yours yourself youth zone
submitted by TheCoderAndAvatar to OneWordBan [link] [comments]

[H] Games - HumbleBundle & Fanatical [W] Game Offers

Humble Bundle Gift Links - All are Steam games unless noted
Fanatical Steam Keys
I try to respond to each post an apologize if I miss yours but if I do not respond within 24 hours I am most likely not interested
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sky bet masters golf each way video

When you bet £10 each way, you aren’t just betting £10. This is a pretty common mistake, so don’t worry. £10 ‘each way’ means that you bet £10 on one outcome and £10 on another outcome. In this example, this bet would have cost £20. An each way bet from start to finish: Make a selection and decide how much you want to bet each way. Golf News. News Masters TV times: How and when to The opening major of the year gets underway at Augusta this week, with extended coverage of the Masters live on Sky Sports. Each-Way Golf Betting tips from the betting.betfair Golf team. Join today for the latest golf each-way betting tips. Sky Bet are offering more than 50 unrivalled betting markets ahead of the 2010 Masters at Augusta. The online bookmaker, who are paying five places each way in the outright market, make Tiger The Masters Betting Odds. View all available outright and match odds, plus get news, tips, free bets and money-back offers. All you need to bet. In order to claim the £10 free bet, customers must upgrade their Sky Games account to a Sky Betting and Gaming account by adding a card and complying with all verification requirements. Free bets will be credited within 72 hours of meeting the qualifying requirements, except in the event of any technical difficulties delaying crediting, in which case free bets will be credited as soon as The 84th Masters tournament takes place at Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, as the business end of the tournament begins, with the mid-tournament cut. Despite play still going on at the time of writing, there is a pattern emerging for the weekend ahead, as we pick out an outright and each-way selection for the final two days play, in the battle for the Green Jacket Our expert tipster unearths each-way value plays with odds of 30/1, 66/1, 90/1, 110/1 and 140/1 in the The Masters Tournament outright betting. For the avoidance of doubt, any customers who currently or have previously held an account with Sky Bet, Sky Vegas, Sky Casino, Sky Bingo or Sky Poker will be considered existing customers. In order to qualify for this promotion, new customers must place a minimum of £5 as their first bet on a single or each way bet on any Sky Bet market at odds of 1/1 or greater. Sky Bet, Betfair, Paddy Power and BoyleSports are all paying double-digit places on each-way bets at the Masters.

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